Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1707 Everyone has his own agenda

Although no reservation was made in advance, Lu Yu and others were warmly received in the Ten Thousand Furnace Hall.

After all, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and other things aside, just the fact that Lu Yu can refine a pill that can temporarily explode his strength to the realm of a Great Golden Pill monk is enough for him to gain enough respect.

Therefore, Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen easily entered the interior of the Ten Thousand Furnace Hall and visited it. When Bai Zimei rushed from the palace to meet them, both of them had almost finished visiting the Ten Thousand Furnace Hall.

"Moving so fast? Have you seen all the alchemy furnaces in the entire Ten Thousand Furnaces Palace?" Bai Zimei said with some surprise.

"It's just a pill furnace, how complicated can it be?" Lu Yu glanced at her sideways and said, "It's not like the emperor is choosing a concubine, why do you need to look so carefully?"

Bai Zimei couldn't help but choke.

Regardless of what Lu Yu said on the surface, she clearly knew Lu Yu's purpose when he came. The reason why he behaved like this could only mean that all the alchemy furnaces here were not taken by him...

"There are so many alchemy furnaces here, are there not even one good one?" Bai Zimei said again.

Speaking of this, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh again.

The treasure resources in this world are really scarce. The scale of Ten Thousand Furnaces Palace is definitely considered a high-end place in this world, but there is still no alchemy furnace that makes him feel bright.

At this moment, he couldn't help but miss Yuanjiangwei City in another world. The first alchemy furnace he owned was purchased in Yuanjiangwei City.

Although it was only a very elementary open market, the goods it contained could not be said to exceed that of the entire Guantian World, but it would definitely kill the entire Darui Empire in an instant.

Of course, no matter how you say it, the quality of the alchemy furnace here is better than the one destroyed by Ning Wanqing, and it is also much better than the one Lu Yu renovated in Shenlu Castle.

He still has the basics of these alchemy furnaces. As long as he remodels them, he can barely use them, but this is somewhat different from his original psychological expectations.

And since he had to go to the trouble of transforming it, he would definitely transform it into the best one. He would never be able to make a half-baked one like he did in Shenfuro Castle. But judging from the embryos he has seen so far, none of them are worth it. Let him take action with all his strength.

"Special Envoy Lu, the entire Wanlu Palace is what is displayed in front of you now. In the past few decades, this is the first time that an outsider has visited our Wanlu Palace so thoroughly... I don't know what is going on in our Wanlu Palace today. Current situation, do you have any suggestions?”

The person in charge of the Ten Thousand Furnaces Palace had been accompanying Lu Yu. Seeing that the entire Ten Thousand Furnaces Palace was almost finished visiting, he couldn't help but ask.

Although this man's attitude is very humble, his status in the Da Rui Empire is really not low. This man is from the Jin family, and at this time he is known as the "Ming Guang Guoshi" in the Da Rui Empire. title.

When Lu Yu heard this, he smiled and said, "The Imperial Master has managed this place in such an orderly manner, which is really eye-opening for us. How can I dare to do anything here?"

However, Imperial Master Mingguang refused to give up and insisted: "Envoy Lu is too polite. Even though we are far away in the Imperial Capital, we have already heard of many of your deeds and are very fond of your reputation as the 'Alchemy God in the World'." Heard..."

"Especially the elixir you refined, which armed the entire Xihai City army overnight, unleashed an astonishing combat power, and defeated the three Grand Dukes' coalition forces in one fell swoop... This matter is simply rumored to be magical. I wonder if you can wait for me. Clear up some doubts?"

As he said that, he looked at Lu Yu with sharp eyes. He no longer saw the calmness before, and his attitude became a bit tougher.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile.

In the final analysis, these people are still interested in the elixir he holds.

But this is also human nature. A series of elixirs such as the Transformation Pill are simply black technology to this world, which has brought a huge impact to the world. If he were in the other party's position, he would definitely Will find ways to find out the truth about Danfang

Looking at the current situation, if he doesn't reveal the truth at all, the national master in front of him will definitely not give up.

"The Imperial Master really wants to know?" Lu Yu asked.

Imperial Master Mingguang said: "I would like to hear the details!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It's not that this matter cannot be discussed, but the Imperial Master should know the weight of this secret. What price are you willing to pay for it?"

Imperial Master Mingguang was slightly startled, raised his head, looked at Lu Yu seriously, and after a while he said: "Special Envoy Lu, please give me a price..."

Lu Yu chuckled softly: "I'm afraid you may not be able to afford my price! How about exchanging the entire Wanlu Palace?"

Imperial Master Mingguang was stunned: "Swap the entire Wanlu Palace? What does this mean?"

"The meaning is very simple..." Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "I want the Imperial Preceptor to move the entire Wanlu Palace to Xihai City! Only in Xihai City will the Imperial Preceptor know the answer he wants to know!"

Imperial Master Mingguang couldn't help but be stunned.

Bai Zimei on the side couldn't help but raise her forehead when she heard this.

Originally, when she saw that Lu Yu never asked for the pill furnace, she thought that Lu Yu really hadn't found the one she wanted and thought that he had given up.

I didn’t expect that his appetite would be so big, and he actually wanted to plot against the entire Wanlu Palace!

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