Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1718 New Trouble

The two had to stop.

Because the voice of the visitor was already outside the door, he might be in the room in a blink of an eye.

Sure enough, soon the door to the room was pushed open again, and this time it was Ning Wanqing and Bai Zimei who walked in.

The situation was somewhat similar to the previous day. Bai Zimei tried her best to stop Ning Wanqing, but no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't stop him. She could only watch helplessly as she barged into the room.

Lu Yu didn't come back to his senses until this moment. No wonder he felt very familiar when he heard the voice just now. It turned out that it was this woman with a surging heart who came to find him.

After entering the room, Ning Wanqing and Bai Zimei were stunned for a moment.

The atmosphere in the room was really weird. Although Lu Yu's ugly appearance had been covered up by Cui Zhenzhen, her red face and watery eyes still exposed everything.

It was obvious that something indescribable was happening in the room before the two men pushed the door open.

"Okay, you surnamed Lu, what are you doing?" Ning Wanqing said with a surprised look on her face.

Bai Zimei couldn't help but show a suspicious look on her face. Although she had long suspected that something was not clear between the two, she had no real evidence. After her observations over the past few days, Lu Yu was indeed quite polite to Cui Zhenzhen. At least the sleeping arrangements have never happened...

But what's going on now? Why did these two people lie on the same bed?

She clearly remembered that not long ago, Cui Zhenzhen was studying alchemy skills outside alone...

Lu Yu couldn't help but have a headache.

He didn't know how this happened. Why did he feel like he was being caught and raped in the bed?

"What we are doing is our own business. We don't need to report it to you, right?" Lu Yu said bravely.

Ning Wanqing stared at Lu Yu for a long time with a pair of peach blossom eyes. Finally, she finally stopped worrying about this matter and said angrily: "Indeed, what you are doing is not my business... But you yesterday What exactly did you say to my sister in Qianqing Palace at night, and why did she choose you as my husband? "

As soon as these words came out, Bai Zimei and Cui Zhenzhen on the side couldn't help but froze at the same time.

It was only then that they knew that after the meeting last night, Queen Xuan actually fell in love with Lu Yu and wanted to choose him as the Ning family's son-in-law, and the person assigned to him was still the famous Ning. Wanqing is the absolute core figure of the Ning family.

"It turns out, sir, you are deliberately telling me off, and this is what you are talking about!" Bai Zimei murmured to himself with a look of surprise on his face.

Cui Zhenzhen looked at Ning Wanqing in front of her quietly with a thoughtful expression.

Lu Yu smiled slightly.

At this time, his sanity had gradually recovered, and his mind began to move rapidly again.

"Shouldn't Miss Ning ask Queen Xuan this question herself? Why do you come here to ask me?"

Ning Wanqing seemed to become even more angry and said: "Of course I have asked her, but she said some very strange things..."

As she said that, she hesitated for a moment, but finally made up her mind and continued: "Sister said that after you and I get married, she will accompany me to serve you and be your woman together... My surname is Lu, you What did you do to my sister last night! What evil spell did you use on her?"

Hearing her words, Bai Zimei and Cui Zhenzhen on the side couldn't help but open their mouths into an oval shape.

This is really incredible!

If anyone else had said such words, the two of them would never believe it, but the person who said it at this time was Ning Wanqing. She really had no position to deliberately talk nonsense here to ruin her sister's reputation...

"What did I do to her..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Immediately, his eyes gradually turned gloomy: "I think she did something to me, right?"

Ning Wanqing couldn't help but be stunned.

She never expected that Lu Yu would give such an answer.

And Lu Yu's expression didn't look like he was lying. Although she couldn't explain why, she just had such a feeling... She believed in her feeling.

"No matter what the reason behind this is! I'm just here to tell you that your wishful thinking will never succeed!" Ning Wanqing snorted coldly.

"What? Do you want to die with me?"

Lu Yu raised his eyes and looked at her: "Didn't you already try it yesterday? Do you want to try it again today?"

"Hmph! I know how powerful you are. Don't worry, I won't be as impulsive as before. Anyway... just wait and see!"

After saying that, she shook her head violently, leaving only her long flowing hair, and then turned and left.

Naturally, Lu Yu would not stop her.

The three of them watched her come and go like the wind, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

"So, is what she just said true? On the surface, she matched the third young lady of the Ning family to you, sir, but in fact, it was Queen Xuan herself who wanted a share of the pie and took the initiative to marry the two sisters. Go into battle and serve you together..."

After a long time, Bai Zimei was the first to break the silence.

But when she said these words, she felt incredible.

"No wonder Sir, you said all the problems have been solved..." Cui Zhenzhen said in a faint tone.

Lu Yu gradually frowned and sighed softly: "I admit, maybe I thought too simply... Maybe the previous problem has been solved, but now there is a new trouble!"

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