Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1703 More terrifying than death

Ning Wanqing glanced at Lu Yu but said nothing.

Lu Yu continued: "The first choice is the same as the choice you gave me just now. I am willing to let you become my subordinate. Although you are a bit stupid, you still have the strength, and the subordinates There are also a lot of helpers, which should be a good help..."

"I reject."

Before Lu Yu could finish his words, Ning Wanqing refused without any room for negotiation.

Lu Yu was not worried. He glanced at her and said, "So decisive? You haven't even heard the second option I gave. Aren't you afraid that I will be as unreasonable as you? The second option I gave is A dead end?"

Ning Wanqing smiled disdainfully: "Do you dare to kill me? The situation between us is different. If you really dared to kill me, you wouldn't waste so much time."

Hearing what she said, Lu Yu had no reaction, but Bai Zimei beside him felt his heart in his throat.

This Miss Ning is really nice. Why are you messing with him?

Ning Wanqing didn't know Lu Yu's acting style, but after getting along with her for this period of time, Bai Zimei gradually understood Lu Yu's temperament. How could this person have any scruples? Lu Yu's family status could allow Lu Yu to throw a tantrum into the trap, so she had really made the wrong calculation!

Sure enough, a faint smile appeared on Lu Yu's face. As soon as he saw this smile, Bai Zimei knew in his heart that Ning Wanqing was unlucky again...

"You are right, I will not kill you, but it is not because I dare not, nor because I cannot do it, but because there is no need. Sometimes death is not the most terrible thing, you do you know?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu slowly came forward, gently lifted her white chin with one hand, and forced her to meet his eyes.

"You, what are you going to do..."

At this moment, a trace of panic finally appeared in Ning Wanqing's eyes. She shook her head desperately, trying to avoid Lu Yu's gaze, but it was difficult to do so no matter what.

"It turns out that Miss Ning is also afraid. You are not as fearless as you show!"

While Lu Yu looked at her closely, he put his hand on her body and touched the switch of the shining silver armor. He pressed it lightly, and there was a crisp sound, and the silver armor was smoothly switched on. The ground was peeled off, revealing the tight black silk underwear. The blood-soaking curves were instantly exposed, fully displayed in front of Lu Yu.

"You! You are so brave! Do you dare to lay a finger on me?" Ning Wanqing's eyes became extremely sharp, but her crimson face somewhat weakened the threat.

"Only one finger? How is that enough?"

Lu Yu smiled softly, and with a little force on his hand, there was a sudden squeak, and the black silk underwear split instantly, revealing an even more shocking scene.

"You bastard!"

"You're dead! I can assure you, you're dead!"

"Not just you, but also these two women next to you! And everyone here! And the entire Xihai City, everyone will be buried with him!"

How could Lu Yu pay attention to her threat? There was no hesitation in the move, and the sound of "chi la chi la" was heard endlessly. Within a moment, Ning Wanqing no longer had any intact clothes on her body, and her whole body was completely and unreservedly exposed in front of Lu Yu.

The scene at this moment was somewhat inappropriate for children... Bai Zimei originally thought about whether to avoid it, but Lu Yu didn't say anything clearly, so she couldn't avoid it.

Moreover, Cui Zhenzhen is also still at the scene. She is working hard to continue to control Ning Wanqing, but it seems to be getting more and more difficult... If Lu Yu really wants to pull some "tricks", say Maybe they will have to work together to hold down Ning Wanqing's hands and feet later...

Bai Zimei couldn't help but feel a sense of absurdity in her heart. Although she had done many dirty things in Yunyan Pavilion, this was the first time she had personally participated in it like this...

"If I were you, I wouldn't make so many unfulfilled threats... Could it be that this big place really makes people brainless?"

Lu Yu was not polite at all, nor did he have any thoughts of pity for the beauty. He directly kneaded a certain majestic place vigorously. The beautiful touch could not help but make him linger for a while.

Ning Wanqing finally closed her mouth obediently, and two lines of tears silently flowed down the corners of her eyes. At this moment, she truly believed that the man in front of her could do anything...

"What? Do you know you're afraid now?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said: "How about I give you another chance? As long as you immediately admit your mistake and beg me for mercy, I will let you go this time... After all, in the current environment, frankly speaking, I am not Totally let go.”

Ning Wanqing opened her eyes again and looked at Lu Yu in disbelief.

"Miss Ning is really courageous. Even though she is like this, she still refuses to give up her pride. She would rather be in pieces than in ruins... In this case, okay, then I will have to help you!"

With that said, Lu Yu started to unbutton his clothes.

"Don't! Stop...stop!"

Ning Wanqing said quickly, her eyes no longer showing the arrogance before.

"I'm sorry, Special Envoy Lu... I was wrong today. I shouldn't have come to offend you..."

"Is this how you apologize to people? Why do I feel that this attitude is not very sincere?" Lu Yu said, waving to Cui Zhenzhen who was standing aside.

Cui Zhenzhen immediately understood, and the blockade on the golden elixir was slightly loosened, allowing Ning Wanqing to temporarily regain her freedom.

As soon as Ning Wanqing regained her freedom of movement, she immediately covered her vital parts. She hesitated for a moment, and finally slowly knelt down in front of Lu Yu.

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