Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1719 Confusing

"Trouble? What new trouble?"

Bai Zimei turned to look in the direction Ning Wanqing left, and then looked back at Cui Zhenzhen, who had a resentful look on her face. Her tone was slightly sarcastic: "My lord, what you are referring to is... I don't know how to arrange the arrangements for the person you are about to marry. The real lady?"

After hearing what she said, Cui Zhenzhen's eyes suddenly became even more resentful.

Lu Yu didn't speak, just looked at the two women in front of him quietly, his eyes moving back and forth between them.

"Sir...why are you looking at me like this? Did I say something wrong?"

Bai Zimei stuttered involuntarily. She couldn't explain why, but she suddenly felt that Lu Yu's eyes seemed a little scary, like a wild beast that chose people to devour.

It was naturally impossible for Lu Yu to tell her his true feelings.

At this time, he just looked at the two women in front of him, and some very evil thoughts came to his mind unconsciously.

It was only then that he discovered that the curvature of the chest of Bai Zimei, the elder of Qingshitan, was also very amazing. It was thick where it should be, and thin where it should be. The undulating curves contained the charm of a giant...

A violent thought suddenly arose in his heart, and he wanted to tear the clothes of the two women in front of him to pieces, and then let them pose like the confidante in the dream, for his pleasure.

Such thoughts seemed to be deeply ingrained and lingering in his mind.

This is what he calls "trouble".

Not only the two women in front of him, but also when he faced Ning Wanqing just now, a similar picture also appeared in his mind.

At this time, he was like a sex drug, turning into a beast in estrus...

But Lu Yu knew clearly that all this was definitely not caused by drugs.

First of all, he has never been exposed to such a drug. Moreover, even if there is such a drug, it will definitely be automatically decomposed by the power of the red lotus in his body, and it is impossible to affect him... The reason why he is like this is that There must be another reason.

The only thing Lu Yu can be sure of is that all of this must have something to do with Ning Wanxuan, because in the past day, the most suspicious place he has ever been to is Ning Wanxuan's Qianqing Palace, and all the people in Qianqing Palace What I experienced was so strange...

"You guys go out first, I want to be alone for a while!" Lu Yu suppressed the evil thoughts in his mind and said with the final restraint.

"Uh, sir, why did you only say half of the words? You haven't even said what the trouble is..." Bai Zimei twisted his body dissatisfied.

Originally this was just a subconscious move on her part, but it had a huge impact on Lu Yu.

"Hurry up... get out quickly!" Lu Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't figured out this issue yet. Let's talk about it after I figure it out!"

Bai Zimei said: "It's okay for me to go out, but sir, are you sure you want us all to go out together?"

As she spoke, she winked again, showing an expression that could only be understood but not expressed.

This time, it was fatal again, and it was another huge test for Lu Yu's self-control.

"Didn't you hear me say hurry up and get out!" Lu Yu said with red eyes, "If you don't want to leave, then don't go out again!"

Bai Zimei was immediately startled. Although the process of getting to know each other was not pleasant at the beginning, after getting along with each other for the past few days, their relationship has eased a lot. Occasionally, she can joke with Lu Yu. She really can't understand why Lu Yu is... Such a reaction.

At this time, Cui Zhenzhen on the side saw that something was not right about Lu Yu's state, but Lu Yu did not say anything clearly, and she did not dare to ask more questions, so she quickly pulled Bai Zimei and said: "Sir, let's go out first. "

Lu Yu closed his eyes and didn't look at the two of them anymore. He just waved lightly.

So, the two of them left the room with a lot of questions.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the room door closing that Lu Yu opened his eyes again and took a long breath.

Sure enough, as long as he doesn't see women again, his condition will be much better. At least he doesn't need to suppress it all the time. If he doesn't pay attention, he will fall into the abyss of desire.

"Ning Wanxuan, what is going on? What on earth did you do to me..."

Lu Yu murmured to himself.

He calmed down and silently checked the condition of his body, trying to figure out the source of all this...

However, the final result was that everything was normal. It seemed that with the departure of "sources of interference" such as Cui Zhenzhen and Bai Zimei, the problems temporarily disappeared.

At this time, Lu Yu couldn't help but be completely shocked.

This shows that what caused all this is a very high-end method, and even he can't find any clues...

This can never be the result of Ning Wanxuan's own actions. She has no such ability at all, even if she is a powerful prince!

Now, all the questions have returned to their original point... What is going on?

Lu Yu thought for a moment and suddenly felt worried.

Xie Ling is still a Ling person. It seems that if you want to find out the cause and effect of all this, you still have to go to Ning Wanxuan.

This would undoubtedly be a very risky move, especially in his current state.

But other than that, Lu Yu had no other choice but to try the most dangerous method to finally solve the mystery.

He decided to go deep into the palace again to find Ning Wanxuan and confront her face to face.

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