Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1721 Sisters in Pairs

Although the entire palace is very large, equivalent to a small city, the location of Qianqing Palace is not difficult to find.

Mainly because this is where Ning Wanxuan is based. With Grand Duke's first-level cultivation, she has completely rewritten the force field laws in the surrounding area. This Qianqing Palace is equivalent to Grand Duke Heng's Prancing Horse Lake.

Ordinary people may not notice the obvious difference, but for a strong person like Lu Yu, the existence of Qianqing Palace is particularly eye-catching, especially since he has been to Qianqing Palace before. From the moment he stepped into the palace, the position of Qianqing Palace was like a torch held up in the dark night.

Lu Yu lurked, concealed his aura, and used various deception techniques to avoid disturbing anyone along the way.

It is estimated that no one would have thought that someone would be so bold as to sneak into the palace in broad daylight, and the final destination of the sneak was Qianqing Palace, where Queen Xuan was in charge.

Soon, Lu Yu entered the Qianqing Palace.

After arriving here, the surrounding defenses relaxed.

After all, this place is already Ning Wanxuan's domain, and any disturbance can hardly escape her perception.

Under normal circumstances, no one would be able to sneak in here safely, and it is unlikely that anyone would take the initiative to sneak into the domain of a powerful archduke. If too many people are stationed here, it will cause interference to her. .

However, Lu Yu is an exception. With his deep understanding of the mysteries of the law and his previous in-depth contact with Ning Wanxuan, he already has a considerable understanding of the operation of the laws within Ning Wanxuan's domain. , after entering the opponent's domain at this time, it was like a feather falling on the lake, without causing any ripples at all.

Of course, these are only reflected in the microscopic level of the secrets of the law. In terms of external actions, Lu Yu seemed to be a little arrogant after entering the Qianqing Palace.

Lu Yu walked straight into the palace, because according to his spiritual perception, there was no one in the entire huge palace, and only the core area had the aura of the strong.

Needless to say, that person is naturally Ning Wanxuan herself...

Then, he heard the sound of someone talking. It seemed that sisters Ning Wanxuan and Ning Wanqing were talking.

Now Lu Yu finally understood why there was no maid or eunuch serving in the entire huge palace. It was obvious that the two sisters were communicating in secret, so they screened everyone out.

Lu Yu originally wanted to eavesdrop on what the two sisters were talking about, but thought that at this point in time, the topic they were talking about must involve him...

However, he didn't expect that he could smell the unique fragrance of the woman as soon as he got closer. Lu Yu couldn't help but feel confused and couldn't help but become distracted.

He screamed in his heart that it was bad and wanted to make amends, but it was too late and his breath was still slightly confused for a moment.

In this short moment, Ning Wanxuan in the room immediately noticed it, and she heard her coldly shout: "Who is it?"

Immediately, the door of the room opened, and the three people inside and outside the room faced each other.

Sure enough, it was sisters Ning Wanxuan and Ning Wanqing who were in the room.

Seeing this scene, the blood in Lu Yu's body boiled again, and he felt an evil fire rising from his belly.

In fact, the two sisters were dressed very appropriately, and there was no deliberate temptation. However, the existence of these two women was a huge temptation for him. Just the exaggerated undulating curves of their bodies were enough. It already made him feel uncontrollable.

It seemed that after arriving here, the pressure he faced was far greater than Lu Yu originally expected.

This pressure does not come from external threats, but from Lu Yu himself.

What's more, the situation here is different from what he expected. Originally, he thought he only had to face Ning Wanxuan, but he didn't expect Ning Wanqing to be here... Isn't this the so-called pairing of sisters? Happy double?

Ning Wanxuan and Ning Wanqing were also very surprised when they saw Lu Yu appearing outside the door. They obviously did not expect that someone could sneak in here.

"Who are you?" Ning Wanxuan asked with a frown.

As she spoke these words, the surrounding air instantly became icy cold, and the energy condensed like a needle in the void seemed to have substance.

After all, Lu Yu was still in the state of disguise magic at this time. This method originating from another world was not seen through by the other party.

Lu Yu didn't say anything, and calmly took out the moon-closing stone.

He was afraid that as soon as he spoke, his aura would become chaotic again, and this closed moon stone was a modified talisman. Through it, the true name barrier of this world could be cast, and it had extremely powerful protective capabilities. Even with At Ning Wanxuan's level, it was impossible to do anything to her.

"Are you from Xihai City?"

Seeing the Moon Moon Stone in Lu Yu's hand, Ning Wanqing couldn't help but change her expression. When she was at the White Horse Temple, this stone had left a very deep impression on her, so she recognized it immediately.

"Did someone named Lu send you here?" Ning Wanqing asked in a cold voice.

When Ning Wanxuan heard this, she couldn't help but be slightly startled.

She didn't expect that Lu Yu's subordinates would have such an outstanding figure who could reach here without anyone noticing. This alone fully proved his strength.

And such a person is actually just one of Lu Yu's subordinates...

It seems that the power in the hands of Special Envoy Lu is far more powerful than he imagined!

Thinking this, Ning Wanxuan did not attack Lu Yu immediately. The tense atmosphere around her relaxed slightly and asked, "Since you are from Special Envoy Lu, he must have something to explain when he sends you here, right?"

Lu Yu still didn't speak, just nodded, and then waved gently in Ning Wanxuan's direction.

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