Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1741 What is the reason?

"It seems that Wanxuan is really going to break through..."

Ning Zhongda looked at the vision of heaven and earth above his head and murmured to himself.

At this time, the scope of the vision of heaven and earth was not only limited to the area around Fenghu, but had also enveloped the sky above the entire Ning family's residence, and the rolling dark clouds seemed to cover the sky and the earth.

Ning Zhongda has been the leader of the Ning clan for nearly a hundred years. In his memory, there has never been a situation like this when an ancestor broke through. Even similar records have never been recorded. Never before.

He couldn't help but be shocked, knowing what great opportunity his daughter had to cause such a violent turmoil.

"Zhongda, what's going on?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came. Ning Zhongda turned around and saw that it was Ning Yuankun, the former patriarch of the Ning family and his biological father.

Ning's father is also an outstanding figure. The reason why he resigned from the position of patriarch is not because he is old, but because his cultivation has reached the level of perfection and he has been promoted to become the ancestor of the new generation. Only then was he relieved of his responsibilities as clan leader and handed over to Ning Zhongda as his successor.

"Father, you are out..."

Ning Zhongda quickly bowed in greeting. Even though he had been the leader of the Ning clan for many years, he was still full of infinite respect for his father.

After he finished the ceremony, he realized that it was not just his father Ning Yuankun who had come out, but also several other ancestors who had also come out of seclusion, such as the thirteenth generation ancestor, the seventeenth generation ancestor Ancestor, 19th generation ancestor... Counting his father Ning Yuankun, there are five ancestors in the Ning family at this time. Except for the 9th generation ancestor, the other ancestors have all appeared. .

Ning Zhongda couldn't help but be stunned.

In fact, every ancestor has the power to shake the world. After they sacrifice themselves and appear at the same time, due to the interference of their strong auras, unpredictable riots will occur. Therefore, it is rare for several ancestors to sacrifice themselves at the same time. In the case of appearances, even if they need to discuss and negotiate with each other, special means are used to communicate across the air.

Ning Zhongda's memory of several seniors standing up and showing up at the same time has never happened before.

"Mr. Yuanqiao, Gong Shaohua, Gong Chongxin..."

Ning Zhongda paid homage to the thirteenth, seventeenth, and nineteenth generation ancestors one by one.

Ning Yuankun waved his hand and said: "Don't be formal at this time... What is going on? Is Wanxuan about to break through?"

"Yes..." Ning Zhongda nodded and said: "Juan, this girl is too ignorant. Why did she suddenly break through at this time and disturb the Qing cultivators of several ancestors..."

Ning Yuankun waved his hand again: "We were waiting for her, so there is nothing to be surprised about... Zhongda, do you know why I chose you to take over as the head of the Ning clan? Frankly speaking, your qualifications are just ordinary. That’s all, the reason why I chose you in the first place was entirely for the sake of your children. Now it seems that my choice back then was indeed right!”

Ning Zhongda was shocked. In fact, he had already guessed about this reason. The reason why he was able to become the leader of the clan was probably because the father was more important than the son. But now that his father pointed it out to his face, he still couldn't help but feel embarrassed. It's a bit unbearable.

"But..." Ning Yuankun suddenly changed his tone, "Although Wanxuan's talent is outstanding, it is not that outstanding. The current situation cannot be explained by more than just "outstanding talent"... This Is there something hidden in it? "

Ning Zhongda was stunned and asked: "Wanxuan... how outstanding is she?"

Ning Yuankun glanced at him and said: "You have mediocre qualifications, so it is naturally difficult for you to understand the profoundness of this... Above the Grand Duke realm, strength can be summed up in four words, that is 'sympathy between heaven and earth'... Now Wan Wan Xuan's level of interaction with heaven and earth far exceeds the level of an ordinary Grand Duke. It can be said that even the sum of the few of us cannot achieve this level..."

Ning Zhongda was suddenly shocked. He did have mediocre qualifications, and it was difficult for him to understand the mysterious theories his father talked about, but he understood the last sentence... Doesn't this mean that Wanxuan's strength has reached a level that is enough to compete with several ancestors at the same time? The point?

"Stop beating around the bush, just tell us directly what happened to Ning Wanxuan recently?" Ning Yuanqiao, the thirteenth generation ancestor, asked straightforwardly, "Otherwise there has never been any sign before, why? Will you achieve such a big breakthrough for no reason?”

Ning Zhongda couldn't help being stunned. He searched hard and couldn't think of anything special.

The main reason is that although he is the leader of the clan, Ning Wanxuan's authority has long surpassed his. This clan leader only has a nice name at best. In fact, Ning Wanxuan will not report to him what she wants to do... So he had no choice but to look at his second son, Ning Shiheng, for help.

Ning Shiheng pondered for a moment, then stepped forward and said, "To talk about what happened to eldest sister recently, perhaps there are two things that are special..."

Several ancestors couldn't help but look at him at the same time.

Ning Yuankun asked: "This is Shiheng, right? There are two more? Then you might as well tell me and listen!"

Ning Shiheng said: "Not long ago, the eldest sister went to the Hades Temple. According to her, she seemed to have some insights in the Hades Temple..."

"The Temple of Hades?"

Several ancestors looked at each other for a while, and Ning Yuanqiao asked: "When did this happen?"

"Uh... about a month ago!" Ning Shiheng replied.

Ning Yuanqiao pondered for a moment and said: "A month ago...even if she really realized something in the Temple of Hades, she would not wait until now to break through. Besides, the Temple of Hades is a place where dignitaries from all over the world are nominally welcome. The olive branch is actually just to suck blood. Do you think they will really give us such a big benefit... This matter will probably not have anything to do with the Temple of Hades!"

Ning Yuankun asked again: "What is the other thing?"

Ning Shiheng said: "That is the special envoy of Xihai City, the husband that the eldest sister has chosen for the third sister this time. The eldest sister has been very close to him recently... This person's identity is not simple!"

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