Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1705 Escape

The Ten Thousand Furnaces Hall, as its name suggests, contains many alchemy furnaces and is a very large alchemy-making institution.

Its existence is somewhat similar to the Divine Furnace Castle in Xihai City, but its scale is much larger than the Divine Furnace Castle, and its level and skills are far from comparable to the Divine Furnace Castle. It is built under the royal supervision and represents the top of the entire Darui Empire. The level of treating elixirs.

Neither Bai Zimei nor Cui Zhenzhen believed that Lu Yu would just "visit". This guy was full of tricks. Considering the situation where the alchemy furnace was destroyed just now, he most likely wanted to take advantage of other people's alchemy furnaces.

The two didn't think too much about it. Since the Ten Thousand Furnaces Palace is known as the "Ten Thousand Furnaces", even if there are not ten thousand alchemy furnaces, there are always thousands and eight hundred ones. It doesn't hurt to give a few to Lu Yu...

The two just felt that now was not the best time. After all, they had just caused such a big trouble, and the palace was also discussing how to deal with him. It was not a wise thing to continue to go out and cause trouble at this time. Lift.

However, Lu Yu had made up his mind, and Bai Zimei and Cui Zhenzhen had no choice but to accompany him out of White Horse Temple and go to Wanlu Palace together.

However, before going to the Wanlu Palace, Lu Yu asked Bai Zimei to take a detour to the palace and pass the memorial directly to Emperor Qing'en, the Emperor of Darui, through the special channel of the Blue Lion Altar.

"Submit it directly like this?" Bai Zimei said in surprise, "Don't you even want to take a look at it?"

"No need." Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "Didn't you just say that Ning Wanqing has already read it? Since she is full of praise for the content of this memorial, there should be no problem... "

"But...she sees it after all. She has her own position, but this letter was drafted in your tone..." Bai Zimei said softly.

"It doesn't matter..." Lu Yu said insistently, "Anyway, I believe you... Besides, this is just the first step in negotiating terms. Everyone just needs to make the price clear to each other. It's enough to speak clearly. There is no need to worry too much about it. Little things!”

Bai Zimei was speechless for a moment.

She has never seen such a completely hands-off shopkeeper, and she didn't even care about dealing with Emperor Da Rui.

So Bai Zimei went to the palace again, called his insider, and sent the memorial directly in.

In fact, according to her original character, she would definitely have to witness the entire memorial being delivered to Emperor Qing'en before she would feel relieved. But since Lu Yu didn't take this matter too seriously, she didn't take it too seriously either. He just handed the memorial to the insider and turned around to leave.

But what she didn't expect was that soon after, when the memorial was finally delivered to Emperor Qing'en after many twists and turns, it would cause an uproar...

At this time, the court meeting in the palace was still not over.

In the Bede Hall, the ministers were still chattering. Emperor Qing'en was sitting on the dragon chair at the highest place. Although he was only in his twenties, he already seemed very calm. Even though these ministers were turning over and over, they were all empty words without nutrition. He still listened patiently and carefully to the words, without showing the slightest impatience.

He knew that these ministers in the audience wanted to use this method to make him retreat and disrupt the matter of canonizing the Grand Duke of the West Sea...

However, Emperor Qing'en had already considered this matter very carefully. Supporting the Grand Duke of Xihai was not only to balance the Hengyue Principality, but also to restrain the power of the rear party, and even to fight against some foreign forces that were ready to move... …

After considering all these things, it was imperative to confer the title of Grand Duke of Xihai. Although the envoy from Xihai City behaved extremely disrespectfully, this matter also made him feel a little heartbroken.

But there is no other way. You must know that Xihai City was originally a neutral city-state. They were not originally under the Darui Empire. Now they only need an edict to turn this originally neutral city-state into a sphere of influence under the Darui Empire.

Compared with this, these slight disrespects are not so hard to accept...

Therefore, even though the behavior of the special envoy from Xihai City was very outrageous and outrageous, Emperor Qing'en did not feel anything wrong in his heart, and he still made up his mind to canonize him.

Moreover, judging from what Li Zhengxuan relayed, Emperor Qing'en also knew that all this was the result of the other party's deliberate actions. The effect of what he did was indeed very significant. After he made such a fuss, all the bulls, ghosts and snakes were sure to be confused. The tail was exposed.

At this moment, Emperor Qing'an's mind was as clear as a mirror. He already knew exactly who supported his side and who was from the rear party. Now he just needed a suitable reason to clean up these things. people.

"Your Majesty, here is a memorial..."

Suddenly, the eunuch in charge of rituals came over holding a memorial in his hand.

Emperor Qing'en couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart. He didn't know what kind of memorial would be sent by the Chief Superintendent of Ceremonies at this time. Could it be an urgent report from the border?

"But there is an urgent military report?" Emperor Qing'en asked.

As soon as he asked this question, the discussion in the palace suddenly stopped, and all the ministers looked over.

The Chief Supervisor of Ceremonies replied: "There is indeed a military intelligence report, but it is not an urgent report, and it is not the content of this memorial... It is said that Ning Wanqing has just returned to Beijing with part of the Snow Dragon Cavalry!"

"What!" Emperor Qing'en couldn't help but be startled, and then a feeling of anger suddenly arose in his heart.

Although the Snow Dragon Army has always been a taboo of the Ning family, and the Jin family has no way to get involved, it is really too much for Ning Wanqing to return to the capital without reporting the news, and not letting herself know the news until she entered the city. !

Does she still take her Emperor Rui seriously?

Emperor Qing'en seemed to realize his gaffe, calmed down, and then said, "Where is she now?"

"As soon as she entered the city, she led the Snow Dragon Cavalry directly to the White Horse Temple..." the chief steward replied.

Seeing Emperor Qing'en's expression change again, he quickly added: "Your Majesty, don't worry, nothing happened at White Horse Temple. Well, I mean, slave, at least on the surface, nothing happened for the time being... The special envoy of Xihai City was not affected. What's the damage? It's General Ning who seems to have escaped from the White Horse Temple..."

Emperor Qing'en couldn't help being stunned: "Fleeing?"

All the ministers in the palace could not help but be surprised, and they all pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the chief steward explain clearly what was going on...

"Yes... General Ning originally entered the White Horse Temple fully armed, but when she left, the silver dragon armor on her body was gone. Instead, she put on a single piece of clothing. The style should be exactly that of Special Envoy Lu. ...She walked out of the White Horse Temple wearing a Lotus singlet, and then returned directly to the Ning family..."

In an instant, the expressions of Emperor Qing'en and all the ministers became wonderful...

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