Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1731 Smell

When Lu Yu returned to White Horse Temple again, it was already late at night again.

Unknowingly, I have been lingering in Qianqing Palace for most of the day.

Although it took so long, Lu Yu felt that it was all worth it. Not only did he completely conquer a pair of sisters from the Ning family, but it also gave him a general understanding of the enemies he would face next.

Lu Yu no longer deliberately changed his appearance into Lu Guoguang's appearance, and just walked into the White Horse Temple in a swaggering manner.

He now knows the real reason why his Taoist heart is out of control. The enemy is not on the Imperial Capital side but in the distant Hades Temple.

Now that he has reached an agreement with Emperor Qing'en and has completely conquered the Ning sisters, the Imperial Capital is basically no threat to him anymore, so he no longer needs to be so cautious.

The guards guarding the gate of White Horse Temple couldn't help but rub their eyes hard when they saw Lu Yu's corridor. They really didn't know why Lu Yu suddenly walked in from outside. He had never been out before?

But no matter what, the person in front of him was a genuine Lu special envoy. Although the guards stationed by the Ministry of Rites were full of doubts, they did not dare to stop him and could only let him go honestly.

The journey was smooth until he was about to enter his courtyard when he bumped into Bai Zimei.

"Sir... why did you come back from outside?" Bai Zimei also looked surprised, "Didn't I say that you were in retreat to practice your breathing skills?"

"Oh, I have already adjusted my breath, so I went outside for a walk." Lu Yu said calmly.

However, Bai Zimei couldn't help but look suspiciously: "The clothes you are doesn't seem to belong to you, right?"

Lu Yu was still wearing the Feishiying uniform that he had taken off from Lu Guoguang before.

Although he had a lot of troubles with the Ning sisters in the Qianqing Palace, he couldn't ask the Ning sisters to find him a new set of clothes, so he still wore the same clothes as before.

Seeing that Bai Zimei saw the flaw at a glance, Lu Yu did not panic and said without batting an eyelid: "Why isn't it mine? This is the uniform of Feishi Camp. My official position in Xihai City is He is the staff officer of Feishi Camp. He already has such clothes, but he only wears them sparingly. "

"Really..." Bai Zimei continued, but the suspicious look in his eyes did not diminish at all.

She remembered that when Lu Guoguang left before, he seemed to be wearing the same clothes. She couldn't help but suspect that the man was actually Lu Yu pretending to be. But when Lu Guoguang left, the two of them had been close to each other. Have talked...

Bai Zimei recalled every detail of the past, but couldn't find any flaws, so he had to give up.

Forget it, even if the special envoy has some fancy dress and likes to take off his subordinates' clothes to wear, it's not a big deal...

Bai Zimei thought like this, turned sideways, and took the initiative to give way to Lu Yu.

The moment the two people passed by each other, Bai Zimei's expression suddenly changed slightly, and the expression on his face became subtle.

Because she smelled Lu Yu's body, and there was clearly a lingering feminine scent. To be precise, it should be the scent of lust...

"Sir, you came back so late, where were you just now?" Bai Zimei followed Lu Yu and asked calmly.

"I didn't go anywhere, I just walked around casually..." Lu Yu replied.

"Really? But I see that the master seems to be quite busy. It seems that it is not just as simple as just walking around, right?"

Lu Yu was startled for a moment, but then he immediately realized that there was still a flaw in his body, and Bai Zimei had already noticed it.

But he didn't care, it wasn't a big deal in the first place.

He turned back and looked at her straight in the eye, and said: "Of course it won't be as simple as just taking a walk. You know that I am under a lot of pressure now, so I need to release it occasionally... Why, you want to come too Do you want to share your worries with me?"

Bai Zimei was stunned and looked at Lu Yu's aggressive eyes. For some reason, she suddenly felt panicked for no reason: "My lord, you are joking. If you have any errands, just tell me... Ah! By the way, my lord, before Doesn’t it mean that we have new troubles? I wonder if you have thought about that problem clearly now..."

Lu Yu withdrew his gaze and nodded lightly: "Not only have I thought about it clearly, but I have also solved him easily. That problem will no longer become a problem. It's okay not to mention it..."

"That's good, that's good! Then Miss Zhenzhen and I can rest assured..." Bai Zimei said quickly, and also deliberately mentioned Cui Zhenzhen, just to let her become his shield.

Lu Yu said nothing more.

Bai Zimei escorted him all the way to his residence and stood quietly outside the door, showing an attitude of obeying orders at any time.

In this way, the Lu Yu pretending to be Lu Guoguang in the room will be exposed later, and then two identical Lu Yus will appear in front of her.

Although Lu Yu was not afraid of her knowing his tricks, he would definitely have to explain again, which would be another troublesome matter. So he simply turned around again, looked at Bai Zimei and said: " Xiaobai, I see you say you don’t want to, but actually you want to share your worries with me! If you have nothing to do, why don’t you come in with me and sit down?”

Bai Zimei's face turned pale immediately. She didn't think it was anything at first, but Lu Yu's proactive invitation made everything change.

"Your Majesty's kind invitation, I shouldn't refuse... Ah, but I suddenly remembered that Miss Zhenzhen just came to see me. It seems that she has something to explain. I will go to her first and take a look. Come back later and listen to your orders..."

After saying that, he immediately turned around and left, looking a bit like he was running away.

Lu Yu showed a faint smile.

He didn't think it was anything at first, but seeing Bai Zimei's graceful curves swaying in the night, her plump and round butt swaying with her steps, his heartstrings were suddenly shaken involuntarily.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

It was obvious that he had just vented his evil fire on the Ning sisters not long ago, and vented it very heartily... He did not expect that the evil fire would show signs of reviving so soon.

It seems that the impact of Thousand Eyes Lord's divine power on him is not as simple as he imagined...

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