Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1728 Exploration of thoughts through the air

In fact, Lu Yu had never heard the name Qianyanjun.

Even in her original world, Meng Ting had never talked to him about the Bixiao Shrine in the upper realm, perhaps because she knew very little about it.

But at this moment, when he saw the picture in front of him, the name naturally appeared in his mind. Just like when he saw the world of Guantian for the first time before, he knew at a glance that "Guantian World" "Heaven" is the name.

Because this is a language of the stars, based on the laws of the heavens and the world, the name "Thousand Eyes" must also be the true name of this mysterious figure.

It is not an easy thing to have one's true name under the laws of all heavens and all realms. This represents the recognition of this person by the laws of all heavens and all realms, and shows that he already has the strength to shake the heavens. , so it will leave a mark of existence in the laws of the heavens.

In short, this is definitely a powerful giant, and his existence is comparable to that of the Emperor of Daze Realm.

Lu Yu did not expect that the person who came to track him this time would be such a big shot.

This may also be related to this person's ability and characteristics. Since this person has "Thousand Eyes" as his real name, he must have special eyesight. Maybe he can see all over the world with his eyes. Because In this way, he will be the leader in tracking himself.

"Qianyanjun...what are you talking about?" Ning Wanxuan asked suddenly.

The two people's thoughts were mingling with each other at this time, and Lu Yu's subconscious thoughts could not be hidden from her at all, as if they were whispering softly in her ears.

Including Lu Yu's thoughts about the sacred tree king tripod just now, she also did not hide it from her. However, with her ability, she was simply unable to understand things in another world, so she could not truly understand the reality of Lu Yu's consciousness just now. On the contrary, she heard Lu Yu's subconscious emotion at this time clearly.

"This is the god you have always admired and longed for in your heart..." Lu Yu replied.

"Is this... what that god looks like?" Ning Wanxuan was surprised.

Lu Yu said: "I can assure you that this is his truest appearance... Maybe on other occasions, he will appear in other beautified images, but definitely not here, because we are directly in When it comes to communicating on a mental level, he doesn’t put on any pretense at all.”

Ning Wanxuan's thoughts were full of astonishment. Thousands of eyes appeared here at this moment. This scene was already very scary. Moreover, the positions of these eyes were not static, but were constantly changing. From the shape of their combination, It looks like a huge spider...

Ning Wanxuan really couldn't accept that the god she had always revered in her heart turned out to look like this.

At this time, the "fishing line" was almost at its end, and they were about to be forced to collide head-on with one of the eyes.

"Can we go back now?" Ning Wanxuan asked. The scene in front of her really frightened her deeply.

"Wait a moment." Lu Yu said.

Then, under his leadership, the two continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the eyes connected to the "fishing line" in front, almost touching each other.

Ning Wanxuan's thoughts and soul couldn't help but tremble.

If she were alone, she would have turned around and ran away, but in fact everything here was controlled by Lu Yu. Even if she wanted to escape alone, she didn't know how to escape.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and gently touched the eye in front of him.

Of course, he has no physical existence at this time, and the so-called "hand" is nothing more than his mind.

He gently stroked the eyeball, his movements very gentle, like caressing the body of his lover.

Although Ning Wanxuan didn't know exactly what Lu Yu was doing, she also knew that his move must have a profound meaning. Maybe he was communicating with the powerful god in front of him.

Although her idea was not entirely correct, it was not far off. Lu Yu was sensing the state of the Thousand Eyes King at this time, but it was disguised through that ray of divine power. Although this communication was not It's not intuitive, but you can still see some clues.

A moment later, without knowing what Lu Yu did, the eyeball in that eye suddenly turned and focused on the two of them.

At the same time, all the eyes around them were widened and looked towards where they were.

This scene made Ning Wanxuan feel like she was about to lose her soul.

Until this moment, she completely believed what Lu Yu said before.

The thousands of eyes in front of her were indeed the incarnation of the god she revered so much, because she felt an unparalleled pressure, which was impossible for a mortal to have.

Moreover, the feeling caused by the pressure at this time was very similar to the feeling she had when she realized the divine power in the Hades Temple. The only difference was that there were not so many eyes around her looking at her at the same time.

"Let's go!" Ning Wanxuan was anxious.

Lu Yu was unhurried, and just waved his hand gently, and the end of the "fishing line" was broken, and the only connection between the two people and the eye was interrupted.

Suddenly, Ning Wanxuan felt like she had just passed by. Everything in front of her quickly flew back like a flashback. The depths of the starry sky that the two of them had traveled through for a long time disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The surrounding scenes changed faster and faster, and finally exceeded the limit that Ning Wanxuan could bear, and her vision suddenly went dark.

When she opened her eyes again, Ning Wanxuan found that she had returned to Qianqing Palace, still naked on the bed, facing Lu Yu.

Ning Wanxuan ignored the embarrassment at this moment and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The scene just now was like a lost dream, but it made him feel extremely real, and he still had lingering fears until now.

There were thousands of words in her heart that she wanted to ask Lu Yu to find out what happened just now.

But before she could speak, Lu Yu had already taken the lead and asked: "Queen Xuan, what kind of power do you think is needed if you want to conquer the Temple of Hades?"

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