Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1743 Continue next time

After a while, Ning Wanqing brought the exact same clothes for Xuanhou.

When she returned to Fenghu again, she was shocked when she saw the scene around her.

At this time, Lu Yu had left the carriage and was sitting leaning on the outer armrest, as if he was protecting Ning Wanxuan in the carriage. However, the traces left on his almost naked body showed that everything was not as it seemed. It seems so simple, but he is not just a protector...

"How is this going?"

Ning Wanqing lowered her voice and asked in surprise: "I've only been gone for a while, how did I end up like this?"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "Didn't I tell you before? Your sister is about to make a breakthrough, so she needs to retreat for a while."

Ning Wanqing looked at him in astonishment: "So...were you serious just now..."

Like Ning Wanxuan, she initially thought it was just an excuse Lu Yu said casually, but she didn't expect that he didn't say it casually at all.

Lu Yu said: "We can't just thunder without rain, right? There are so many old monsters in your Ning family, what if their flaws are discovered?"

Ning Wanqing was immediately speechless. Even so, who could achieve a breakthrough? In particular, my sister Ning Wanxuan is already at the Grand Duke level. If she wants to make a breakthrough, it can be said that it is as difficult as reaching the sky, but the man in front of her has done it.

Now Ning Wanqing feels more and more mysterious and powerful about this man. Like her sister, she feels that this guy is indeed the reincarnation of a god...

"Where are my clothes? Come and get them for me quickly!" Lu Yu waved to him again and said.

At this time, there was only one curtain covering his vital parts. It looked like the curtain on Feng Chu. It would definitely not work if he went out to meet people like this.

Fortunately, Ning Wanqing was prepared and handed him a set of men's clothes.

Lu Yu looked at it and said, "Why is this different from my original one?"

Ning Wanxuan rolled her eyes at him: "You didn't have any spare clothes here before. How could I possibly find clothes that are exactly the same as yours?"

Lu Yu scratched his head and said, "That's okay. Before, it was to attend the canonization ceremony, but now it's to meet the parents. It's fair to put on another set of clothes, right?"

Ning Wanqing didn't answer, but her face could not help but blush slightly. She remembered the embarrassing scene in the carriage just now. She was obviously here to meet her parents, but she didn't expect the three of them to do such a thing in front of their home.

Seeing her shy look, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel evil again, and said, "What? Why don't you come over to help? How should I wear the clothes you found?"

With that said, he directly opened the curtain covering his body and changed his clothes in front of Ning Wanqing.

Ning Wanqing's face turned red, and she instinctively wanted to turn her back, but halfway through, she hesitated again. She didn't know what she thought of, but she slowly turned back, and took the initiative to walk in front of Lu Yu.

"Let me help you..." Ning Wanqing said softly.

Lu Yu smiled and handed the clothes back to her hands.

The leader of the Snow Dragon Army, the majestic commander-in-chief of the Darui Empire, was serving him to get dressed in a girlish manner. Although Lu Yu didn't want to admit it, he had to say that such a scene still filled his heart with a sense of accomplishment. feel.

However, Lu Yu admired her expression, but Ning Wanqing's mind didn't seem to be on that.

While she was helping Lu Yu put on his clothes, she turned to look at the strange phenomena of heaven and earth around the carriage, seeming a little absent-minded.

"How on earth is this done?" Ning Wanqing couldn't help but ask.

Although she could not yet touch the realm of the Grand Duke and could not understand the mystery of the changes in the heaven and earth around her, it was still full of attraction for her.

Lu Yu glanced at her, and the smile on his face became stronger: "What? Do you also hope to make a breakthrough?"

Ning Wanqing's eyes contained expectation, and she said, "Can I... do it too?"

Lu Yu said: "It's actually very simple. After you left just now, your sister and I had another in-depth communication, and then everything fell into place..."

He deliberately emphasized the word "communication".

Ning Wanqing understood what he meant instantly, and her face turned crimson again, full of infinite shyness.

"As long as we communicate deeply... that's all, right?"

She was putting on Lu Yu's belt at this time. When she heard Lu Yu's words, her movements suddenly stopped, and she slowly leaned down and squatted in front of Lu Yu.

His snow-white face was facing Lu Yu's crotch, and he gently licked his bright red lips, as if he was about to start communicating with Lu Yu again.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel evil.

However, he finally stopped her.

"Communication is a necessary means, but it is not the most direct reason... The reason why your sister was able to make a breakthrough at this time is because she was already prepared. I just happened to provide him with an opportunity. Only Only when the communication is well prepared can things come naturally..." Lu Yu said.

"Preparation...what preparations do I need to make?" Ning Wanqing asked.

Lu Yu helped her up and said, "Let's talk about this later... I think it's time for us to meet your ancestors of the Ning family. They obviously can't wait..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a violent wave in the sky.

A violent breath erupted, almost suppressing the strange phenomena in the world caused by Ning Wanxuan's breakthrough.

"This is... Ancestor Zhengyang?" Ning Wanqing said in surprise.

Only the ninth generation ancestor Ning Zhengyang came out of seclusion to cause such a violent phenomenon in the world.

Ning Wanqing was stunned.

The ninth-generation ancestor came out of seclusion, which was definitely a huge event. This was not originally planned, because the previously scheduled meeting did not require the ancestor to come out of seclusion in person.

"Is this the ninth-generation ancestor? He's just a little dissatisfied with me, right?"

Lu Yu said with a relaxed expression.

"Well, let's go meet him here! As for the 'communication' thing, let's continue next time!"

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