Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1730 Dowry

After a while, the three of them tidied up again and got dressed.

Only then did the two sisters realize how crazy the three of them had been in that spring night before, so they couldn't help but look a little nervous.

Lu Yu couldn't help but was speechless. When they took off their clothes and treated each other sincerely, they didn't see any coquettishness between the two of them. Unexpectedly, after putting on their clothes, the two of them became more coquettish. This is really It made him feel a little confused.

"I need to rush back to Xihai City as soon as possible, so you can help me arrange things here as soon as possible. I can't delay it any longer!" Lu Yu explained straightforwardly.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that he was ordering his subordinates to do something.

However, neither sister had any dissatisfaction with Lu Yu's tone.

Obviously after the series of events just now, they had already felt deeply rooted in Lu Yu's strength, and they could not think of any resistance.

They even began to suspect that Lu Yu was actually a god, but he ended up here for some special reason. Otherwise, if he was not a god, how could he cut off another god's head with a sword?

"When do you plan to leave?" Ning Wanxuan asked.

Lu Yu said: "The sooner the better, it is best to set off immediately tomorrow... But can you do it so fast?"

"The other things are nothing, just the wedding between you and Wanqing. I'm afraid it won't be done so soon!" Ning Wanxuan replied.

At this time, there was no trace of the queen in her body.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "It seems that you are really persistent and want me to be your brother-in-law..."

Ning Wanxuan's face turned slightly red, and she couldn't help but think of the madness she had experienced just now, as well as the scene of her babbling.

"The decree has been sent out, and it cannot be done half-way when it comes to the dignity of the royal family... I hope sir can fulfill it!"

Ning Wanxuan tried her best to keep her posture as low as possible.

She had chosen Lu Yu to marry Ning Wanqing before. Although she was very optimistic about Lu Yu at that time, she never thought that Lu Yu would be powerful enough to arm-wrestle with the gods... Therefore, she had been very strong before and had no idea about the marriage. She didn't ask Lu Yu for his opinion because she didn't think Lu Yu had the qualifications to reject her.

But now, her impression of Lu Yu has completely changed, so she tried to keep her attitude as low as possible.

Lu Yu didn't respond for a long time, and Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but push the sister next to her hard, signaling her client to speak quickly and stop standing stupidly.

Ning Wanqing couldn't help but feel angry. She felt aggrieved and helpless. At the same time, there was also a trace of fear and anger. Her mood was extremely complicated...

However, remembering the feeling of being completely penetrated by Lu Yu just now, she couldn't help but have a hint of expectation. It seemed that making this man her husband was not an unacceptable thing.

"I hope Special Envoy Lu can make it happen..."

Ning Wanqing echoed. This was the greatest courage she had mustered. She felt like a bitch, begging him to have her.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "It's not impossible if you want me to agree to this, but I just don't know what kind of dowry your Ning family has prepared?"

Ning Wanqing couldn't help but feel dumb for a while. How could she have thought about this problem?

Ning Wanxuan straightened her chest, and suddenly a wave of waves swayed in her chest. She posed in the most sultry pose: "How about I be her dowry? Everything I own belongs to you, sir, including me. My people, my power, my wealth and resources... can be used at your disposal!"

When my younger sister got married, my older sister turned out to be the dowry, and this older sister was also the majestic queen of a country. Not to mention that all this was actually quite ridiculous, but it did happen.

"Are you willing to give me everything you have?" Lu Yu's lips curved slightly, "But I have told you clearly just now that I will be the enemy of Hades Temple next time. Aren't you afraid of being attacked by me?" Drag us into the water together?”

"Don't be afraid!"

Ning Wanxuan shook her head and said with a serious face: "Although the Ning family is very powerful and has a very prominent power in the Da Rui Empire, if you look at the whole world, the Ning family is just a small village in a puddle. It’s just fish…”

"A small fish like this cannot escape the fate of destruction in the end. Even if it is not now, it will definitely develop in the near future..."

"In this case, it is better to choose to stay with Mr., so that we may be able to win a better future for the Ning family..."

"Being able to meet Mr. here, I think this is the biggest opportunity for our entire Ning family since its birth!"

She looked straight at Lu Yu, her eyes full of sincerity.

Compared to Ning Wanqing beside her, she had a deeper understanding of how powerful Lu Yu was. Not only the action just now, but also the experience of the two people's minds and consciousness, exploring the starry sky, she couldn't help but be deeply shocked. He couldn't help but have the illusion that an unknown door was slowly opening in front of him.

"You have given me such a big hat. If I still refuse, wouldn't it seem a little unkind?" Lu Yu said with a smile, "Forget it! In this case, then I will agree to this matter. !”

"As for the wedding, there's no need to go to so much trouble. Let's wait until we get to Fenghe Prefecture to hold it!"

"Feng Hezhou?" The two women couldn't help being stunned at the same time.

"What? Hasn't Emperor Qing'en announced this matter yet?" Lu Yu said, "This is what he and I have discussed a long time ago. After we get married, I will go there with Ning Wanqing and the Snow Dragon Army. Stationed in Fenghe Province, that will be our fiefdom!”

The two sisters could not help but be silent for a while.

They could naturally tell that this was Emperor Qing'en borrowing Lu Yu's hand to weaken the Ning family. Before the change, they would definitely try their best to avoid this matter, but now everything has changed.

"Okay, let's do it!" Lu Yu said again, "Actually, I have discussed it a lot with Emperor Qing'en before. As long as you don't object and just do it honestly! What you just said is right, this happens to be the Ning family. An opportunity for the family to jump out!”

After saying that, Lu Yu turned around and left, leaving Qianqing Palace.

"Mr. Lu, should I call you from now on?" Ning Wanxuan asked.

"What else can I call you?" Lu Yu thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you just call me sister-in-law? I think this is a good title..."

After saying that, he strode out and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ning Wanxuan looked in the direction where Lu Yusen also disappeared, but was stunned for a long time.

Also called sister-in-law...

Does this mean that there will be opportunities like today in the future?

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