Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1729 Dynasty Past

"What? You mean...take down the Temple of Hades?" Ning Wanxuan said with a look of astonishment.

Ning Wanqing on the side was also surprised when she heard what the two said.

She didn’t know what the two of them had just experienced. In her opinion, the two of them just pressed their foreheads together intimately and were tired of each other for a while. Why did such a scary idea suddenly come up...

"Are you serious?" Ning Wanxuan asked.

"Of course." Lu Yu said without hesitation.

Ning Wanxuan looked at him, hesitated to speak, but finally shook her head helplessly and said: "The strength of the Hades Temple is very powerful. In fact, what I know about the Hades Temple is just the tip of the iceberg. Their true strength is beyond our imagination...Have you heard of the Guanlan Empire?"

"Guanlan Empire?" Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

"Or should I say its other name...the Central Dynasty."

Lu Yu suddenly showed a confused expression.

Either of these two names made him feel very strange, very strange. This was definitely not the dynasty and empire that existed in the world today, otherwise he would have heard of it...

Since it does not exist today, it must be a previous dynasty that has been submerged in the long river of history.

This really touched upon Lu Yu's knowledge blind spot. Mainly because he was not a native of this world. He didn't know much about the history of this world.

Ning Wanxuan explained: "Five hundred years ago, the Guanlan Empire was originally a very powerful dynasty. They almost ruled the entire continent at that time. That's why there is a saying that 'under the whole world, is it the land of the king, the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers'" ', the imperial capital of the dynasty was established in the center of the entire continent. It is said to have the best dragon vein, so it is also called the Central Dynasty. Even with the current national strength of our Darui Kingdom, compared with the Central Dynasty in its most powerful period , maybe only one-tenth of theirs..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but was slightly startled. The strength of the Darui Empire was only a few tenths of that of the Central Dynasty, so this country was indeed a super behemoth.

"Not only the existing major empires, but also the existing major sects, such top sects as Yunyan Pavilion, Shenyu Palace, Wanqiu Sect, etc. were all established after the collapse of the Central Dynasty. It can be said that The soil where they were born is the corpse of the Central Dynasty..."

"The reason why such a huge force in the Central Dynasty fell apart and perished was because the Temple of Hades was the main culprit... I don't know the specific reason. At that time, there was a fierce conflict between the Central Dynasty and the Temple of Hades. They mobilized all the elites of the royal family and took the initiative to launch an attack on the Temple of Hades. However, in the end, the royal family of the Central Dynasty was defeated and almost completely annihilated. After that, the Central Dynasty failed to recover, and rebellions occurred frequently in various places, and eventually it was completely destroyed... "

"The Central Dynasty was such a huge force at the beginning, but the final result is still the same... Therefore, I really don't know how to answer your question."

Said, Ning Wanxuan finally shook her head helplessly.

Obviously she wanted Lu Yu to retreat and give up this crazy idea.

But Lu Yu was unmoved at all, and instead became a little excited: "Is this actually the case? In this way, this matter is really troublesome..."

Anyway, his purpose is to rob the treasures of the Temple of Hades, hoping to find a method to communicate with other worlds remotely. Since the Temple of Hades has such a profound foundation, it means that his purpose is more likely to be achieved.

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but be speechless for a while. She didn't expect that what she said would have the opposite effect.

"According to what you just said, the Thousand-Eyed King we just saw should be on the side of the Hades Temple. This shows that there are really gods behind the Hades Temple... Do you really want to go against them? ?" Ning Wanxuan said again.

"What about gods?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly and said: "Gods are not omnipotent. Although they are powerful and far beyond our imagination, in fact they also have great limitations... For example, the one we just saw, he has the most They only dare to hide in the world outside the sky and take action from a distance. The accretion body does not dare to enter this big world, so you don’t need to worry about this at all!”

This is the result of Lu Yu's investigation just now. Although the eyeballs just now are just a trace of Qianyanjun's spiritual thoughts, a lot of things can be seen from them.

For example, Lu Yu saw that the power composition of Qian Yanyan Lord could not be accommodated by the law system of Guantian World. If he forced his way in, the power of the laws of the entire world would backfire.

This is similar to Lu Yu's original world. The body of a god cannot directly enter a big world. Unless he comes in some special way like the regional god, his power will be greatly affected. With big restrictions, the strength will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, after learning this, Lu Yu felt relieved for the time being and prepared to take advantage of the opportunity before the place was freed up.

"How do you know this?" Ning Wanqing asked from the side.

Although she was not very clear about the specific content of what the two were talking about, it involved gods after all. But seeing Lu Yu so confident and certain, she couldn't help but make her very curious.

Lu Yu said: "This is not the first time I have dealt with gods. In fact, I have dealt with many gods from all walks of life. One of the gods' body was decapitated by my sword... You How do I know all this?"

The two sisters were suddenly stunned and completely speechless.

"You...what do you need us to do now?" Finally, Ning Wanxuan asked.

Lu Yu looked at her plump and undulating curves, and couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart. He couldn't help but rub it again, and said with a smile: "I need you to put on your clothes immediately. You are like this now, except for Apart from that, I can’t do anything else.”

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