Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1722 On the verge of losing control

Ning Wanxuan initially thought that Lu Yu was trying to avoid Ning Wanqing who was standing beside her, so she wanted to go over and talk in detail face to face.

She hesitated for a moment and was about to step forward, but at this moment, she suddenly noticed that Lu Yu's fingertips were filled with a strange halo.

Immediately afterwards, countless strange characters flew out from the halo of strange art, overwhelming the sky and heading towards him.

Ning Wanxuan was slightly startled and quickly blocked it subconsciously, only to find that her power had no effect on these characters.

These characters were like illusions, without any entity at all. They instantly passed through all the barriers within the domain and submerged into her body.

She could only watch helplessly as these characters automatically spliced ​​into the shape of a circle. They were continuously combined and connected one after another to form new and larger circles, endless and endless... Finally, within her field of vision , only infinite circles are left!

"What are you doing? Stop it!"

Ning Wanqing shouted loudly and immediately took action to stop it.

However, at this time, the Moonstone Talisman on Lu Yu's body has been opened, and the true name barrier with the original power of this world has been formed around him. Although Ning Wanqing's counterattack is extremely powerful, it can only be compared to the previous one. It was the same as the White Horse Temple, it couldn't make any splash at all.

And through this fight, the familiar feeling made Ning Wanqing finally realize the true identity of the person in front of her - not just anyone can use such a method.

"Are you... Lu Afeng?" Ning Wanqing asked with a surprised look on her face.

Lu Yu stopped pretending and simply stretched out his hand to wipe his face, revealing his true face.

"It's really you..." Ning Wanqing said in disbelief.

Only then did she realize that the strength Lu Yu had shown to her when she was at White Horse Temple was just the tip of the iceberg.

"I advise you not to act rashly!"

Lu Yu's eyes were like lightning, he looked at Ning Wanqing's left hand, shook his head and said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, when I killed Grand Duke Nan Lu outside Luzhou City, I used a similar trick to this one! "

Ning Wanqing's body trembled slightly, and under Lu Yu's gaze, she slowly let go of her left hand.

Sure enough, there was already a command arrow clasped in her palm. Once it was sent out, it would definitely attract a large number of reinforcements.

It's a pity that Lu Yu knew all this in advance. There was no way she could ignore her sister's life and forcefully send out the command arrow. In this way, even if reinforcements arrived, they would probably only come to help collect the body.

"It seems that you are very surprised by me now..."

Lu Yu signaled Ning Wanqing to step back. As he spoke, he followed her into the room.

"But in fact, your sister has already estimated my strength. It is for this reason that she chose me... Could it be that she didn't tell you all this?"

Ning Wanqing glanced at Empress Xuan, who was already standing there in a daze, and then said: "Eldest sister just said that your identity and background have a lot of origins. As for what kind of background and origins, she refused to say more, just Let me obey her arrangements... What did you do to her? Put it away quickly. If anything happens, come after me!"

Lu Yu said: "Sister, there is nothing serious about your sister. She was just hit by my curse and temporarily fell into a state of contemplation. If no one helps her to solve it, it is very likely that she will still be trapped in the infinite world until she dies of old age. In the loop of thoughts..."

"But don't worry, as long as you take this, I will wake her up immediately!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu threw a bag of things towards her.

Ning Wanqing took it and opened it, only to find some medicinal powder inside. She couldn't help but be startled: "What is this?"

Lu Yu said: "Don't worry, it's not a highly poisonous thing. When we were at White Horse Temple, the liquid that flowed out of the alchemy furnace you overturned was made of these things... I came here in a hurry this time. Time made them into finished products, so I had to make do with them!”

Ning Wanqing's expression suddenly changed.

The previous experience in the White Horse Temple was a lingering nightmare for her. She was absolutely unwilling to fall into that situation again and be at the mercy of the other party.

But there was no way. At this time, Ning Wanxuan had been hit by the other party's spell, and her life or death was uncertain. Moreover, judging from the strength shown by the other party, there was no possibility of her resisting. No matter whether she took this dose of poison or not, the difference would be Not big anymore.

But she didn't know that Lu Yu was just pretending to be calm at this time. In fact, he was already on the verge of losing control. Otherwise, why would he need to use drugs to control her?

Ning Wanqing drank the packet of medicinal powder, her mouth was filled with a bitter taste, but she did not fall into pain like last time, nor did she let the other party control her like last time.

But she also knew that all this was just a superficial phenomenon. If the other party wanted to, there would be a way to counter her immediately.

"Okay, I've taken the medicine, please hurry up and undo the curse on my sister!"


Lu Yu smiled slightly, but his smile at this time seemed a bit ferocious no matter how you looked at it...

"Miss Ning, you are too naive. I just promised to wake her up, but I never said that I would undo the spell on her... Don't worry, what I said will be fulfilled. I will do it right away. Wake her up, I just have a lot of questions that I want to ask her for answers!”

With that said, Lu Yu snapped his fingers in Ning Wanxuan's direction.

This snap of fingers seemed to have some magical power, and Ning Wanxuan, who had been staying where she was, suddenly woke up.

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