Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1720 Sneaking into the Palace

Soon, Lu Yu summoned Lu Guoguang from Feishi Camp.

What relieved him was that the only source of interference that could cause his blood to boil seemed to be women. When he faced Lu Guoguang, he did not have any special feelings.

"Sir, you are looking for me?" Lu Guoguang asked.

Lu Yu nodded gently and asked, "How have you been resting these days?"

Lu Guoguang said, "With your miraculous medicine, the brothers have already recovered their vitality... Sir, please let us come back to work! If we were here, this would never happen. Even if it was the Snow Dragon Iron Cavalry, our Feishi Camp would dare to compete with them!"

After the battle on the first night of arriving in the Imperial Capital, although the record was very impressive, almost all the soldiers of Feishi Camp had taken the elixir that temporarily improved their cultivation level.

In order to eliminate the possible sequelae of these pills, Lu Yu has kept Feishiying in silence for the past few days. The defense work has always been done by Bai Zimei and the subordinates of Qingshitan. Therefore, they did not participate in the previous confrontation with Xuelongjun, and had no chance to stop Ning Wanqing head-on.

Lu Yu said: "Don't worry about this. I have never doubted the loyalty of Feishiying and your courage, General Lu... But now I have a more important thing that I need you to help me complete!"

Lu Guoguang was immediately refreshed: "Sir, what do you need me to do? Please tell me!"

Lu Yu said: "I need you to pretend to be me and stay here for me. In fact, you don't need to do anything. Just stay here honestly. The only thing is that you can't let anyone notice this!"

Lu Guoguang was stunned: "I pretend to be you. How is this possible? My appearance is so different from yours..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yu suddenly took out a piece of talisman paper, pinched it casually, and it suddenly turned into a human skin mask and buckled it on his face.

In a moment, the talisman paper merged with his face and transformed into Lu Yu's appearance.

Lu Guoguang was shocked and hurried to a mirror in the room. Looking at his image in the mirror, he was stunned.

He had heard of the means of changing appearance, but it was unique to be able to do it as easily as Lu Yu.

He had never thought that this staff officer actually mastered such magical powers.

"I haven't used this trick for a long time, but fortunately the technique seems to be not rusty..." Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"Sir, I, I, I..." Lu Guoguang was shocked and speechless, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Lu Yu didn't waste time talking to him and said directly: "Take off your clothes quickly!"

"Take off, take off your clothes? What are you doing?"

"Nonsense! What's the use of just having a face? You have to change your clothes... Besides, if we don't change our clothes, how can I pretend to be you and sneak out?" Lu Yu said.

Lu Guoguang couldn't help but feel confused, but he still changed his clothes as he said.

After a while, the two of them changed their clothes. Lu Guoguang was curious about how Lu Yu was going to become his appearance.

But after Lu Yu stretched out his hand and rubbed his face randomly, he became his appearance in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Lu Yu in front of him at this time, Lu Guoguang couldn't help but feel like he was looking in the mirror. He couldn't see any flaws at all, as if the person in front of him should have been himself.

"Okay, just stay here honestly! I don't know how many eyes are staring at us outside. This matter is very important. You must not show your feet!" Lu Yu finally explained.

After that, Lu Yu ignored the dull-looking Lu Guoguang, picked up his sword, strode out of the room, and closed the door.

"General Lu, does the Lord have any instructions?"

Bai Zimei was waiting outside the yard. Seeing Lu Guoguang, who was transformed by Lu Yu, he hurried forward to ask.

"The Lord asked me to prepare some pills for him. These pills are all brought from Xihai City... In addition, the Lord just specifically instructed that he should concentrate on practicing next, and no one should go in to disturb him!" Lu Yu lowered his head and answered, not daring to look at Bai Zimei in front of him.

"Pills? Concentrate on practicing?" Hearing Lu Yu's answer, Bai Zimei couldn't help but be stunned, "Could it be that the Lord was injured when he met Queen Xuan last night?"

"This is not something we can guess at will... Goodbye!" After Lu Yu finished speaking, he left in a hurry, leaving Bai Zimei to think slowly.

Anyway, no matter how hard she thought, she would never figure out what was going on.

Bai Zimei thought he was in a hurry to complete the task ordered by "Special Envoy Lu" and did not doubt it at all.

Sure enough, after leaving the Interference Garden, Lu Yu felt relaxed again.

He walked all the way and left the White Horse Temple without any danger.

However, his appearance was still too eye-catching. After walking out of the White Horse Temple, Lu Yu could clearly feel that several eyes were on him.

Lu Yu was not in a hurry. He walked patiently on the street. After going around several intersections, he finally got rid of the eyes that had been chasing him.

But this is not the end. It has just begun.

Next, Lu Yu changed his clothes again and quietly touched the periphery of the palace.

Suddenly, there was a flash of flying flowers on his body, and his figure instantly disappeared from the place. In the blink of an eye, when he reappeared, he was already dozens of feet away.

At this moment, Lu Yu's spiritual sense was fully activated and he used all his strength to move towards the interior of the palace.

At this time, he no longer had any scruples in order to find out what happened to him.

When she arrives at Qianqing Palace again, Ning Wanxuan will face herself in her strongest state.

When the time comes, Lu Yu will ask her to reveal all her secrets, and he will even use special coercive means to do so.

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