Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1733 Show your feelings

"grown ups……"

Cui Zhenzhen called softly.

Her whole body was like a flower with dew hanging in the morning breeze. She looked very young and delicate, yet still budding and bright.

"Morning! Why are you so early?"

Lu Yu pretended to be relaxed and said.

It is undeniable that Cui Zhenzhen's charm is impeccable. Among the women surrounding him now, if we put aside the various halos and blessings on her body, purely in terms of pure female charm, there is no doubt that she is the most outstanding one. .

Therefore, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel distraught when he saw her for the first time, but he controlled it well.

After an "in-depth exchange" with the Ning sisters yesterday, although he still could not completely eliminate the influence of Qianyanjun's ray of divine power, at least he was able to restrain his desires and would no longer be like before. Not under control.

"Sir, I heard that you went out last night?" Cui Zhenzhen's eyes were filled with resentment.

"I heard?" Lu Yu frowned slightly and asked, "Who said it? Is it Bai Zimei? This woman is becoming more and more lawless now, why is her mouth so cruel!"

He seemed quite angry.

However, Cui Zhenzhen did not accept his words. She just looked at him with a faint look in her eyes: "No matter who said it, sir, is this true?"

Lu Yu's heart beat violently for no reason. This was another severe test for him, but he finally restrained himself and nodded and said, "Yes, I did go out, but the matter was definitely not your fault." It's not what Bai Zimei said... By the way, how did she arrange me? "

Cui Zhenzhen blushed slightly and said: "It's nothing. She just said that you finally showed your fox tail last night. You had taken so many oiran women back by force. How could you have no selfish motives? You just didn't know how to find them." Which courtesan is..."

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Is that all?"

Cui Zhenzhen's face immediately turned redder, and she said: "Also, and more...she said that if you allow me to indulge in women, it may be detrimental to our current situation. She asked me to persuade you. …

"Persuasion?" Lu Yu couldn't help but show a playful smile, "Then how do you plan to persuade me, or how did she ask you to persuade me?"

"Sir, I..." Cui Zhenzhen was so embarrassed that she looked like she was letting you take your pick.

Lu Yu laughed and said: "Okay, don't listen to Bai Zimei's nonsense. I have just said that things are not what you think. You don't have to worry that I will indulge in women and delay the business. This is Something that will never happen..."

"Sir, in fact, this is not Bai Zimei's instigation. Even I want to come over and ask you, your lord, why..."

Cui Zhenzhen said in an extremely soft voice.

"Actually, Zhenzhen can also do those things that women can do. No matter what any woman can do for you, Zhenzhen can also do it for you, and she will do it better... Why do you have to do this? Why not seek the distance instead of the near?”

Lu Yu's heartstrings were suddenly plucked even more fiercely.

The hardest thing to bear is the kindness of a beautiful woman...

He is already in an extremely weak-willed state. Cui Zhenzhen is like this, and she doesn't know what to say to him.

"Zhenzhen, I..."

"Sir, you don't need to say anything or explain too much. Zhenzhen actually doesn't mean to blame you..." Cui Zhenzhen bit her lower lip lightly, "I just want to state a fact to you and express my feelings... That is, no matter what time, place or request, as long as it is put forward by you, Zhenzhen will do her best to satisfy you..."

Lu Yu's heart suddenly beat even more violently.

He actually wanted to say: I just want to see how hard you can work...

However, he finally endured it.

He wants to be the master of his own desires, not the slave of them, and the time is not right now.

"Zhenzhen, I understand what you mean..." Finally, Lu Yu said.

Cui Zhenzhen lowered his head and nodded gently, not daring to raise his eyes to look at Lu Yu: "It's good that you understand... Then I won't disturb you. Zhenzhen will leave first!"

After saying that, she turned around and hurriedly retreated.

Obviously speaking these words had exhausted all his courage, but at this moment he no longer had any extra courage to continue facing Lu Yu.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Yu suddenly said.

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help but froze: "Sir, do you have any other instructions?"

Lu Yu stepped forward, looked into her eyes, and said seriously: "Next, I am going to return to Xihai City!"

Cui Zhenzhen was stunned for a while.

She keenly noticed Lu Yu's choice of words. He said "I" instead of "we"...

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