Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1704 Take a tour

"Special Envoy Lu, please accept my apology..."

Ning Wanqing bowed to Lu Yu Yingying. Although she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, she showed off her slender and beautiful waist and smooth jade-like back.

"Very good, that's right!"

Lu Yu finally laughed: "Isn't it much better like this? I know that you are probably not convinced, but at least this way, I feel relieved!"

Ning Wanqing gritted her teeth and said silently: "Special Envoy Lu, can I leave now?"

"Let's go, let's go!" Lu Yu waved his hand, "Even if you continue to stay here, I guess you won't be able to act for long! You can't become a big fat man with just one bite. Let's continue next time!"

Ning Wanqing didn't say a word and silently picked up the armor on the ground.

"Well, this won't work..."

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu stopped her movement and said: "This is already my trophy, you can't take it away... If you are really embarrassed, you can use this to cover it!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu picked up some dead branches and leaves on the ground and threw them on her.

Ning Wanqing's expression changed involuntarily.

Lu Yu is deliberately trying to humiliate himself.

If she goes out naked like this, her face and prestige will be gone, and she will never be able to gain recognition in her own department.

Sometimes, death is not the most terrifying thing...

Lu Yu was using naked reality to prove this to her.

"How can this cover anything? This is too disgraceful... Why not, let's use this!" Bai Zimei suddenly said.

Then, she took out a piece of clothing from somewhere and put it on Ning Wanqing.

Although the clothes were very ill-fitting, they finally covered those vital parts that made one's ears red and heart palpitating, and they didn't look so obtrusive.

However, Lu Yu always felt that the clothes on her body looked familiar...

Ning Wanqing gave Bai Zimei a grateful glance, without saying anything, gathered her clothes, turned around and walked out.

"Phew... finally gone!"

Until Ning Wanqing's figure disappeared, Bai Zimei couldn't help but patted his chest and said with lingering fear, "Sir, you just said that the control on her is about to be released? Why are you still doing this? Something dangerous?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "What are you afraid of? I've already plucked her naked just now. There's no way she can just attack us naked, right?"

Bai Zimei was speechless. This answer was really shameless...

"Sir, why didn't you just send her..." Cui Zhenzhen asked.

Although the words were not finished, both of them knew the rest of the meaning.

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "Why do you really want to see me perform an erotic drama in front of you? I'm just bluffing to scare her... How can you let go of this kind of thing so easily!"

When Cui Zhenzhen heard this, she lowered her head and said nothing. She didn't know what she was thinking...

"Why did you give her that dress just now?" Lu Yu asked Bai Zimei again, "If I read correctly, that dress seems to be my dress, right?"

Bai Zimei said: "After all, she is a young lady from the Ning family. I'm worried that if I pushed her into a panic just now and she directly ordered the Snow Dragon Army to attack, wouldn't that be troublesome for us?"

"But why do you want to use my clothes..."

Bai Zimei replied: "Sir, don't you think this is a better choice? Originally, you asked her to walk out without wearing anything just to make her lose face... But if she just wears your clothes If she walks out, she will lose even more face!"

After Lu Yu thought for a while, he understood Bai Zimei's intention. He had to say that if it came to evil intentions, after all, women would have the upper hand.

Ning Wanqing was unknowingly manipulated by Bai Zimei without realizing it, but she was grateful to her. This further proved that Ning Wanqing was indeed not very smart.

But in this way, it seems that he has also been plotted...

Lu Yu finally shook his head.

Forget it, he's already notorious enough anyway, so he doesn't have to bear one or two more infamys.

"Sir, what should we do next?" Cui Zhenzhen asked again.

Looking at the mess on the ground, she was not only confused.

Originally, what she cared about most was the study of alchemy skills, but as the alchemy furnace was completely damaged under Ning Wanqing's pressure just now, there was no way she could continue to study alchemy skills.

And without that alchemy furnace, there is another thing that cannot be continued, and that is the plan to secretly subvert the Blue Lion Altar.

The poison that was used on Ning Wanqing just now was intended to be prepared for the other elders of Qingshitan. Unexpectedly, Ning Wanqing's strength was too powerful. Although this poison was only in the experimental stage, it did not meet expectations. As a result, it can be said that all previous efforts have been wasted.

"that's true!"

Lu Yu also came to his senses and scratched his head in distress: "I was in such a hurry just now that I forgot to ask this little girl named Ning to pay us a pill furnace!"

"Tell me, if we chase her out now and ask her to pay us a pill furnace, will she agree?"

Bai Zimei and Cui Zhenzhen rolled their eyes at him angrily.

In the situation just now, it was already good that the other party held back and didn't directly kill anyone. What's the big dream of wanting the other party to pay for the alchemy furnace?

"Forget it! In this case, let's go to Wanlu Palace!" Lu Yu suddenly made up his mind and said.

Cui and Bai couldn't help being surprised and asked, "What are you doing there?"

"What else could it be?"

Lu Yu smiled meaningfully: "I have heard about the famous name of Wanlu Palace for a long time. As colleagues, it is not easy for us to come here, so naturally we have to visit it!"

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