Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1717 The beast’s blood boils

The three of them returned to the White Horse Temple.

Nothing more happened that night.

Perhaps because the relationship with the imperial party and the rear party had eased at the same time, Lu Yu temporarily let go of his worries and had a rare good sleep.

After coming to this world, this was the first time he slept so soundly... No, to be precise, before coming here, in his original world, he had rarely slept so soundly.

He entered a very deep dream, in which he seemed to have returned to his original world, seeing familiar faces, relatives and friends, and his confidante...

That world no longer had the threat of annihilation from the Bixiao Shrine, and had become quiet and peaceful again... Relatives and friends held a grand welcome party for him to celebrate his return. At the banquet, cups and cups were constantly exchanged, and everyone Everyone was having a good time drinking, and when they were drunk, he and his confidants entered the cave space of the Spring Conch.

Next, the dream gradually became more charming...

Not only the two Taoist monks who had the deepest communication with him, but also other women, including Yang Yudie, Ling Yufei, Ouyang Ting, Luo Shuhui... Even Qin Yanzhen and Meng Ting all joined them In the charming gathering - although Yao Ji Fairy Qin Yanzhen has already soared into the sky and stepped into the outer starry sky, the dream is so groundless and completely unreasonable.

In the dream, these people all took off their clothes and deliberately flirted in front of him. He was like an unscrupulous king, enjoying the service of a group of pink women...

This dream was so ridiculous that when Lu Yu woke up...


Lu Yu took a long breath, then lowered his head and glanced, feeling stunned for a while.

As his cultivation deepened, he had not experienced a similar situation for many years.

Is this...could it be breeding inner demons?

"Sir, are you awake?"

While he was lost in thought, suddenly the door of the room was pushed open, and it was Cui Zhenzhen who walked in.

After these few days of communication, the two of them often talked by candlelight at night, and their relationship had become very close. Sometimes when Cui Zhenzhen suddenly thought of a problem on a whim, she would directly break into Lu Yu's room to ask him questions, and Lu Yu didn't like her. She was very appreciative of her eagerness to learn. Instead of blocking her behavior, she was very encouraged.

Anyway, Lu Yu's spiritual sense is extraordinary. In the past, he was able to sense Cui Zhenzhen's arrival in advance. Such behavior would not have any impact on him. In the past, every time Cui Zhenzhen came in, Lu Yu had already done it in advance. He is ready and looks like he is waiting for everyone.

What I didn't expect was that Lu Yu's image this time was really... embarrassed.

Cui Zhenzhen saw Lu Yu's embarrassment as soon as she arrived, and she couldn't help being stunned.

"Huh? Sir, what are you..."

This should have been a very embarrassing scene, but she did not move her eyes away. Instead, she stared at that embarrassing position.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly.

At this moment, he was finally convinced that there was indeed something wrong with him...

But what exactly is the problem? How did this happen?

What exactly caused it...

The most suspicious thing is Ning Wanxuan. Could it be that his "contact" with her last night had some kind of influence on him inadvertently?

Lu Yu was thinking, but he didn't notice that Cui Zhenzhen had walked over silently at this time.

"Sir, it turns out that you are also in need...Looking at this, you must be frustrated. How about letting Zhenzhen help you?"

Lu Yu said nothing.

Originally, he wanted to reject Cui Zhenzhen, but when the words came to his lips, when he saw Cui Zhenzhen looking full of love and beauty, his heart suddenly skipped a beat and he could no longer say any words of rejection.

He even swallowed involuntarily.

"Sir, please rest assured. Although Zhenzhen has never experienced anything between men and women, thanks to Yunyan Pavilion, they have given me special guidance in this regard and taught me how to please men to the greatest extent. …”

"Originally, I thought that such an ability would never be used in the future, but for the sake of your lord, Zhenzhen is willing to do anything, including the special skills taught by the female seniors of Yunyan Pavilion..."

"Sir, just enjoy the rest! Zhenzhen will try her best to satisfy you."

This time, Lu Yu was really killed!

This is not just a description, but a real situation, because Cui Zhenzhen really reached out and touched his vital parts!

Lu Yu felt his blood boiling all over his body.

Although Cui Zhenzhen's technique is indeed quite unique, it shouldn't produce such an effect...

Lu Yu didn't completely lose his mind, but he was struggling in his heart. He didn't know whether to obey his body or the last trace of reason...

At this moment, an angry roar suddenly came from outside the house:

"Lu Afeng, where are you? Get out of here!"

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