Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1737 Sister, help you

On the Imperial Party side, many members were waiting to make acquaintance with Lu Yu, the emerging powerful man. Without his appearance as the protagonist, the next banquet would definitely be overshadowed.

But there was no other way. Since Ning Wanxuan had said everything for this reason, and even Qing Endi had no objections, Lu Yu had no choice but to follow her and leave the Jinluan Palace.

So in full view of everyone, the two walked out of the magnificent palace and got in front of a carriage that had been waiting outside for a long time.

This carriage is extremely luxurious, with the exquisite phoenix pattern painted on it. To be precise, it is a phoenix horse, which corresponds to the dragon horse used by the emperor. It is Ning Wanxuan's exclusive vehicle.

After all, Lu Yu was a courtier, and it was somewhat inappropriate to ride in a carriage with the majestic queen.

But the situation at this time was somewhat special. Lu Yu was about to become the son-in-law of the Ning family. In the eyes of everyone, it was obvious that the queen wanted to give him a beating, so it did not cause much surprise.

"Sister-in-law, please get in the car!"

Ning Wanxuan still maintained a smiling posture, as if all the situations were under his control, and she looked like she was steadily defeating Lu Yu.

Lu Yu still didn't say anything and just boarded the carriage.

Ning Wanxuan walked up immediately, closed the car door, closed the curtains of the car windows, and quickly drove out of the palace, drifting away.

However, before it was completely out of everyone's sight, Feng Zhu's car began to shake violently, making everyone feel numb.

The road inside the palace is very smooth, so there is no chance of bumps. Moreover, with Ning Wanxuan, a powerful person at the level of the Grand Duke, sitting in charge, even if there are any bumps, they should be easily resolved by her, and the car should not shake. That's right, it can't cause any shock...

The reason why this happened is very simple, that is, Queen Xuan was the initiator.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she boarded the carriage and before she left everyone's sight, the queen could not help but start "attacking" Lu Yu.

"Your Majesty, is there any problem? Can Special Envoy Lu handle it?" A minister walked up to Emperor Qing'en and whispered in front of him.

This person is Du Banzhi, the left prime minister, the leader of the imperial party. He is very clear about the huge pressure it will mean to face Empress Xuan directly. In the past, only Emperor Qing'en was often the only one to bear this pressure, but now it was this person who The rising star.

Although Lu Yu had performed very proudly in the past, Du Zhiban didn't know whether he could handle it. After all, he was a powerful man of the Grand Duke level.

It would be really bad if Lu Yu failed to hold on under the other party's coercion and was forced to make compromises.

Emperor Qing'en frowned. He was also worried about this.

As the king of the Da Rui Empire, he knew even more how terrifying his queen was.

What's more, when Lu Yu goes there, he will not only face Queen Xuan, but also several other ancestors of the Ning family. All of them have the cultivation strength of a grand duke. Otherwise, Ning Wanxuan alone will not be able to defeat Ning Wanxuan. It is impossible for the family to retain the status and power it has today.

"Now, we can only look at Special Envoy Lu himself..."

Emperor Qing'en's eyes were uncertain and he said in a low voice.

"Du Qing, you will be responsible for the finishing touches. I will go back first..."

Not only the Ning family has ancestors who live in seclusion, the Jin family also has ancestors who are no longer easy to come out.

Just in case, he decided to go see these ancestors quickly...

However, no one would have thought that the real situation on Fenghu at this time was completely different from everyone's guess.

Everyone thought that there would be a tense situation above Fenghu and it would become the most dangerous situation. In fact, the situation here was completely opposite...

After Lu Yu boarded Fenghu, he could no longer suppress the evil in his heart. Before Ning Wanxuan could completely close the curtain of the car window, he tore off the other party's clothes.

That's why the carriage showed such violent vibrations just now, because the people sitting in it were also experiencing violent vibrations.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing..." Ning Wanxuan said with an angry look on her face.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yu smiled ferociously and slowly approached, "You are obviously teasing me, but now you still ask me?"

Ning Wanxuan could not escape, and soon she was out of breath. Her expression became a little pitiful, and she no longer had the strong aura she had before.

"Are you...blaming me for taking the initiative? We...are really in some trouble this time. such a big matter. The opinions within the Ning family are not unified, so...I hope you can help me. Convince them..."

Lu Yu's eyes were red, and he was like a wild beast roaring: "We can talk about this later... Now, I need you to help me!"

Ning Wanxuan felt Lu Yu's eagerness and couldn't help but smile lowly: "Why do you tease me so easily? You are really my good sister-in-law. What do you want to do to me?"

Lu Yu said: "What do you think I want to do?"

"Can you please stop being so impatient..."

Ning Wanxuan put her hands on Lu Yu's chest, pushed him out, and held him in place.

After Lu Yu calmed down a little, she bit her bright red lips, her eyes watery, as if they were about to overflow, and said, "When we finish talking about the business, sister will come to help you..."

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