Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1749 We also have needs

"Why are you all here?" Lu Yu asked the two of them, "Have you done everything?"

Bai Zimei showed a helpless expression and said, "Elder Kong is already handling the matter, but there is such a big commotion here that even Emperor Qing'en has gone to Jun'an Garden for emergency shelter. The entire imperial capital is in chaos and people are panicking. I'm afraid it won't be done so quickly for a while..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that the turmoil caused by this incident would be more serious than he expected. It seems that the imperial guards he saw just now were just the tip of the iceberg.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" Cui Zhenzhen asked with concern.

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "Of course I'm fine... This is a long story, let's talk while we walk!"

So, Lu Yu led the two of them directly onto the carriage beside him, and briefly told them the whole story in the carriage. Of course, he only gave a general idea and concealed many details, especially the indescribable "details".

"So, you have reached a tacit understanding with the party behind you?" Bai Zimei asked in surprise.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "How can you say it's me? It's obviously us. Don't forget that we are together now..."

Bai Zimei was speechless. He glanced at Cui Zhenzhen beside him and asked, "So, your relationship with the third lady of the Ning family is already a done deal?"

Cui Zhenzhen immediately looked up at Lu Yu, with a clear resentment in her eyes.

For some reason, Lu Yu suddenly felt guilty for no reason. Although nothing had happened between him and Cui Zhenzhen, he didn't dare to look directly into her eyes. He touched his nose and said, "The imperial decree has been issued. How can it be false? However, these are just the needs of cooperation..."

Bai Zimei said dissatisfiedly, "It's the need to cooperate with the third lady of the Ning family, but what about our Zhenzhen? We also need it, okay!"

Lu Yu was ashamed.

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help but feel embarrassed and said, "Elder Bai, don't talk nonsense... I am already very satisfied with the extraordinary memories I can learn from you. I think that in your mind, everything will be measured..." Bai Zimei still looked indignant, but didn't say anything else. Lu Yu hit me, Old Sun, and said with a smile: "Let's talk about business first. How are you preparing?"

Bai Zimei looked a little puzzled, and then said: "The venue has been arranged. We just need to wait for Elder Kong to invite the elders and deacons from all over the Green Lion Altar. But now this kind of thing has suddenly happened here. Do we need to proceed as usual?"

"Proceed as usual!" Lu Yu said as a matter of course, "What happened to the Ning family has no conflict with this matter, why not proceed as usual?"

Bai Zimei said: "What about the time? Should it be delayed a little? Can you handle it?"

Lu Yu said: "What is there to be too busy about? In fact, I have finished all the things here. Now there is only one last thing left, that is to deal with your matter..."

"You ask Elder Kong to gather people as soon as possible, the sooner the better. After this matter is handled, I will set off to return to Xihai City!"

Bai Zimei was silent and looked at Cui Zhenzhen on the side again.

Cui Zhenzhen lowered her head silently, her watery eyes revealed a bit of melancholy, but she didn't say anything.

Bai Zimei finally sighed helplessly: "I understand... Then let's go to the venue now? Can you give us a final check?"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "Then let's go and take a look! Anyway, there is nothing else to do now!"

Bai Zimei couldn't help but be speechless again. Now the whole Imperial Capital is in a mess, all because of him, but he is like nothing happened.

Soon, the carriage arrived in front of a tall building.

After entering the building, there is a different world inside, just like the previous Kangding City, this is also an underground palace.

Accompanied by the two, Lu Yu walked around the entire underground palace, and finally nodded with satisfaction and said: "Not bad, you can achieve this level in such a short time, so the secret line you set up in the imperial capital is indeed very powerful!" Bai Zimei said: "In the entire Green Lion Altar, including me and Elder Kong, there are a total of twelve elders, plus their subordinates and followers, the number of people present at that time will probably be as many as hundreds... Will there be any problems?" Lu Yu asked back: "What problems will there be?" Bai Zimei said: "The strength of the adults is beyond doubt, even if you control more than ten elders at the same time It should be no problem, but the subordinates of these elders are also the elite among the elite, and their origins are complicated. I am afraid that one or two people will leak the news. If it arouses the vigilance of the headquarters, it will be troublesome..." Lu Yu said: "Don't worry, since I have agreed to this matter, I will naturally make it watertight... Besides, even if a drop or two is leaked, it doesn't matter if the headquarters knows the news... "I just met with several ancestors of the Ning family. They are all on our side now. How much trouble are you afraid of from the Yunyan Pavilion headquarters?" "It's the Yunyan Pavilion headquarters that needs to pray for good luck!" Lu Yu couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

But now they are in peace with each other. When he officially settles in Fenghe Prefecture, he will definitely have an intersection with the Yunyan Pavilion General Forum, and conflicts between the two sides will be inevitable.

"Yes... Since you are so confident, sir, I feel relieved..." Bai Zimei replied.

She paused and then continued: "My lord has attended the canonization ceremony early yesterday morning and has not had a good rest until now. Why don't I find a room here to have a good rest, just waiting for all the blue lions?" The elders of the altar are here, and I will ask you to make a final decision when the time comes!"

As she said that, she gave Cui Zhenzhen an ambiguous look, and her intention was self-evident.

Lu Yu suddenly couldn't help but feel a headache again.

Facing Cui Zhenzhen's clear and smoky eyes, he felt that it might be easier to face the army of more than ten elders in the Blue Lion Altar.

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