Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1740 Breakthrough is imminent

After hearing Ning Wanqing's words, Ning Shiheng was extremely shocked.

Ning Wanxuan was already at the level of a Grand Duke. If she made another breakthrough in her cultivation, what kind of situation would she be in?

Even these ancestors of the Ning family, although they are also at the Grand Duke level, have not had news of breakthroughs for hundreds of years.

Now, at such a young age, Ning Wanxuan has not only achieved Grand Duke-level cultivation, but has also made breakthroughs so quickly. Although it is not yet clear to what extent she has achieved breakthroughs, this is enough to be surprising.

The key is that this happened so unexpectedly, without any warning signs before, which makes it even more unbelievable.

Ning Shiheng always felt that this matter was a bit unusual, and it might be related to Ning Wanxuan's recent series of strange behaviors. He wanted to find out, but Ning Wanqing left quickly after saying this, and he had nothing to do with it. The only solution was to stand there with a lot of questions.

"Shiheng, what's going on? What are you doing standing here stupidly? Have you seen your sister?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind. Ning Shiheng turned around and saw that his father, Ning Zhongda, was walking over.

He was stunned for a moment, then realized that the direction Ning Wanqing left just now was not Ning's mansion, but in another direction. She was not going back to the mansion to report the news.

"Speak, what are you doing standing here all this time?" Ning Zhongda urged.

Ning Shiheng suppressed his surprise and said: "I haven't seen the eldest sister yet, but I just met the third sister. She said that the eldest sister suddenly felt something. Now that a breakthrough is imminent, no one is allowed to come in and disturb..."


Ning Zhongda was also shocked: "Wanxuan is about to break through? Is it true or false? Why is it so sudden?"

Ning Shiheng said nothing, but looked at his father wordlessly, expressing that he was equally shocked.

Ning Zhongda's mind was spinning, and after a moment, he said: "Anyway, first clear the area nearby, block all news, and no one can come near to disturb... Whether this matter is true or not, maybe it won't take long to see It’s known!”

Ning Shiheng said: "Those ancestors... what should we do?"

Ning Zhongda said: "Just report it truthfully."

Ning Shiheng nodded, turned and left silently.

Ning Zhongda stood there, watching the motionless Feng Chu in front of him for a moment, and then quietly left.

In the carriage.

Ning Wanxuan is still beautiful and charming, with no hair on her head.

"It's a shame that you can think of it and found such an excuse... Is this method really feasible?"

"Why not?" Lu Yu said, "Look, don't they have anyone who dares to come forward and disturb them now?"

Ning Wanxuan said: "Although no one dared to come and disturb me, there were more pairs of eyes looking directly at this place, especially those ancestors. Although they did not show up directly, I have sensed their thoughts and consciousness. , are constantly investigating here..."

Lu Yu smiled softly: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, they won't be able to find out anything... Besides, who said this is just an excuse?"

Ning Wanxuan was stunned and looked at him in surprise: "What do you mean..."

Lu Yu said: "After these two recent exchanges, I have a considerable understanding of the composition of your powers. In my opinion, they do have some room for improvement. Maybe it's time for you to try to break through... …”

Ning Wanxuan felt her heart pounding, and she said with surprise and joy: " it okay?"

"Of course!" Lu Yu said without hesitation: "In today's world, your cultivation is indeed considered powerful, but there are still quite a few flaws in the way of combining different types of laws and secrets..."

"Then what should we do?" Ning Wanxuan's eyes became bright and she looked at Lu Yu without blinking, "Can you help me?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Of course I will help you, otherwise why would I mention this to you... Besides, didn't you say that several ancestors of the Ning family have great prejudices against me? If I can help you improve your cultivation, If you go to a higher level, I believe they will have nothing to say, right?"

Ning Wanxuan nodded and said: "As long as my cultivation level can be raised to another level, even if they have something to say, I can shut them all up!"

Lu Yu said: "Isn't that enough? In this case, I want to help you even more!"

Ning Wanxuan said: "Then tell me quickly, what are the flaws in the combination of my laws and mysteries..."

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "You just said it with your mouth? It's not like you don't know what level your bust is. If you just said it with your mouth, you probably wouldn't be able to explain it clearly in ten days and a half... …”

"Then what do you mean..."

"I mean we have a more direct and convenient way of communicating..."

Ning Wanxuan immediately understood what he meant, and her eyes became blurry again.

Indeed, in the previous communication process, she had already experienced that the unobstructed and interference-free communication method was indeed a more direct and convenient way of communication.

It's just that such a state is not easy to enter, but requires a certain "prelude".

Ning Wanxuan twisted her graceful waist, walked towards Lu Yu, and then gently tapped his abdomen with her hands.

"Is it still working... Counting what Wanqing said just now, it's been three times today..."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Is it still working... You'll know if you try it?"

Soon, the carriage became warm and cozy again, but outside the workshop, there was thunder and lightning, and dark clouds rolled in.

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