Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1746 Someone Disagrees

Along with the cold drink from the thirteenth generation ancestor Ning Yuanqiao, the surrounding mountains shook, and the sky and the earth were filled with wind and thunder, as if they were about to collapse.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean, ancestor? Are you planning to use force on me?"

Ning Yuanqiao sneered: "I know you are a somewhat capable person, so ordinary methods may not be effective on you, but you have also seen that the rules here are different from other places. This is the exclusive cemetery of Zhengyang Ancestor." In the field, no matter how great your abilities are, you will never be able to fly here!”

As he spoke, he winked.

Suddenly, the surrounding Ning Shaohua, Ning Chongxin, and Ning Yuankun stepped out one after another, with secrets hidden in their steps. In an instant, they formed a special formation. At the moment when this formation was formed, the surrounding world suddenly Disappeared, and an extremely huge black storm appeared across the sky, like a sharp sword hanging above Lu Yu's head.

The sudden change caught Ning Zhongda, the head of the Ning family, off guard, and his face instantly turned pale.

But instead of feeling scared, Lu Yu actually showed a bit of joy, and his eyes instantly lit up.

He could sense that these people drove the power of the domain here through the combination of power, so all this was based on the power of Ancestor Zhengyang. The exquisite cooperation of these people also greatly It was beyond his expectation.

Although the coordination of this formation was created by the four ancestors in front of me, the core of it is the Zhengyang ancestor who has not yet officially appeared.

It can be said that it is the existence of Patriarch Zhengyang that allows these people to possess such powerful power. Even the reason why these people have the current level of cultivation is probably inseparable from the training of Patriarch Zhengyang... …

It seems that this Zhengyang ancestor is the real Dinghai Shenzhen of the Ning family, and his strength is indeed a surprise to Lu Yu.

"Is this all Patriarch Zhengyang's domain power is?" Lu Yu asked.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to see how much strength Patriarch Zhengyang still hid secretly.

Ning Yuanqiao's eyebrows suddenly jumped.

Unexpectedly, after seeing such a momentum, Lu Yu remained calm. If an ordinary person saw such terrifying power, he would have been so scared that he would wet his pants.

Even the top experts from the major sects would not dare to be so confident in the face of such a force.

It seems that this guy is worthy of knowing the secret behind the miracle of Feng Hezhou. Although the scale of the power in front of him is extremely powerful, compared with the miracle of Feng Hezhou, it is still only a drop in the bucket.

Now that the arrow is on the string, several ancestors are already riding a tiger and are unable to dismount.

Ning Yuanqiao shouted coldly: "Let's see how long you can keep your stubbornness! I'll let you suffer a little before we talk!"

After saying that, he waved his hand.

Suddenly, the black storm surged wildly, pouring down towards Lu Yu like a raging black mudslide.

Ning Zhongda's face turned pale and he rolled and crawled away. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was still one step short of escaping from the surging black storm. He was about to be swallowed up by the crazy power. .

Fortunately, Ning Yuankun took action to catch him at this time, and finally pulled him out of the scope of the black storm, otherwise he would have been shattered to pieces.

Although Ning Zhongda had expected such an outcome, because his ancestor would definitely not let himself be buried with Lu Yu, this process still made him feel frightened and frightened.

After he stood up again outside the field, he looked back and saw the ground shaking around him. The place where he and Lu Yu were standing had been completely engulfed by the black torrent, and there was no trace of them anymore.

"Are the ancestors really going to execute him on the spot like this..."

Ning Zhongda muttered secretly.

Although he didn't want to believe that several ancestors would be so impulsive, he couldn't help but believe the facts in front of him. The frantic power in front of him made him feel palpitations in his heart just by standing in front of it. It was full of fear, not to mention Lu Yu who had already bear the brunt and was completely engulfed by this power.

After a while, the black torrent receded, and the world returned to calm again.

At this time, Lu Yu's figure reappeared on the spot, still maintaining his original posture, and seemed not to be affected at all.

"This, how is this possible!"

Ning Zhongda's eyes widened and he couldn't help shouting.

This scene is really incredible...

He never expected that Lu Yu could remain unharmed in the face of such a powerful force.

Also surprised were Ning Yuanqiao and others on the side. Originally, they were still worried whether the attack just now would be too harsh. If Lu Yu was accidentally killed completely, it would be the same for them. A huge loss…

After all, their purpose was just to make Lu Yu surrender, and they did not really want to get rid of Lu Yu. That would not do them any good.

But the actual result was so unexpected. They had expected various scenarios, but they just didn't expect such a result.

"It's really good..." Lu Yu said.

At the same time, he spread his palms and saw a pool of white powder appearing on his palms. This was originally a closed moon stone, but it had been transformed into an amulet. However, under the fierce force, it had been completely destroyed. Destroyed.

"Unfortunately, it's still a little short of the mark. If you can cooperate more accurately and have a deeper understanding of the law, I might not be able to bear it!" As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his hand and immediately scattered all the powder that he had turned into when he graduated. Since he came to this world, this is the first time that there is a force that can shake the True Name Boundary and surpass the limit that the Moon-Blocking Stone Amulet can withstand. This also indirectly shows how powerful the force driven by the ancestors of the Ning family just now is. However, this does not mean that Lu Yu has no way to deal with it. If the opponent's power just now is really stronger, then he might be forced to use his real means. "Boy! Don't be too arrogant!" Ning Shaohua roared. Although Lu Yu's performance was amazing, his comments just now were really hard to accept, just like a child being checked for homework in a primary school... As the ancestors of the Ning family, how could they have been treated with such contempt? Ning Shaohua raised his hands and gathered his strength again, and a raging tide rose between heaven and earth again.

Although the momentum of the previous attack was extremely exaggerated, they were now in the domain of the Zhengyang Patriarch, with inexhaustible power, and it was not difficult to do it again.

Lu Yu blocked the first attack, but could he block the second, third... the hundredth attack?

As long as they fought here, this was their team leader, and they were already invincible.

"Come again?" Lu Yu frowned and said.

"What? Are you scared?" Ning Shaohua sneered: "If you are scared, just answer our questions honestly and tell us everything you know!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I have no opinion, but if you want to continue, I'm afraid someone will not agree!"

Before he finished speaking, a distant voice came: "Stop..."

At the same time, the storm that was gathering in Ning Shaohua's hand suddenly dissipated gradually, and in the blink of an eye it disappeared without a trace like quicksand.

Several ancestors of the Ning family were stunned.

This is the territory of the Zhengyang Patriarch. There is only one person who can do all this, and that is the Zhengyang Patriarch himself...

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