Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1742 Ask the ancestor to come out of seclusion

"Xihai City? Special envoy?"

Several ancestors couldn't help but look at each other in confusion again.

They have all lived in seclusion for many years. Although they have heard the name of Xihai City, in their impression, it is just an insignificant little place. They never expected that it would play such a key role.

Ning Shiheng explained: "Several ancestors don't know that Xihai City is no longer what it used to be. A few months ago, a huge celestial miracle happened in Fenghe Prefecture, which attracted powerful people from all over the world to gather. In the end, Fu Jing, the daughter of Xihai City, came out on top and obtained a miraculous sword..."

"Fu Jing quickly rose to power with this sword. Not only did he directly take the position of Lord of Xihai City, he also killed Grand Duke Nanlu, defeated the coalition of the three Grand Dukes Ouyang, Yuchi, and Jialan, and caused the three principalities to be directly removed from the list... Today's Xihai City is already a newly rising power!"

"However, these are all in the past. In order to balance the threat of the Hengyue Principality, the empire appeased Xihai City. Now Xihai City is a principality under the rule of our Da Rui Empire. Fu Jing is a brand new The Grand Duke of the West Sea, and this special envoy is the envoy who came to accept the canonization on behalf of the Grand Duke of the West Sea..."

Next, Ning Shiheng told several people in detail a series of Lu Yu's deeds, including his various actions in Xihai City, Hengyue Palace, and before and after entering Beijing.

After listening to Ning Shiheng's narration, the ancestors were silent for a while, and then Ning Yuanqiao said with emotion: "I didn't expect that so many things have happened in recent times..."

"In this way, Wanxuan decided to marry this person because this person holds the secret behind Fenghezhou's miracle... and the breakthrough she has made now is probably related to the secret behind Fenghezhou's miracle. Hidden secrets related to..."

While saying this, Ning Yuanqiao turned to look at Ning Yuankun.

The other two ancestors, Ning Shaohua and Ning Chongxin, also turned to look at him.

They were not completely unaware of the miracle in Fenghe Province. The person who went to the front line to handle the matter was none other than Ning Yuankun.

Ning Yuankun stroked the beard on his chin: "The miracle in Fenghe Province did have a lot of strange things. Let's not talk about other things for the time being. After the miracle, powerful forces from all sides sent people to station. Feng Hezhou, you can see that there is something unusual behind this matter.”

Ning Shaohua frowned and said, "If that's the case, why don't we take any action? Fenghe Prefecture is at our doorstep. Are we just going to watch others carve up the miraculous treasures at our doorstep?"

Ning Yuankun explained: "It's not that we haven't taken action, it's just that the time is not yet ripe. At this time, there are countless undercurrents surging in Fenghe State, which is like a forbidden land of thunder. If we intervene rashly, I'm afraid we will become the target of public criticism... not to mention us. The Jin family, our old rival, is eyeing us, and this matter must be discussed in a long-term and gradual manner. "

"In response to this matter, I originally had a long-term plan. Unexpectedly, Wanxuan wanted to enter Fenghe Province in a large scale at this time. This is completely contrary to my original idea. A little carelessness will definitely put the Ning family into a situation that will never be recovered. Because of this, Wanxuan will come back in person this time to explain the matter to us face to face. "

After hearing what he said, several people realized that this was the real reason behind today's meeting.

At this time, Ning Chongxin, who had been silent, also spoke. He looked deeply in the direction of Feng Zhu outside the door and said, "Yuan Kun, of course you have your concerns, but it seems that Wan Xuan has also found her. The reason..."

Several people fell silent for a while, but their hearts were filled with enthusiasm.

If the breakthrough that Ning Wanxuan has achieved now is really related to the special envoy of Xihai City, it will undoubtedly prove that cooperation with Xihai City has huge benefits - since the special envoy of Xihai City can make Wanxuan break through and improve, naturally there will be Ways to enable them to achieve breakthroughs and improvements.

After reaching their level of cultivation, it is extremely difficult to take a step forward. Opportunities are hard to come by.

Seeing that Ning Wanxuan was able to make a breakthrough and improve so significantly, their minds couldn't help but become active for a while.

Ning Yuankun said: "Wanxuan is worthy of being the contemporary person in charge of the West Palace. It seems that young people have sharper eyes after all, but it seems that I am too worried..."

Ning Chongxin said: "Your concerns are not completely unreasonable. It is always wrong to be cautious... However, just an envoy from Xihai City can bring us such huge benefits. If the Xihai City behind him Is it even better to take action completely? I think we should adjust our direction and strategy for today’s meeting.”

As he spoke, his eyes became darker and colder, like a poisonous snake discovering its prey.

Ning Yuankun stroked his beard and nodded with a smile: "Chongxin Gongxin's words are right, but looking at the current momentum, just the few of us may not have enough chips. I'm afraid we need to ask Duke Zhengyang to take action on this matter." ”

Duke Zhengyang refers to the ninth generation ancestor Ning Zhengyang, the well-deserved number one person in the Ning family.

After a moment of silence, Ning Yuanqiao said: "In that case, let's go ask Duke Zhengyang to come out of seclusion!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the Ning family's mansion. After a few staggered steps, his figure disappeared without a trace.

Apparently, he had already gone to seek instructions from the ninth generation ancestor Zhengyang Gong.

Seeing this scene, Ning Shiheng suddenly felt an inexplicable panic and excitement.

He was excited because he was about to see the head-on collision between the ninth generation ancestor and Lu Afeng. Naturally, he had no good impression of this guy who didn't give him any face.

He was frightened because he felt that this matter would not end easily...

Although there was no reason or basis, he had a vague feeling that Lu A Feng would not be subdued so easily...

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