Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1732 Plan

Lu Yu didn't think too much and returned directly to the room.

Lu Guoguang is still pretending to be himself conscientiously. He neither lies down to sleep nor does other unnecessary things. He just sits quietly on a futon and meditates. Everyone who sees this scene will think that he is I am concentrating on my cultivation and do not dare to disturb him further.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu felt relieved and coughed lightly, waking Lu Guoguang out of his trance.

"Sir, you are back!" Lu Guoguang said in surprise when he saw Lu Yu standing in front of him.

Lu Yu nodded and said, "Thanks to having you here to help me attract attention, I got everything done smoothly. Thank you for your hard work!"

Lu Yu said while gently waving his hand.

Immediately, the talisman of the disguise technique flew out from Lu Guoguang's face, and his original appearance was restored.

"What kind of hard work is this?"

Lu Guoguang touched his face and said with a look of surprise, "I just meditated here for a while. How can I compare to you, sir, when you are dealing with powerful enemies outside!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "You should go back first! By the way, let everyone get ready. We should be setting off back to Xihaicheng soon. In just these two days..."

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Lu Guoguang couldn't help but be filled with questions.

However, as a soldier, he knows the importance of strict discipline. It is best not to ask questions about things you should not know, and just follow them honestly.


Lu Guoguang responded and left Lu Yu's room.

Fortunately, Bai Zimei outside had already escaped at this time, otherwise there would have been another fuss.

Lu Yu ignored these things outside and sat on the futon where Lu Guoguang was sitting just now, focusing on himself.

He quickly re-examined his whole body, inside and out, and quickly came to the conclusion that the influence of Thousand Eyes Lord's divine power on him still existed...

In fact, according to the other party's original plan, if he had not noticed anything beforehand, when he had sex with Ning Wanxuan, that ray of divine power would have completely suppressed him unexpectedly.

But in fact, Lu Yu had already expected this. When the two actually had sex, the ray of divine power that burst out from Ning Wanxuan's body not only failed to suppress it, but was actually arrested by him.

After wandering in the starry sky, that ray of divine power had been completely wiped out by Lu Yu.

But it's like being cut open by a sword. Even if the sword is destroyed on the spot, the wound will not heal immediately.

What Lu Yu is facing now is the problem of recovery. Although that ray of divine power has been extinguished long ago, the trauma was caused before and it still exists. All of this is due to the damage done to the soul and Taoist heart. Influence.

This kind of direct influence on the mind does not have the ability to self-recover like the body. Eliminating this influence will be a protracted process.

It is even possible that it may not be completely eradicated at all...

Thinking of this, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Only then did he deeply realize how ruthless the other party was. Taoist heart is the foundation of all cultivation. If there is a problem in this aspect, it will be difficult to make progress in cultivation. Even if there is occasional progress, it will be serious. Deviating from the original training track eventually leads to an obsession...

The reason why the other party did this was obviously to completely lock up his promotion space in cultivation. In this way, even if Lu Yu fled to the end of the world, he would still be a small character who could not even form a golden elixir, let alone Don't expect to be able to understand the more profound mysteries of the stars. There won't be any big waves at that time... This can be said to be heart-wrenching.

At present, it cannot be said that the other party's plan has been completed and effective, and has already had a huge impact.

The most outstanding thing about Lu Yu now is that his ability to resist female sex is greatly reduced. Even if a woman just shakes her butt in front of him a few times, he will be involuntarily distracted...

This is undoubtedly a sign of weak willpower. If allowed to continue to develop, it will further erode and consume his willpower.

Without strong willpower, it is impossible to persist in the path of cultivation for a long time, which is equivalent to no future.

Lu Yu sat in the room for a whole night, but couldn't think of any good solution.

Lu Yu didn't give up until the white belly of a fish appeared in the sky and loud roosters crowed outside.

It seems that this is not an imminent problem, and it has not affected his strength at this time. There is still time to adjust and correct this problem.

So, Lu Yu stood up from the futon and prepared to face this brand new day.

No matter what the future holds, at least he must live well in the present.

If there are no accidents, according to the original plan, a grand canonization ceremony will be held today, and Fu Jing, the lord of Xihai City, will be officially canonized as the Grand Duke of Xihai, and all of this will be completed by his participation as a representative.

After this matter is over, the next step will be the engagement ceremony between him and Ning Wanqing. After this matter is completed, he and Ning Wanqing will lead the Snow Dragon Army to Fenghe Prefecture to win this piece of land that belongs to them. "dowry".

In the process, Lu Yu could return to Xihaicheng.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and silently suppressed his complicated thoughts. In any case, everything would have to wait until the Hades Temple was solved. If his prediction was not wrong, Fenghe State would probably be the place where they would officially confront each other. The first battlefield, after all, given the background of the Hades Temple, it was impossible for them not to notice the strangeness of Fenghe Zhouzhou's miracle.

After a while, Lu Yu finally suppressed his complicated thoughts and became energetic again.

However, he didn't expect that as soon as he opened the door to the room, he was greeted by Cui Zhenzhen, who looked pitiful.

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