Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1755 Give me an explanation

Zhang Ju rushed to Elder Qian's side on a rolling crawl.

At this time, she was naturally full of complaints, but she couldn't say a single unnecessary word. She just looked at Elder Qian eagerly.

Elder Qian gently pressed her shoulder and signaled her to calm down: "Don't worry, let us handle the rest!"

Zhang Ju's eyes relaxed and he retreated behind him with the support of Elder Qian's subordinates.

Elder Qian turned his head and looked at Lu Yu again, then strode over.

"Elder Qian, you came so quickly!" Elder Kong said in a bad tone.

At this time, he had recovered from the initial surprise. Naturally, he knew that the other party had bad intentions, so his eyes were full of vigilance.

Elder Qian smiled, ignored Elder Kong, looked straight at Lu Yu and said, "The special envoy is really powerful! In just a few days after arriving in the imperial capital, he has already completely settled the dispute between the emperor and the empress. He even extended his hand to He entered my Yunyan Pavilion with the intention of taking over the entire Qingshitan branch!"

Lu Yu glanced at him casually and said calmly: "You are not qualified to talk to me. Let the people behind you come out!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Although Elder Qian may not be the most powerful among the twelve elders of Qingshitan, he is the oldest among them and has extremely high prestige within the entire Qingshitan.

Moreover, his performance just now had the effect of giving him a head start. Unexpectedly, Special Envoy Lu would be so crazy and even accuse the other party of not being qualified to speak.

Elder Qian himself couldn't help but be startled. After a slight hesitation, he took a step back and moved the person behind him in front of him.

Originally this man looked like a subordinate of Elder Qian, but when he stepped forward, he immediately showed the aura of a superior.

The people around him were all confused. They didn't know who this person was, and he actually allowed Elder Qian to encourage him.

It wasn't until the man took off the mask on his face, revealing a young and handsome face, that everyone around him exclaimed:

"Master Kou!"

"It's actually Mr. Kou!"

"Why is he here?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Although he had never seen the person in front of him, judging from the reactions of Elder Qian and the people around him, it was not difficult to guess that this person came from the main altar of Yunyan Pavilion.

Bai Zimei once introduced him to the situation of Black Rock Cliff, the main altar of Yunyan Pavilion. Unfortunately, his energy was all on the Imperial Capital at that time and he didn't pay much attention to it. He only vaguely remembered that there was indeed a high-ranking figure named Kou on Black Rock Cliff... …

Judging from these points, the identity of this person is almost revealed. This person is probably the high-ranking young man named Kou.

"Special Envoy Lu is really awesome! I didn't expect that so many people in the audience didn't see through my disguise, but you saw it right away!" Mr. Kou said calmly.

Lu Yu said: "What's so hard to guess about this? Without the intervention of external forces, Zhang Ju would not have been able to break free from my control. To reach such a level, with all due respect, Elder Qian is probably not qualified yet."

Elder Qian's face froze for a moment, but he did not refute. Indeed, he was just playing a double act with Mr. Kou. In fact, it was Mr. Kou himself who was really exerting his strength secretly.

Lu Yu looked sharply at Mr. Kou in front of him and continued: "I am also curious as to why Zhang Ju has a special power that does not belong to her in her body. If I guessed correctly, this special power comes from Is it your handiwork?”

Mr. Kou was surprised and said: "Special Envoy Lu is so good at seeing that you can't even hide the power of my father's ancestor stored in Elder Zhang Ju's body from your eyes..."

"However, if this is the case, then you should know that everything here has been understood by us, and all your careful arrangements are no longer effective!"

As he spoke, he showed a very proud look.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly. At this time, he had already figured out the other party's entire arrangement.

In fact, Zhang Ju is just a spy of the other party. The special power stored in her body is the other party's eyes. Through this method, the other party can detect all the arrangements here and carry out effective targeting.

This can be seen from Zhang Ju's sudden break away from the shackles of poison.

The series of arrangements he had previously asked Bai Zimei and others to make actually turned the entire underground palace into a huge alchemy furnace. To a certain extent, the interior of the underground palace could be regarded as his exclusive domain, allowing him to He manipulated toxins wantonly, so Zhang Ju and Zhang Hu's mother and son were helpless, like puppets in his hands.

But from the moment the opponent entered the scene, the arrangement of "turning the underground palace into a pill furnace" was broken, so Zhang Ju broke free.

Lu Yu didn't know exactly how the other party did it, but it was an indisputable fact that the effect of the entire underground palace's alchemy furnace had weakened at this time.

"The power of the ancestor..."

Lu Yu whispered the name softly.

It seems that Yunyan Pavilion is worthy of being the top sect in the world. They not only cultivate beauties like Cui Zhenzhen as weapons, but also have their own uniqueness.

Mr. Kou smiled and said: "It seems that Special Envoy Lu didn't know much about my father's "Xian Yuan Sheng Gong" before. No wonder you are so bold and dare to set up such a battle here..."

"Regarding this matter, Special Envoy Lu, I hope you can give me a satisfactory explanation..."

"An explanation?" Lu Yu looked into the other person's eyes, "What explanation?"

Mr. Kou smiled slightly, looked at the people around him, and raised his voice: "Everyone, do you know that you have been poisoned?"

The whole audience was suddenly surprised.

Mr. Kou continued: "Of course these are all the work of Special Envoy Lu. Of course, the help of Bai Zimei and Kong Degang must be indispensable! Because of this, Zhang Ju suddenly restrained him. Otherwise, what means would he have?" Can you control an elder from my Yunyan Pavilion branch without leaving any trace?"

The whole place immediately went into an uproar.

Since Zhang Ju can be controlled, they can naturally be controlled... This made them feel an inexplicable panic.

Lu Yu's face was as dark as water, but he didn't say anything.

Mr. Kou smiled again and continued: "However, don't worry, everyone. With the protection of my father's Xianyuan Divine Art, the restrictions here have been broken. He can never think of using the same method to deal with him again. But regarding this matter, he Should we all be given an explanation?”

The crowd suddenly became angry.

They never imagined that they were only one step away from danger. At this time, Mr. Kou pointed it out, and everyone was naturally filled with anger.

However, they did not dare to question Lu Yu directly. After all, Lu Yu's performance just left a deep impression on them...

As a result, they all turned against Bai Zimei and Kong Degang.

"The surname is Kong!"

"The surname is Bai!"

"What exactly do you mean?"

"We treat you as one of our own, but you want to harm us?"

"Are you planning to sell us? Are you planning to become a traitor to Yunyan Pavilion?"

Bai Zimei and Kong Degang couldn't help but change their expressions. Faced with everyone's accusations, they couldn't argue.

Mr. Kou turned back to Lu Yu and said, "Special Envoy Lu, this is the explanation I want!"

"Although you are very popular in Da Rui Imperial Capital now, in my eyes, these are nothing... With all due respect, if you don't satisfy me with this explanation today, your end may be very miserable!"

A cruel smile appeared on his face, and the threat in it was self-evident.

However, Lu Yu did not threaten him at all. He just smiled lightly and said: "It seems that you are really confident in your ancestor's skills... Do you really think that everything is under your control?" Is it successful?"

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