Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1747 Is this reason enough?

"Ancestor of the ninth generation!"

"Ancestor Zhengyang!"

"See the ancestor!"

Several ancestors of the Ning family saluted.

I saw the heavy stone door of the mausoleum slowly opened, and a hazy figure walked out from inside. His whole body was surrounded by black and white halos, and he looked full of strange aura.

Lu Yu couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly. He could already see that these haloes were composed of the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil. The white one was Tiangang and the black one was Earthly Evil. It was possible to combine these two powers with completely different properties to such an extent. , this Zhengyang ancestor does have his own uniqueness.

Ancestor Zhengyang slowly walked out of the door, his figure completely and clearly exposed, and the pressure of the aura that followed was even more powerful. Even the ancestors of the Ning family on the side couldn't help but step back. step.

However, Lu Yu still stood firmly on the spot, motionless, staring coldly at the ancestor Zhengyang in front of him.

Ancestor Zhengyang also looked towards him.

Their eyes met in front of Lin Mu.

"You are so brave! Seeing Patriarch Zhengyang still showing such disrespect for etiquette!" Ning Yuanqiao angrily scolded, "Ancestor, this person has no respect for his elders and does not know the boundaries of heaven and earth. He should be punished..."

He also wanted to accuse Lu Yu of his evil behavior and ask Patriarch Zhengyang to take action in person. Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Patriarch Zhengyang interrupted him with his hand and looked solemnly behind everyone.

Ning Yuanqiao couldn't help but be startled, then turned his head and looked behind him, only to see a storm in the sky behind him, and the strong pressure encouraged the sea of ​​clouds to roll in, forming a sign of rivalry with the domain of Patriarch Zhengyang.

Everyone was immediately shocked. This was obviously a sign of the arrival of a strong man, and the strength of this strong man was obviously not inferior to that of Patriarch Zhengyang.

"Ancestor Zhengyang, who is coming from here?"

Ning Chongxin's eyes were alert and he said as if facing a formidable enemy.

A strong person with such a demeanor is obviously a person of great origin. Even the ancestors of the Jin family would never have such a demeanor.

In this situation, he could only think of two possibilities, either the ancestor of the Jin family was suddenly promoted, or the Lord of Xihai City hidden behind Lu Yu suddenly arrived... But no matter which one it was. The reason is that this person came here rashly, and I am afraid that the person who came here is not good.

However, what they didn't expect was that Patriarch Zhengyang's answer surprised everyone.

"Who else could it be? Can't even recognize the members of our Ning family?"

Several ancestors couldn't help but look at each other.

"What? One of our own?"

"Aren't we all here?"

"Ancestor, are you talking about... Wanxuan?"

Several people finally came to their senses, and their faces were filled with astonishment.

Ning Wanxuan... Naturally, they paid special attention to this young pillar of the Ning family. They knew her situation very well, but they never expected that she had grown up enough to compete with the ninth generation Zhengyang ancestor. !

This is really incredible!

Obviously not long ago, her strength was far inferior to that of Patriarch Zhengyang, and there was no way she could even compare!

"Ancestor, is this true..." Ning Chongxin said in disbelief.

Ancestor Zhengyang did not answer, but turned to look at Lu Yu, and said thoughtfully: "Ning Wanxuan got your guidance, right?"

The ancestors suddenly came to their senses and looked at Lu Yu with shock.

Naturally, they had known for a long time that Ning Wanxuan's promotion was closely related to Lu Yu, so they questioned him. However, they did not expect that Lu Yu would actually promote Ning Wanxuan to such an extent, which was far beyond their expectations. outside.

No wonder Patriarch Zhengyang told them to stop just now. If Lu Yu had such ability, then this person was indeed not someone they could provoke.

Let alone being far away, Ning Wanxuan would never let them off lightly if they were right in front of them.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "You can't call it advice. I prefer to call it communication. In fact, all this is the result of her understanding and accumulation."

"Comprehension and accumulation..."

Ning Zhengyang repeated softly, once again showing a thoughtful expression, as if Lu Yu's trivial words had already made him realize something.

Lu Yu's heart trembled slightly, and he had a completely new estimate of this ninth-generation ancestor.

Being able to find clues and make some inferences from his own words, it seems that there is indeed a reason why he can become the mainstay of the Ning family.

While everyone was having their own thoughts, suddenly a cold voice came: "Who dares to be disrespectful to Mr. Lu?"

It turned out that Ning Wanxuan came hand in hand with Ning Wanqing.

At this time, Ning Wanxuan's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. The laws in the cemetery domain can no longer hinder him at all. Instead, they have become her assistance, allowing him to move with ease, almost shrinking to an inch. The way quickly crossed over.

In just the blink of an eye, the two of them were in front of everyone.

Ning Wanxuan's words could be said to be rude and did not save any face for the ancestors of the Ning family. In the past, this was unimaginable. However, at this moment, no one dared to Accuse him.

Even the ancestors themselves didn't think there was anything wrong with Ning Wanxuan's words.

There is no other reason but strength.

After all, it is a world where the strong are respected, so Ning Wanxuan has always been just one of their juniors. However, the strength he possesses now makes it impossible for everyone to look at her with the same eyes as before.

"Are you okay?"

Ning Wanxuan walked up to Lu Yu and asked.

Different from his attitude towards several ancestors, he immediately changed into a pleasant face.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said with a smile: "What can happen to me? But you came very timely. If you had come a little later, maybe something would happen!"

He deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of the word "something".

Obviously if the conflict continues to develop, we may not know who is responsible!

Ning Wanxuan turned to Ancestor Zhengyang with a firm gaze and said, "Ancestor, this is the reason why I want to make a desperate move to settle in Fenghe Province. Do you think it's enough?"

Ancestor Zhengyang pondered for a moment, and finally nodded, saying with infinite emotion: "That's enough..."

Lu Yu burst out laughing: "It seems like I have nothing to do here. In that case, I'll take my leave... There are other things outside, waiting for me to get busy!"

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