Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1727 Mysterious Figure

This ray of divine power possessed by Ning Wanxuan was like a bait dropped by Bixiao Shrine, and it was Lu Yu who was being lured.

Since it is fishing bait, there must be a fishing line connected to the other end of the fishing line, and the other end of the fishing line is in the hands of a senior person in the Bixiao Shrine.

The identity of this high-level executive is at least comparable to that of the Earth Seal God. Even if it is not higher than the Earth Seal God, it will definitely not be worse than him. He may even be the superior of the Earth Seal God... In short, There is nothing simple about this man's identity.

What Lu Yu has to do now is to follow this "fishing line" to find out the background of this mysterious high-level figure.

This move was naturally extremely risky, but Lu Yu had to do it.

It can be predicted that in the future, this mysterious high-level figure will definitely be the core leader leading the hunt for him. It can be said that he will be the biggest enemy he will directly face next.

Only by understanding it to a certain extent can Lu Yu determine how to deal with it next. After all, at least in the short term, he has no way to leave this world of sky-watching. It is very likely that the next main battlefield will be here.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight without danger.

Of course, by just following this "fishing line", the information that can be seen will be very limited, and maybe you won't be able to spy on anything... But no matter what, this is at least an opportunity to wait for. It's not Lu Yu's character. He always has to try something before giving up.

In the blink of an eye, the two people's thoughts and consciousness had crossed the vast starry sky and arrived at an unknown place.

Ning Wanxuan had been completely stunned by everything around her. At this time, she was like a fish jumping out of the water and landing on the shore for the first time. Everything around her made her feel deeply scared, and she could only "snuggle" tightly. Being by Lu Yu's side made her feel a little at peace...

Lu Yu was already familiar with the changes in the universe and the starry sky. This was not the first time for him to jump out of the water.

In fact, all this is just an illusion...

Naturally, this tiny "fishing line" cannot directly cross the vast starry sky. Although the mysterious figure is a towering and powerful giant, it is impossible for him to have such an ability.

Even if he really had such an ability, Lu Yu's alien consciousness would not be enough to reach across the universe and the stars.

All of this is based on a "transfer station". The mysterious figure is directly connected to the "transfer station", and then connected to the "fishing lines" one after another through the "transfer station". At this time, Lu Yu and Ning Wanxuan What you see is the scene of the "transit station".

This place is actually just a projection of the starry sky in the universe. It has the same effect as the Divine Wood King Cauldron's ability to travel through the starry sky through the power of the Star Gathering Beads.

In other words, even if Lu Yu was directly facing the mysterious figure here, the two of them would just be looking at each other through a mirror. Because of this, he dared to try this boldly.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little distracted. He couldn't help but think of the sacred wooden king tripod in another world.

In the original world, the Divine Wood King Cauldron could observe the starry sky through the Star Gathering Bead. I wonder if the Star Gathering Bead was removed from Meng Ting's scepter at this time, and whether the giant war halberd had been transformed. Has the Divine Wood King Cauldron reinstalled the Star Gathering Pearl to observe the sky-gazing world here...

The most important point is, is there a way to re-establish contact with the Shenmu Wangding? In that case, even if he cannot return to his original world, you can exchange news with your relatives and friends in that world.

Lu Yu originally didn't even dare to think about this matter, because he clearly knew how far the distance between the two worlds was...

But seeing everything in front of him at this time, he couldn't help but have this bold idea in his mind. Maybe he couldn't do it himself, but it didn't necessarily mean that others couldn't do it either. At least it should be possible in terms of hardware facilities.

Perhaps, we should find time to go to the Temple of Hades to see if there is any chance to bring their things. Since they can have such a close connection with the mysterious figure who succeeded in Bixiao, it means that they must have this A first-class treasure facility...

This world may indeed be very lacking in treasure resources, but as a top hidden sect, Hades Temple is obviously quite wealthy.

But these are all things for later, at least until the immediate problem is solved and the current situation of the enemy is clear.

Finally, the two of them entered the core of the starry sky.

Among the stars, there is a very unique place, and you can tell at a glance that it is different.

Lu Yu suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. What was hidden in this, even if it was not the mysterious figure himself, must be something closely related to him.

Without much hesitation, he continued to move forward with Ning Wanxuan's thoughts and consciousness, because only in this way could he hold on to the "fishing line" in his hand.

Soon, the two entered the mysterious area.

Suddenly, they saw a scene they would never forget.

I saw a huge eye appearing out of thin air in the void; it suddenly opened, and then another eye appeared out of thin air and suddenly opened.

In a matter of seconds, hundreds of eyes opened one after another around them, and together they formed a huge thing.

"This is... Qianyanjun!"

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Lu Yu's mind.

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