Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1735 Imperial Decree Announced

The canonization ceremony was held as scheduled.

Everyone was stunned by this matter. After all, the court was still arguing about this matter not long ago, so they thought that it would be concluded so quickly.

People have speculated that there must be something complicated behind this incident, but no one can guess what the real situation is.

Amid the attention, Lu Yu ascended to the Golden Palace. Witnessed by hundreds of civil and military officials, he received the tin staff symbolizing the power of the Grand Duke from the hands of Emperor Qing'en and Queen Xuan. This was a tin staff made of pure gold, with a The seal is engraved with the patterns of the Jin family and the Ning family and the word "西海", which is unique in the world. It symbolizes that from this moment on, Xihai City has officially become the Principality of Xihai and has been incorporated into the territory of the Da Rui Empire.

"I thank the Lord solemnly!"

Lu Yu held the tin staff in his hand and faced Emperor Qing'en and Empress Xuan, preparing to bow down.

In the Darui Empire, the imperial family has supreme authority. Even if they become the Grand Duke of the West Sea, they are still nominally subordinate to the imperial family.

This etiquette is unavoidable, even if Grand Duke Heng was replaced, he would still look the same here.

However, I don't know what Emperor Qing'en was thinking. He took the initiative to stop Lu Yu and persuaded him: "Envoy Lu, there is no need to be polite. You have a special status now. You represent the Grand Duke of the West Sea, so there is no need to pay such a courtesy!"

As he spoke, he looked at the ministers around him and announced loudly: "The Grand Duke of the West Sea has made outstanding achievements and is the chosen one. There is no need to kneel down and worship him from now on!"

The surrounding civil and military officials were suddenly stunned.

As the saying goes, there are no two days in the sky, and you don’t have to kneel down to worship the emperor. What kind of preferential treatment is this? In this way, how to distinguish who is superior and who is inferior? Who is the master and who is the servant?

Emperor Qing'en proposed such preferential treatment conditions. Wasn't he afraid that Xihai City would be disobedient in the future?

When Lu Yu suddenly heard about this, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

This matter is completely outside of the previously scheduled procedures...

But after thinking for a moment, he understood the intention of Qing En Di.

This was mainly done to show off to the Grand Duke of Hengyue. He wanted to give the Principality of Xihai more favorable conditions and more superior treatment. He specifically wanted the Principality of Xihai to dominate the Principality of Hengyue, in order to stimulate the Principality of Hengyue and provoke them to fight against each other. Chinese dissatisfaction in the West Sea.

Sure enough, it was the emperor's mind. Even if Emperor Qing'en was suppressed by Ning Wanxuan, he was still a genuine emperor. This was already the essence of "two peaches kill three men".

Lu Yu was just pretending, but now that he heard what Emperor Qing'en said, he immediately borrowed the donkey from Poxia, paused and said, "On behalf of the Grand Duke of the West Sea, Fu Jing, thank you for your consideration!"

Emperor Qing'en smiled slightly, said nothing, and waved his hand, indicating that everything would continue according to the established procedures.

Next, Lu Yu accepted the visits and congratulations from various families and ministers, which represented that the authority and status of the Grand Duke of the West Sea had been officially recognized.

During this process, Emperor Qing'en and Queen Xuan stood by his side to show their full support for the Grand Duke of Xihai.

Emperor Qing'en was fine, everything looked as usual.

But Queen Xuan's eyes were quite seductive. When she looked back inadvertently, she even blatantly winked at herself, showing an extremely seductive aura...

This woman is so bold. She actually dares to do this in front of everyone and standing next to Emperor Qing'en. I have to say that this is really... very exciting!

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't help but become distracted again. He now had the urge to hold Ning Wanxuan down and teach her a lesson, letting her experience the feeling of being completely crushed...

Finally, the meeting was over.

The civil and military officials and representatives of various family forces retreated to their original positions. Emperor Qing'en stepped forward again, put his arms around Lu Yu's shoulders, showed a very intimate look, and announced loudly:

"In addition, I have one more thing to announce. Although this matter is not directly related to the Duke of Xihai, it is also closely related to the Principality of Xihai. To be precise, it has a close relationship with Special Envoy Lu..."

"After discussing with the Queen, I believe that Special Envoy Lu is a rare talent who can be put to great use. If not, how could he be chosen as a representative by the Grand Duke of the West Sea? We must not let a talent like him go easily. Therefore, the Queen and I have unanimously decided to marry Ning Wanqing, a member of the royal family, to him, and the two will get married on a different date! "

This is the first time Emperor Qing'en has officially announced this matter.

Although this matter has been determined for a long time and many ministers have already learned about it in advance, more officials with slightly lower grades and representatives of various family forces heard about it for the first time, and they couldn't help but feel very sad. He was surprised, and the scene immediately became an uproar.

"What did I hear correctly?"

"Did your Majesty just talk about Ning Wanqing?"

"The Ning family wants to marry a representative of Xihai City?"

"He's just a representative, what are his virtues and abilities?"

"Isn't Ning Wanqing the commander-in-chief of the Snow Dragon Army? What will happen to the Snow Dragon Army if she marries Special Envoy Lu? Did Your Majesty just... accidentally say something wrong?"

"The Snow Dragon Army has always been controlled by the Ning family. Could it be that His Majesty wants to use this matter to seize control of the Snow Dragon Army?"

"Shut up! Silence! Can this kind of thing be said publicly?"

The scene became noisy.

Emperor Qing'en ignored everyone's comments and waved his hand again, motioning for the Ouchi manager on the side to come forward.

So the Chief Ouchi stepped forward, opened the imperial edict in his hand, and began to read it loudly. The content was the formal edict regarding the marriage and a series of subsequent arrangements.

Listening and listening, everyone finally tasted it...

It turns out that after Special Envoy Lu and Ning Wanqing get married, they will have a brand new fiefdom, which is located in Fenghe State. By then, the Snow Dragon Army will be divided into three, with Lu Yu and Ning Wanqing leading the most elite Some of them settled in Fenghe Prefecture and used this as a starting point to continue their external expansion.

Emperor Qing'en really wanted to use this method to divide and weaken the Snow Dragon Army.

And it's not just the Xuelong Army. With the Xuelong Army and Ning Wanqing investing in Fenghe Prefecture, Fenghe Prefecture will inevitably become the focus of the Ning family's future operations, and a series of subsequent resources of the Ning family will be dragged away. Entering the quagmire of Fenghe Prefecture.

In fact, this was exactly the strategy that Emperor Qing'en and Lu Yu discussed that night, using the special situation of Fenghe Prefecture to drag the Ning family into the quagmire, thereby achieving the goal of completely separating the Jin family and the Ning family. .

It's just that Emperor Qing'en didn't know that the current situation had undergone some changes compared to before that he didn't know about.

At this time, he looked at Ning Wanxuan quite proudly and said with a smile: "Queen, this matter has been handled according to your wishes. Are you still satisfied?"

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