Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1726 Take you flying


Seeing Ning Wanxuan slowly waking up, Ning Wanqing immediately rushed forward and hugged her into her arms.

At this time, the three of them still had no clothes on their bodies. Ning Wanqing's move immediately caused two pairs of huge waves to come together. This scene was really eye-catching...

If it had been Lu Yu before, he would have been unable to control it long ago, but now after venting just now, he has been able to remain calm.

Although Ning Wanxuan opened her eyes, her eyes were empty and blank. There was no focus between the pupils. She seemed to be completely stupid. She was even more embarrassed than before when she was trapped in the infinite circle's spell.

"elder sister……"

Ning Wanqing called her several times, but there was no response. Seeing that her once so arrogant sister had turned into this appearance, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart and turned to look at Lu Yu.

She had a different kind of emotion towards this man who had just become one with her and brought her the ultimate feeling.

"What did you just do to her? Can you recover her! Even if... I beg you!"

Lu Yu picked up his clothes from the ground, put them on calmly, and said, "Why are you in a hurry? Do you think it will be such an easy thing if I have to waste my time? I've always been a heavy-handed person. Very, ordinary people can’t stand this torture from me, your sister is already very good..."

Lu Yu glanced at her with the corner of his eyes, looking at her anxious look, and couldn't help but say:

"Don't worry, she will wake up soon. After all, a fool is of no use to me, right?"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and began to recover, his eyes becoming focused again.

"What on earth did you just do to me..."

Unexpectedly, after she regained consciousness, the first words she spoke were the same as Ning Wanqing's.

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Didn't I say it before? Since you are unwilling to tell me the truth, then I will find the answer myself... Everything just happened was just a process of finding the answer."

"Just now, I felt as if I was really crushed to pieces by you. You are indeed not an extraordinary person..." Ning Wanxuan murmured with lingering fear.

Lu Yu didn't waste any time and directly reached out to fish her body.

At first, the two sisters thought that he couldn't help but show off his bestiality and wanted to take advantage of them. However, they didn't expect that Lu Yu's movements were extremely crisp and neat, without any trace of sloppiness. Only on Ning Wanxuan's body, Extracted that ray of divine power.

That ray of divine power was like a golden thread, as if it had substance, constantly wrapping around Lu Yu's palm quickly, like a trapped greedy snake.

"What is don't recognize it, do you?" Lu Yu asked with a chuckle.

Ning Wanxuan could not help but change her face slightly, and whispered: "All of this is actually the will of the gods. I am just acting according to the instructions of the gods..."


Lu Yu smiled coldly: "Okay, you don't have to explain so much to me. I know the ins and outs of this matter better than you now. You think you were chosen by the gods, but in fact you were used as a weapon. But I still don’t know it!”

Ning Wanxuan hesitated to speak, but in the end she didn't say anything.

It can be seen that she does not take Lu Yu's words seriously. In her mind, she firmly believes in the so-called gods.

Lu Yu didn't force him to do anything, and said straightforwardly: "Okay, I'm going to ask you a question now. Do you want to meet this so-called god in your mind?"

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but feel stunned, and looked at Lu Yu with wide eyes: "Is this possible?"

Lu Yu said: "For ordinary people, this is indeed impossible, but for me, this is not a difficult thing... Of course, if you want to achieve this, your cooperation is indispensable! "

Ning Wanxuan didn't know what to say for a moment and just looked at Lu Yu quietly.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent! Okay, now I'm going to teach you a set of formulas, and you try to drive it according to what I said!" Lu Yu said without any doubt.

So, he began to teach Ning Wanxuan the method of controlling this ray of divine power.

Ning Wanxuan is a powerful person at the level of a Grand Duke. She is very understanding of all this. She quickly mastered the trick and successfully tamed this ray of divine power in her palm. She was also able to do what Lu Yu did. This ray of divine power is in the palm of your hand.

At this moment, Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but feel shocked.

Ever since she realized this divine power in the Hades Temple, this divine power has been extremely powerful. At one time, she even thought that this was the original power of the world, but she did not expect that now it has become as easy to control as an earthworm.

"are you ready?"

Ning Wanxuan was lost in thought when Lu Yu suddenly asked.

"Now, let us formally discuss the origin of this so-called god!"

After saying that, he stepped forward again, held Ning Wanxuan in his arms, and pressed his forehead against hers.

In an instant, Ning Wanxuan experienced the feeling of "flying".

Although she was still in the Qianqing Palace, her mind and consciousness followed Lu Yu and soared into the sky, breaking through the clouds and mist in the sky, heading straight for the vast starry sky.

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