Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1736 Blatant Flirting

Taking advantage of the marriage contract between Lu Yu and Ning Wanqing, he dragged the Ning family into the quagmire.

If this had been the case before, Ning Wanxuan would have been very angry at Lu Yu and Emperor Qing'en's continuous elimination and beating.

But at this moment, after an "in-depth" communication with Lu Yu, her mentality had already undergone earth-shaking changes, and this matter was no longer important to her.

Seeing Emperor Qing'en being proud in front of her, Ning Wanxuan just smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter whether I am satisfied or not, the main thing is to see whether Special Envoy Lu is satisfied or not... Oh, no, you shouldn't call Special Envoy Lu now. Maybe I should call"

Ning Wanxuan looked straight at Lu Yu, with an alluring light that only Lu Yu could understand.

Lu Yu remembered the scene of the three of them having sex together the night before, and couldn't help but feel distraught again.

Damn, this woman is so bold!

He actually dared to openly flirt with himself in front of Qing En and other ministers. Could it be that that ray of divine power affected more than just his Taoist heart?

Thinking this in his heart, Lu Yu also knew that in fact, Ning Wanxuan had used her Grand Duke-level strength to form a special barrier around her body. All her true states were hidden under the barrier. , unless the strength is one level higher than hers, or if he has a considerable understanding of the composition of the power she drives, he will not be able to see through her true state at this time.

Therefore, she was completely confident at this time, because even Emperor Qing'en's strength and cultivation were far behind hers. Even if he stood next to her, he would not be able to see this scene... What everyone around him saw , only what she is willing to show.

It was like a special filter was surrounding her body. Only Lu Yu could not be affected by this filter.

Although he understood this, Lu Yu still felt that this was really dangerous.

The most important thing is that his current Taoist state is not one that can withstand provocation. He is worried that he will not be able to help but do something ridiculous. If so, it will be fun to watch.

"Thank you for your love from Your Majesty and the Queen. I am very grateful. I am very satisfied with all the arrangements!"

Lu Yu looked back at Ning Wanxuan, his eyes a bit stern, full of warning.

He does not have Ning Wanxuan's ability to distort the surrounding laws to form a special "filter", so all of this is truly exposed to everyone's sight.

"As long as you are satisfied." Ning Wanxuan responded lightly.

Seeing Lu Yu's reaction, she knew that Lu Yu was already a little angry. Although she felt a little baffled by Lu Yu's sudden anger, she did not dare to make any more mistakes.

Although Emperor Qing'en on the side felt a little strange about the two people's reactions, he didn't think much about it. Although Ning Wanxuan was his queen, he had never seen through her. At this time, Lu Yu's attitude was so blunt. , Emperor Qing'en only thought that the two of them were fighting each other secretly with some special skills.

At this time, a new wave of family power representatives came forward to congratulate Lu Yu, but the three of them said nothing more and let the matter go.

Finally, the meeting was over.

The identity of the Grand Duke of the West Sea has been officially announced to the world and has been officially recognized by all parties. From now on, there will be a new authoritarian force in the Darui Empire.

In addition to these ceremonies, Emperor Qing'en also prepared a banquet called the "Qionglin Banquet", which was nominally to celebrate the canonization of the Xihai Palace, but in fact it was an internal gathering of the imperial party.

Emperor Qing'en sent an invitation to Lu Yu.

As today's protagonist, he naturally cannot miss this dinner. Firstly, for the Imperial Party, today's continuous fight is a rare victory. Secondly, this is also to contact the Imperial Party and Xihai City. In addition, the two parties also have more cooperation details to discuss.

Lu Yu thought for a moment and was about to nod in agreement.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ning Wanxuan suddenly said: "His Majesty and the ministers can celebrate by themselves at the Qionglin Dinner. Special Envoy Lu will not participate!"

"Special Envoy Lu won't participate? How can this be possible..." Emperor Qing'en frowned slightly: "Queen, what does this mean?"

In addition, Ning Wanxuan said: "Because Special Envoy Lu has more important things... Your Majesty will not forget the imperial edict he just announced, right? Special Envoy Lu is now the son-in-law of the Ning family. Not only did he marry the Ning family, His most outstanding daughter, and he is about to take away a large amount of supplies from the Ning family, doesn’t His Majesty think that he should give an explanation to the Ning family at this time? "

Emperor Qing'en's brows suddenly furrowed even more tightly.

He subconsciously thought that Ning Wanxuan wanted to target Lu Yu, either by coercion or inducement, in order to achieve her own ulterior motives... In short, this was not a good sign, and he instinctively wanted to refuse.

However, before he could speak, Ning Wanxuan had already said decisively: "There is no room for negotiation on this matter. Your Majesty, don't you think that the Ning family will implement the decree you just issued without any compromise? Do you want to make the Ning family great?" It is not impossible to enter Fengfeng Hezhou on a large scale, but Special Envoy Lu must show his due value!"

These words fully demonstrated his contempt for the royal power and were simply treasonous.

The veins on Emperor Qing'en's forehead popped.

However, Ning Wanxuan was also full of momentum, and the aura derived from the powerful strength of the first level of Da Gong suppressed the entire audience, giving Emperor Qing'en an extremely depressing feeling of suffocation.

If Emperor Qing'en continues to show a tough attitude, there is no doubt that she will turn against him and take action.

The surrounding civil and military officials and representatives of various family forces also noticed this sudden change in aura, and they all looked back in shock, not daring to make a sound.

Emperor Qing'en's face turned livid, but in the end he still didn't have the courage to turn his back on him.

Anyway, with the strong intervention of Xihai City, the situation of the Imperial Party has begun to improve. Why do we need to fight with her here?

"It seems that the Queen is not the only one who has the final say in the Ning family. If that is the case, then Special Envoy Lu will go with the Queen to the Ning family to meet those ancestors!"

Emperor Qing'en finally gave in, looking at Lu Yu with eyes full of instructions and reminders.

Lu Yu didn't say anything, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ning Wanxuan turned to him and looked at him. She instantly withdrew her suffocating aura and smiled sweetly at Lu Yu: "Sister-in-law, let's go. I'll take you back to meet my father-in-law first..."

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