Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1706 A Memorial

When I entered, I was fully armed, but when I left, I only wore a single piece of clothing...

What exactly happened at that time is not open to speculation, but this incident does leave a lot of room for imagination.

But one thing is certain, that is, Ning Wanqing must have suffered in front of Lu Yu, otherwise how could she leave in despair with her character?

"Special Envoy Lu is truly a divine man!" Emperor Qing'en couldn't help but praise.

Ning Wanqing was originally a very troublesome figure for him, but he didn't expect that she would collapse in front of Lu Yu. This was indeed good news for him.

"Oh, by the way, you just talked about the memorial..." Emperor Qing'en then remembered that this matter was just a digression. There was actually another reason why the chief manager came here, "What is this memorial about?" What’s going on? Could it be related to Special Envoy Lu?”

The Chief Manager nodded: "This is actually a memorial from Special Envoy Lu... specially presented through the Blue Lion Altar."

He also added something special.

Emperor Qing'an couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

In fact, the Darui Palace has always been in contact with the Green Lion Altar. This contact is sometimes more like a kind of containment and surveillance. Now Lu Yu can specially submit a memorial through the relationship with the Green Lion Altar. This is enough to prove that he has a close relationship with the Green Lion Altar. There is indeed a close relationship between them.

If the previous killing of the Huayin Hou family in Kangding Fucheng only caused everyone to speculate about the relationship between Lu Yu and Qing Shitan, then this time it was a complete confirmation!

Emperor Qing'en took the memorial without saying a word and read it silently.

The eyes of all the ministers in the palace could not help but stay on him, paying attention to the changes in his expression.

Soon, they will find that Emperor Qing'en's brows are constantly twitching, as if he is dancing with joy.

Looking at this scene, everyone was filled with curiosity. They wondered what kind of content was in that memorial that made Emperor Qing'en show such an expression?

Unknowingly, the hearts of everyone in the Bede Hall were touched by Lu Yu's small memorial.

After a while, Emperor Qing'en finally finished reading it, with a strange look on his face, and handed the memorial back to the chief steward, saying: "Forward to the two prime ministers!"

So, the chief steward held the memorial in his hand, came to the front of the officials, and handed the memorial to the left and right prime ministers of the cabinet who were standing at the forefront.

The left and right prime ministers are the heads of the hundred officials in the palace, but they belong to different camps. Among them, the left prime minister Du Banzhi is a clear-cut imperialist. It is because of his strong support that Emperor Qing'en can secure his current position.

As for Right Minister Chen Weiliang, he is a backbone figure of the rear party. The reason why today's court meeting cannot be decided for a long time is precisely because of his constant troubles.

The first of the two to receive the memorial was Left Prime Minister Dupanzhi. After reading the contents of the memorial, a strange smile appeared on his lips, and then handed the memorial to the right Prime Minister Chen Weiliang.

Chen Weiliang took it and looked at it silently. But before he finished reading, his expression changed drastically: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Why not?"

Du Banzhi said, "I think this matter is just right! Your Majesty should agree with what the special envoy of Xihai City said!"

At that moment, the two people immediately started arguing with each other.

After the debate between the two, everyone finally understood the content of this memorial.

It turned out that the special envoy of Xihai City actually wanted to request that some people be moved to Xihai City, and he also clearly listed a list, and the candidates on this list were all the people who stood proudly at Bede Hall today. Those who oppose canonization!

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but feel a chill.

This list is so accurate!

You know, the court meeting has not ended yet, but the other party already knows everything that happened in the court meeting, and even their respective performances are clear. I have to say that such an opponent is really powerful!

Through the content of this memorial, everyone also understood that in fact, the special envoy of Xihai City had already had a tacit understanding with the Imperial Party. It may be too much to say that they are joining forces, but they must have secretly communicated with each other.

"Your Majesty, Xihai City is a remote place that refuses to accept enlightenment. Now it is most appropriate to send some of our people there!"

"Yes, you all have criticized Xihai City a lot just now. Obviously, you have your own opinions on how Xihai City should be governed. Let them go to Xihai City to see the front line in person, and they will definitely be able to play their due role!"

"That's right! Since all the adults think that there is a problem in Xihai City, it is really appropriate to ask them to sign to Xihai City to solve this problem!"

"I feel that as the right prime minister is the head of the hundred officials, he should take the initiative to invite Ying to Xihai City to share your majesty's worries and set an example for all the ministers!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I also second the proposal!"

With this memorial, the officials of the imperial party seemed to have received the clarion call to charge, and they stood up one after another and clearly stated their position.

Unconsciously, the atmosphere in the palace suddenly changed. The focus of everyone's debate was no longer whether to abolish the canonization ceremony, but whether some people should be sent to settle in Xihai City to change the current situation of Xihai City.

In the end, the party officials headed by Chen Weiliang had to make concessions. Instead of opposing the canonization ceremony, they firmly supported its implementation as soon as possible...

In their opinion, this Special Envoy Lu was simply a god of plague. Instead of causing themselves serious injuries, it would be better to send him away as soon as possible.

As a result, the court meeting, which had been noisy all day long, finally came to a definite conclusion, and the voices in Bede Hall finally gradually subsided.

And all this is just because of the arrival of a memorial...

"Hahaha... This Special Envoy Lu is really an interesting person!"

The court meeting that lasted for nearly a whole day was finally over. Seeing the civil and military officials leaving, Emperor Qing'en finally stopped hiding his emotions and laughed happily.

"I am really looking forward to him more and more now. I don't have to wait any longer. Let's announce his appearance now!" Emperor Qing'en said again.

The Chief Supervisor of the Supervisor of Ceremonies showed a troubled expression: "Your Majesty, is this not possible now?"

"Why not?" Emperor Qing'en asked curiously.

"Because Special Envoy Lu is no longer at White Horse Temple, he seems to have gone to Wanlu Palace!"

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