Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1734 A grander stage

"Your Excellency means that I should stay here? Are we going to separate now?" Cui Zhenzhen was kind and sensible, and she immediately guessed Lu Yu's subtext.

Lu Yu felt that her eyes were extremely bright, and he was a little afraid to look directly into her eyes.

"Although I also want to take you with me and continue to teach you the art of Dan Dao to see how far you can grow... But Bai Zimei alone can't handle this place, and you need to provide her with support as a backing, so you may have to stay here. As soon as things here are sorted out, I will immediately send someone to pick you up!" Lu Yu said.

Cui Zhenzhen looked at Lu Yu and asked, "Is the Blue Lion Altar really that important to you, sir? In fact, I think with your strength, it would be a piece of cake to completely solve the problem of the Light Canteen. I always feel that what you do is just a kind of experience for me..." Lu Yu said, "It is undeniable that I did want to experience you before. The arrangement of the Blue Lion Altar was just a casual move I made... However, the situation has changed now. This casual move may play a more critical role, so the matter of the Blue Lion Altar will become more important!" Cui Zhenzhen looked at Lu Yu in surprise, not knowing what the so-called "situation has changed" was. Lu Yu explained: "In fact, you should have seen it... With my ability, there is no need to stay in Xihai City. The reason why I came here is actually to avoid my enemies..." "I have a group of very powerful enemies. They are chasing me everywhere. I originally thought that it would take a long time for them to find me, and I still have plenty of time to prepare to deal with them, but I didn't expect that all this has happened in advance. They have discovered my dislike and should come to me soon, so I don't have much time to continue to arrange calmly and take some quick and easy methods..." "For example, win over more friends, let the entire Yunyan Pavilion and other large sects like Yunyan Pavilion all turn to our side, support me, and help me deal with powerful enemies!" Cui Zhenzhen was stunned. Originally, Lu Yu's plan was to subvert the entire Qingsitan, which she already thought was quite bold. But unexpectedly, Lu Yu now turned his target to Yunyan Pavilion and other large sects similar to Yunyan Pavilion... It can no longer be described as bold, it's simply crazy! "Yunyan Pavilion is already the top sect in the world, plus several other sects of similar size, this is already the top force in the world... Sir, is your enemy really that powerful?" Cui Zhenzhen asked in astonishment.

Lu Yu nodded solemnly: "It's really that powerful, and it's far more exaggerated than what I described!"

Cui Zhenzhen was stunned for a while, and finally nodded: "Sir, don't worry, Zhenzhen understands... I will definitely deal with the matter here in Qingsitan, and then use the Qingsi Talk as a springboard to help you take control of Yunyan Pavilion!"

Yunyan Pavilion is already a powerful force in the matter, but between the two people's few words, its fate has been decided. If outsiders hear this conversation between the two, they will definitely regard them as complete lunatics.

Then the expressions of the two people were extremely serious, without any joking elements.

Lu Yu continued, "I won't be here for much longer, and I will be very busy. All kinds of schedules are fully booked by Emperor Qing'en and Empress Xuan..."

"But no matter what, I will spare some time to help you completely solve the problem of the Green Lion Altar. Only when this matter is handled well can I leave with peace of mind!"

Cui Zhenzhen nodded gently and said very considerately, "I understand. I will immediately discuss with Elder Bai and Elder Kong and come up with a plan as soon as possible to solve this problem once and for all!"

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction, "Then I am relieved. Another thing I want to remind you is that you don't need to be too cautious when doing things in the Imperial Capital at this time. Just let go and do it... Because both the Emperor's Party and the Empress's Party are on our side at this time!"

Cui Zhenzhen showed a surprised expression again.

The dispute between the Emperor's Party and the Empress's Party has been going on for a long time, and the contradiction between the two sides has long reached a point where it is difficult to reconcile. I didn't expect that Lu Yu is now mixing well between the Emperor's Party and the Empress's Party. I really don't know how he did it.

Lu Yu just said that on the surface he went out to spend money and drink, but in fact it was not the case at all... She was only half-believing and half-doubting about this, but now she really believes it is true!

"Sir, then I will take my leave first!" Cui Zhenzhen said.

Lu Yu said: "No hurry, I just want to go out, let's talk while walking!"

So, the two of them talked about the specific details of the plan to overthrow the Green Lion Altar while walking.

In fact, they had a plan for this matter a long time ago, but at that time Lu Yu did not intend to intervene deeply in this matter, but just regarded it as a training for Cui Zhenzhen.

Now he is going to intervene deeply again, so the original plan must naturally be overturned.

When the two men walked out of the White Horse Temple, a huge and bold plan had been quietly brewing, and all they had to do now was to execute it step by step.

The two were quite excited, but they had to part ways.

Next, Cui Zhenzhen will continue to work hard on what they are talking about, while Lu Yu will move to a grander stage, which is the much-anticipated canonization ceremony of the Grand Duke of the West Sea.

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