Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1750 I do

In the room, Cui Zhenzhen bent down and carefully arranged the bed.

Although she did not do anything deliberately, just such a simple action showed her beautiful figure.

Her narrow waist and plump buttocks were perfectly combined into a beautiful curve. With her movements, she swayed slightly in front of Lu Yu and shook slightly, making Lu Yu swallow his saliva involuntarily.

She is really worthy of being a beauty carefully cultivated by Yunyan Pavilion...

Lu Yu sighed in his heart.

"Sir, the bed is already made..."

Cui Zhenzhen stood up, lowered her head slightly, and said softly.

Although she did not say it clearly, she was obviously ready to be picked by you. All she needed was a word from Lu Yu, and everything would come naturally.

Lu Yu's heart flashed a little struggle. Originally, he had made up his mind to let her simply become his assistant and did not intend to destroy this purity, but at this moment he was not so sure.

He had to admit that his state of mind had changed. Depravity and desire were like a floodgate. Since the first time with Ning Wanxuan, he couldn't stop.

"Actually... you don't have to do this. Bai Zimei is now your subordinate. You don't have to follow her instructions." Lu Yu said.

"All this is indeed instructed by Elder Bai, but..." Cui Zhenzhen seemed to suddenly swell up, raised her head, and looked directly into Lu Yu's eyes, "What if I did this not just because of Elder Bai's instructions?"

Lu Yu's heart jumped suddenly, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Sir, do you know? In fact, the thing I regret most is that I didn't seize the opportunity that night when I was in Hengzhou City..."

"You clearly said at the time that you wanted me to sleep with you..."

"Sir, today, can you give me another chance to make amends?"

Her clear eyes looked straight at Lu Yu, as if they were about to overflow with water.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lu Yu asked hesitantly.

Cui Zhenzhen nodded and said, "I know that your plan now is to make me your assistant and agent. You don't want our relationship to become complicated, but don't you think that only after I become your woman, everything will be more logical?"

"Let's not talk about anything else for now. Only after I become your woman can Elder Bai and Elder Kong convince them and make it easier to carry out follow-up work..."

"Of course, apart from their factors, this is also my own choice. I also hope to become your woman..."

"Even if you are about to become the son-in-law of the Ning family, even if you don't have any status, Zhenzhen doesn't care at all... Zhenzhen doesn't ask for any status, just ask for your pity!"

The belt is getting wider...

The graceful body that was not visible through a layer of mist in Hengzhou City at the beginning is now perfectly displayed in front of Lu Yu again.

Lu Yu swallowed his saliva again involuntarily.

This is simply a work of art that is perfectly natural, the ultimate masterpiece created by heaven, and the best gift of the laws of heaven to men in the world.

Even though Lu Yu had just finished a fierce battle with the Ning sisters not long ago, he couldn't help but feel distracted again at this moment, and felt that a kind of evil fire suddenly rose from his abdomen almost uncontrollably.

However, Lu Yu finally suppressed this evil fire.

He bent down, picked up the scattered clothes from the ground, and put them on Cui Zhenzhen again.

"My lord..."

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help but be stunned, with loss, hesitation, surprise, sadness... in her eyes... extremely complicated.

She had already done this, but she didn't expect Lu Yu to still reject her...

Is it destined that there is no fate between the two?

She slowly lowered her head, and in an instant she felt as if her heart was dead.

"Don't get me wrong..." At this time, Lu Yu suddenly said: "I don't have such great perseverance to resist your charm..."

Cui Zhenzhen raised her head again, and now she suddenly felt that her heart was rekindled.

"It's just that now is not the right time..." Lu Yu continued, while gently helping her pull her clothes back on.

"Timing?" Cui Zhenzhen asked in confusion.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "If I'm not mistaken, you should still be a virgin, right?"

Cui Zhenzhen blushed, lowered her head, and responded softly with her nose: "Yeah."

Although she was a carefully cultivated beauty weapon, Yunyan Pavilion had high hopes for her. The original target of seduction was Duke Hengyue, but this plan had never succeeded, so she naturally remained virgin.

"We can't just rush it, you deserve better treatment..." Lu Yu said, "I already understand your intentions. I did have other plans for you, but now I am not as determined as before. If you really insist on following me, then I have a new plan now."

"What plan?"

"How about letting you become my cauldron?" Lu Yu said.

"Cui Zhenzhen looked at him puzzledly, "What is a cauldron?"

It turned out that there was no concept of cauldron in this Guantian world.

So Lu Yu explained to her the concepts of cauldron and furnace and dual cultivation.

"This... doesn't it sound like what He Dan means?" Cui Zhenzhen said.

Lu Yu said: "Compared with Hedan, it is still more complicated, because you have to practice a special set of exercises and change your physique to better cater to me. For this, you may have to spend a lot of energy. It’s not impossible to even regress in cultivation, but in the end all the results are mine..."

"In short, everything is for my service, are you willing?"

Cui Zhenzhen was startled, and then immediately became determined again.

"Sir, I do!"

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