Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1708 Cut off the beard

Next, Lu Yu discussed in detail the various details of the relocation of Wanlu Palace, promising that Xihai City would provide various favorable conditions, and Wanlu Palace would not even be required to accept the leadership of Xihai City.

Wanlu Palace can still maintain the existing organizational structure and directly take orders from the Darui Court. The only difference is that the location has been changed from the Imperial Capital to Xihai City.

However, in Lu Yu's description, this is not a disadvantage, but a major advantage, because after arriving in Xihai City, Imperial Master Mingguang is still the top leader of Wanlu Palace. Not only will he not be restrained, but he has the aura of being as high as a mountain and as far away as a king. free.

Imperial Master Mingguang couldn't help but feel a little moved by what he said.

However, he ultimately did not agree to Lu Yu's request.

After all, this matter is too important. Even if he is a national master, even if he is the direct controller of Wanlu Palace, this is not something he can decide on his own.

However, judging from his reaction, it was obvious that he was quite moved. It is foreseeable that after Lu Yu leaves, he will definitely try to promote this matter.

Lu Yu also happened to leave at the right moment, leaving space and time for the other party to operate secretly.

When leaving the Ten Thousand Furnace Hall, Bai Zimei still felt in a daze. Unexpectedly, in just a few words, Lu Yu persuaded the other party to move the entire Ten Thousand Furnace Hall.

The relocation of the Wanlu Palace to Xihai City was a huge event, far more shocking to the world than the relocation of several aristocratic families with titles.

Bai Zimei can almost imagine what kind of uproar it will cause in the entire Imperial Capital if this matter is exposed...

"Sir, are you serious?" Bai Zimei looked into Lu Yu's eyes and asked, "Are you really planning to move Wanlu Temple to Xihai City? You are not doing it deliberately to make Imperial Master Mingguang give up his idea. a joke?"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes at her angrily: "Do I look like the kind of person who likes to joke casually?"

Bai Zimei thought carefully for three seconds and quickly came up with the answer. In her opinion, Lu Yu was such a cynical character who liked to joke casually...

But as far as the current matter was concerned, she didn't think Lu Yu was joking, because the process of Lu Yu's advice to Mingguang Guoshu was too detailed and serious, and it didn't look like a temporary joke at all.

"Xihai City needs a Ten Thousand Furnaces Palace?" Cui Zhenzhen said from the side.

Although her tone was questioning, she pointed out the essence of the problem to the point.

Lu Yu nodded and said: "Xihai City is the place where materials are produced, and can be regarded as the upstream source of the alchemy industry. Such a huge advantage would be a waste if it cannot be fully utilized..."

"However, this is not the most important thing. What is really important is that I plan to upgrade and transform the existing alchemy furnaces in Wanlu Palace. If I don't bring them to Xihai City, how can I upgrade them? "

"Upgrade and transformation?" Bai Zimei couldn't help but be stunned, "Sir, do you mean the upgrade and transformation like you did in Shenlu Castle?"

Lu Yu glanced at her and nodded: "Yes, although the alchemy furnace here is not satisfactory, there are still some parts that can be used. I plan to dismantle these parts and transform them individually. This will be a very huge project. I don't want to Getting them to Xihai City will be difficult to achieve as planned..."

Bai Zimei and Cui Zhenzhen were immediately speechless.

Unexpectedly, what he finally fell in love with was someone else's alchemy furnace, and the way he chose it was so unique. He actually wanted to dismantle all the other people's alchemy furnaces and only use some of the parts...

If Imperial Master Mingguang knew his true thoughts, I wonder if he would be angry to death.

"It turns out that my lord said before that the Imperial Party has what you need. In fact, this is what he meant..." Cui Zhenzhen said.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "This is indeed one of them."

After hearing this, Bai Zimei realized that Lu Yu had indeed been plotting against Wanlu Palace for a long time...

However, if this is just one of his goals, what other goals does he have?

Bai Zimei shook his head and said: "Anyway, I'm afraid this matter won't be that easy. This Wanlu Palace is the core force of the Imperial Party. Didn't you say that you would support the Imperial Party before? But now you will The idea has reached their core base camp, I'm afraid even Emperor Qing'en won't be easy to talk to..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a team hurried over to the three of them, their attire bearing the distinctive symbol of the Ouchi Imperial Palace.

Lu Yu laughed: "No matter whether it's easy to talk or not, I still have to say it after all, and we'll see the result soon!"

Sure enough, this guard was sent by the palace to welcome Lu Yu to the palace.

After a few brief negotiations, Lu Yu did not put on any airs and directly followed the leader of the Imperial Guards to the palace.

After going through so many twists and turns, I was finally able to complete my mission to the Imperial Capital, and I could finally officially meet Emperor Qing'en, the Emperor of Darui.

Lu Yu was already confident about this meeting.

But what he didn't expect was that just when they were about to enter the palace, someone suddenly blocked their way.

"The Queen has a decree, please go to Qianqing Palace to meet with Special Envoy Lu immediately!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, the rear party actually resorted to cutting off the Hu at this time?

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