Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1710 Don’t play by the rules

Facing the woman's misty eyes, Lu Yu nodded and said matter-of-factly: "It's pretty!"

The woman smiled slightly and said: "If it looks good, then hurry up and look at it more, because this may very well be the last thing you see in this world!"

"Tsk tsk!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but clicked his tongue twice, and shook his head gently: "You are so loud...are you really Queen Xuan herself?"

"Otherwise, who else do you think would appear in this Qianqing Palace?" the woman asked.

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Besides Queen Xuan, I can't think of any other candidates, but I just feel a little strange..."

"What's weird?"

"It's strange that Queen Xuan looks like this..." Lu Yu said with great emotion, "I have met His Highness the Crown Prince. It is said that His Highness the Crown Prince is the biological child of Queen Xuan. With His Highness the Crown Prince's current age, Queen Xuan should also be It’s only when you’re quite old that you…”

"But now it seems that time has not left any trace on the queen's body. If I didn't know the truth, I would even think that you are Ning Wanqing's sister..."

When Queen Xuan heard this, she couldn't help but giggle: "Special Envoy Lu is really good at talking. The Ai family has had nothing to do in the past few years, and they have indeed studied some ways to stay beautiful. It seems to be very effective now..."

"Actually, this is nothing to me. When you meet Jin Huaiji in person, it will really open your eyes. In this regard, the Jin family is more talented than us... However, I'm afraid you There may not be a chance to see Jin Huaiji in person again!”

Lu Yu knew that Jin Huaiji was the name of Emperor Qing'en. It was said that he was also very good at looking good. Although he had been on the throne for decades, he still maintained the same appearance as when he first ascended the throne. He stood with the prince and even I can't tell who is the father and who is the son...

These rumors were just hearsay that Lu Yu heard on the way to the Imperial Capital. As for the truth, he has not yet confirmed it.

However, it is always true that the Jin family and the Ning family have extraordinary achievements in keeping their appearance forever.

"Queen Xuan seems to be a bit angry. Is she trying to help Ning Wanqing regain her reputation?" Lu Yu said with a chuckle.

Ning Wanxuan shook her head and said: "Wanqing's matter is just one of the reasons. It's not that I'm too angry, but that you are determined to go against us at every turn. In addition to killing you, Tell me, is there any other solution?"

Lu Yu thought about it seriously and said, "It's not impossible. I won't be able to stay here for too long anyway. As long as Empress Xuan can be patient for a while, and I leave in a few days, won't everything be fine?"

"Should I endure it a little?" Ning Wanxuan couldn't help laughing, "But what if I don't want to endure it? They say that swallowing your anger will make you age faster, but I want to continue to hear people praise me as being better than Wanqing. You are young and beautiful, and you don’t want to grow old so fast!”

"So, Queen Xuan really has to kill me today? There is no room for negotiation?" Lu Yu looked around and said, "Do you really think you can do it?"

Ning Wanxuan glanced at him and said: "I know you are not an ordinary person. Although you don't even have a golden elixir, your strength cannot be calculated according to common sense. Otherwise, you would have died countless times along the way. "

"When you were in the Duke of Hengyue before, I believe that the Grand Duke Heng must have thought about getting rid of you, but he failed in the end, so I don't think I am sure..."

"But if I want to get rid of you, why do I need to do it myself?"

With that said, Ning Wanxuan suddenly stood up from the hot spring.

Now, Lu Yu could see more clearly. It could be said that he could see everything at a glance. He couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Ning Wanxuan smiled lowly and said, "Tell me, if Jin Huaiji finds out what we are like now, what kind of reaction will he have?"

Lu Yu was stunned and then reacted.

The imperial party and the rear party have been fighting for a long time. Ning Wanxuan and Emperor Qing'en have not had any feelings for a long time. To be precise, there should be no feelings between them from the beginning. After many years of fighting, they have completely broken down. Completely digested.

But there is no emotion without emotion, and this also involves the issue of royal face...

If the appearance of the two of them at this time is exposed, even if Emperor Qing En wants to cooperate with Lu Yu again, he will feel like he has been stabbed in his heart.

In order to calm the impact of the situation, Emperor Qing'en will have only one choice at that time, which is to get rid of Lu Yu and quickly cover up the whole thing.

By then, there would be absolutely no room for relaxation between him and Lu Yu. Otherwise, where would the majestic emperor's face be?

This woman has really vicious intentions. She clearly wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

I have to say that she is really ruthless. She kills one thousand enemies but only loses eight hundred to herself. Such a trick is impossible for ordinary people to pull off. This woman really doesn't play according to common sense!

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