Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1745 Cross-examination

"Yes, I am Lu Afeng."

Lu Yu was neither humble nor arrogant. He stood on the spot and responded loudly.

"A Feng has met all the ancestors!"

Ning Chongxin, the ancestor of the 19th generation, frowned slightly and said critically: "If I remember correctly, you should have entered into a marriage contract with a descendant of my Ning family, and you are the son-in-law of our Ning family. This is your etiquette as a junior. ?"

After speaking, he glanced lightly at Ning Zhongda who was standing aside.

Ning Zhongda's body trembled, and he suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He quickly pulled Lu Yu and said, "A Feng, as a descendant of the Ning family, this is the first time you meet several ancestors. You should bow down and bow down!"

However, Lu Yu still stood firmly on the spot without even moving.

The other party obviously wanted to give himself a blow, so naturally he couldn't let the other party get what he wanted.

As soon as they met, they bowed down and bowed down. I don’t know what excessive demands they would make later.

"The ancestors came to see me specially today. Could it be that they just want to teach me the etiquette of the Ning family?" Lu Yu asked lightly.

Several people's expressions suddenly darkened.

Although Ning Chongxin asked Lu Yu to kneel down and speak, it was just a little trick to deliberately find trouble, but Lu Yu's response undoubtedly showed that he also did not take several people seriously, and faced four ancestors at the same time. He is still able to perform so well under pressure. I have to say that this is indeed a guy who is hard to see through.

"We are not here to find you today. Originally we just wanted to question Ning Wanxuan, but she took the initiative to ask you to come with us..." said the seventeenth generation ancestor Ning Shaohua.

Lu Yu shrugged: "How about I leave now?"

After saying that, he actually turned around and left.



Several people yelled loudly.

Ning Zhongda even opened his mouth to block Lu Yu.

Lu Yu looked sideways at Ning Zhongda, who was standing in front of him, and said, "What does this mean? Doesn't it mean that you don't actually plan to see me?"

Ning Zhongda looked at the faces of the ancestors on the side and said, "Since we are all here, we might as well have a chat..."

Lu Yu also looked at the ancestors on the side and said without hesitation: "It's not impossible to talk if you want, but I must explain one thing. I have indeed entered into a marriage contract with Miss Wanqing from your mansion, but don't think it's useful. This kind of relationship can bind me, let alone use it to pressure me. In this marriage contract, your Ning family is more urgent, not me. If you can't understand this, then this marriage won't work. It doesn’t matter if it’s knotted, it might break up in two pieces!”

These words can be said to be unkind.

If it were normal times, several ancestors would have scolded him for being arrogant and ignorant of the heights of the world.

But at this moment, they had just witnessed the vision of heaven and earth when Ning Wanxuan broke through. Although they were reluctant, several people had to admit that Lu Yu did have what they needed.

For example, how Ning Wanxuan suddenly achieved a breakthrough was a huge attraction to them.

Ning Yuankun said: "We don't care about the engagement between you and Wanqing. Wanxuan and Wanqing have grown up and are able to take charge of themselves. These matters are naturally decided by them... What we really care about is what we heard and heard. You want to use this opportunity to let the entire Ning family enter Fenghe Prefecture in a large scale, and Wanxuan has been persuaded by you..."

"Today's Fenghe Prefecture can be said to be the focus of attention from all parties. There are undercurrents surging in it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge whirlpool. If our Ning family suddenly intervenes at this time, we may be completely trapped in it. The risk of the quagmire, this matter is very involved, it is related to the fate of the entire Ning family, we have to take care of it..."

"So, Lu Afeng hopes that you can answer us truthfully. What kind of method can you, or you, or Xihai City behind you, protect the interests of our Ning family?"

After Ning Yuankun finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yu steadily, his eyes as sharp as swords.

Several other ancestors also had unblinking eyes, their eyes were extremely sharp, as if they wanted to see Lu Yu completely from head to toe.

Faced with such invisible pressure, ordinary people would probably have prostrated themselves on the ground and no longer have any thoughts of resisting.

Even Ning Zhongda on the side couldn't help but take a few steps back, trying to stay as far away from Lu Yu as possible.

However, Lu Yu remained unmoved, as if he could not feel the huge pressure coming from the ancestors at all.

"What kind of guarantee do the ancestors need from me?" Lu Yu said with a smile, "Don't you think that me standing here is actually a big guarantee?"

Several ancestors quickly exchanged colors.

In fact, while Ning Yuankun was speaking, an invisible offensive had already been launched.

On the surface, it was Ning Yuankun who was questioning him, but the other people were not idle either. They cooperated secretly and used the laws of heaven and earth around them to weave a huge net, forming an invisible force against him. The force of pressure.

But Lu Yu's performance once again surprised them. Not only was he not affected in any way, but he was also able to calmly ask them questions.

"Okay, no need to waste any more time! Everyone, stop beating around the bush and be direct!" Ning Yuanqiao, the thirteenth generation ancestor who had been silent until now, suddenly said, "Just tell us directly that Wanxuan suddenly made a breakthrough at this time "Does all this have anything to do with you?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "If I say it doesn't matter, would you believe it? Besides, haven't the ancestors already recognized this matter, so they put up such a battle?"

"very good!"

Ning Yuanqiao sneered and finally said: "In that case, tell us all the ins and outs of this matter. How much do you and Xihai City behind you know about the secrets behind Fenghezhou's miracle?"

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