Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1709 Does it look good?

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at the leader of the Imperial Guards.

After all, he is his leader and represents the authority of Qing'en Land to a certain extent. How to deal with this matter now depends on his attitude.

Originally, he thought that the two sides would at least argue with each other, and maybe a conflict would break out.

But what Lu Yu didn't expect was that the commander of the imperial army had no temper at all when faced with the Queen's challenge. He surrendered without even arguing with the opponent.

Only then did Lu Yu realize that the Queen's side was much stronger than Emperor Qing'en. I'm afraid that similar things were already commonplace in the palace.

After all, Queen Ning Wanxuan already has the strength of a grand duke. From this point of view, there is no doubt that the rear party has an absolute advantage.

"Special Envoy Lu, please come with me!"

Seeing the commander of the Forbidden Army retreating in the face of difficulties, the people from the rear party did not continue to be in trouble and turned to Lu Yu.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yu had no choice. The Imperial Party members themselves were not up to par, and he could not carry it alone. He had no choice but to follow the people from the Imperial Party to the Qianqing Palace.

Besides, he himself was also curious about what the queen wanted to say when she suddenly cut him off at this moment...

Not long after, Lu Yu arrived at Qianqing Palace.

The person who led the way stopped at the door and said, "Envoy Lu, please go in alone! The Queen is already waiting for you inside."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Qianqing Palace is actually the queen's bedroom, a very private place.

His spiritual sense was unusual, and he had already noticed that there were no other people waiting in the palace in front of him... In other words, in this huge palace, there was only Queen Ning Wanxuan. , this will be a separate meeting between only two people.

In this way, the meaning is intriguing...

It can be said that the other party has shown great sincerity and unreserved trust in oneself; or one can suddenly throw a glass of wine into the trap and accuse oneself of evil intentions... When a man and a widow live together in the same room, as long as the other party randomly plants a charge, they will It was so accurate that Lu Yu had no room to argue.

Could this be a trap? Perhaps the rear party wants to use this method to catch them all...

Lu Yu only thought for about three seconds before striding in.

It doesn’t matter if he’s trapped in a trap or not, if it doesn’t work, he’ll just lift the table. Anyway, step in and take a look first!

The furnishings inside the Qianqing Palace were very sophisticated and gorgeous, but everything was just as Lu Yu expected. It was empty and there was not a single person in sight...

"But is Special Envoy Lu here?" Suddenly a gentle voice sounded, "The Ai family is over here! Please come over by yourself!"

Lu Yu's heart moved slightly, and he followed the guidance of this voice and walked towards the depths of Qianqing Palace.

After walking through several corridors, the scene in front of me suddenly became filled with smoke.

Lu Yu frowned slightly, but at this moment, the gentle voice sounded again:

"Special Envoy Lu, can you find a place? Grand Duke Heng's Prancing Horse Lake can't trap you, so I guess the Ai family won't be able to trap you either, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yu opened a door.

At first he thought it was just an ordinary room, but after walking in, he discovered that there was something special inside. This was not an ordinary room at all, but a unique courtyard with pavilions, exotic flowers and plants, rockery and waterside It is a hot spring.

A beautiful woman is soaking in a spring.

The clear water surface swayed slightly, and a mist of white mist evaporated. Although the woman's specific situation under the water could not be seen clearly, it added to the feeling of temptation.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Although he had already expected that he might step into a trap when he came in, he did not expect that the trap would be so direct and unpretentious... The majestic Queen Xuan, the lord of the harem, the most important person in the world. , presented in front of him so unabashedly...

If the situation here was exposed, he would have been punished by death from the first time he stepped into Qianqing Palace.

Because of this, after Lu Yu discovered his situation at this time, instead of retreating and avoiding suspicion, he continued to stride forward.

Until he reached the spring, he squatted down beside the hot spring and looked at the woman in the spring unscrupulously.

If you want to watch it, then watch it openly! See clearly, clearly, carefully...

Now, it was the woman in the hot spring's turn to be stunned.

In fact, the surrounding laws have long been distorted by her power.

In the woman's initial conception, everything here was indeed a trap. As long as Lu Yu pushed the door and walked in, he would be within the scope of the trap.

But what she didn't expect was that Lu Yu could ignore the distortion of the law field and walk straight to her side...

The woman had also experienced strong winds and waves, and quickly calmed down. She smiled slightly at Lu Yu and asked, "Does it look good?"

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