Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1756 Advanced Red Lotus Power

Mr. Kou grinned: "How powerful is my father's Xianyuan Shen Gong? Envoy Lu should have a deep understanding of it... Could it be that Envoy Lu has other elaborate arrangements now? I am looking forward to it!" Lu Yu ignored his ridicule, turned around and waved in the direction of Cui Zhenzhen, and asked: "Zhenzhen, how is the situation?" Originally, after Lu Yu activated it, the entire "Danlu" underground palace was like a surrounding dam. She was stirring the tide in it, trying to drown Zhang Hu in the lake, and she was only one step away from success. However, the sudden appearance of Mr. Kou and others, using the Xianyuan Shen Gong to break the "Danlu" arrangement, was like poking a hole in the temporary dam, allowing the water in it to drain quickly. Therefore, Cui Zhengzheng can be said to be going against the trend in the retreat of the water at this time. The difficulty can be imagined. If this situation continues, it is only a matter of time for Zhang Hu to break free like Zhang Ju. "My Lord, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you..." Cui Zhenzhen said with a frown, and her hands were already stretched to the limit in controlling various toxins.

"That's not necessarily true!" Lu Yu smiled lightly, and his voice suddenly sank again, "From now on, concentrate and don't think about anything else. I'll help you!"

"Yes!" Cui Zhenzhen immediately perked up.

Lu Yu flicked his hand lightly, and a red lotus shot out from his fingertips.

This is the power of the red lotus! The true source of power hidden in his body!

Since he came to this world, this is the first time he has used the power of the red lotus in public without any scruples.

Originally, he still had some concerns in his heart, but now the situation is completely different. The Bixiao Palace has already noticed his existence, and the threat of the Thousand Eyes God is imminent, so he naturally has no need to hide it anymore.

The red lotus bloomed with a bright light, which shocked everyone at the scene.

At this time, Lu Yu was completely different from when he just left the original world. Although he still hadn't successfully formed a pill, and his progress in cultivation didn't seem obvious, in fact, his power had changed dramatically.

Because when he escaped from the original world, he broke through many heavenly tribulations. The experience of close contact and friction with the laws of a large world can be regarded as an ascension to some extent.

When he entered the current Guantian world, he experienced a similar process again, so at this time he could be regarded as having experienced ascension twice.

In addition, after entering this Guantian world, he came into contact with a brand new cultivation system and saw the strange combination of the power of the earth and the power of the sky...

In short, all of this made him have a deeper understanding of the true meaning of power.

Although he had never deliberately shown it, these perceptions were quietly changing in a subtle way.

At this time, the materialized red lotus power that shot out from his fingertips was completely different from before. The luster was brighter and the color was more weird. The brilliance that bloomed in front of everyone was even more dazzling than the first-grade golden pill.

Everyone was stunned.

The special envoy Lu in front of them had not even made a golden elixir yet, so how could he drive a powerful force comparable to that of a first-grade golden elixir?

In the blink of an eye, the red lotus had already flown above Cui Zhenzhen's head, like a shining crown with flowing flames on her head.

Suddenly, the red lotus began to spin rapidly, and a strong suction force came from the void. From the naked eye, it seemed that nothing had changed, but everyone at the scene felt an inexplicable panic for no reason.

Only Cui Zhenzhen was most clear about the changes. She felt that the various toxins that were about to disintegrate quickly gathered again and were controlled in her hands.

Cui Zhenzhen was immediately delighted.

The original "alchemy furnace" had been destroyed, but Lu Yu did not expect that he could achieve the effect of reshaping the alchemy furnace with only the power of a red lotus.

Now she understood the true meaning of what Lu Yu said about helping her. She no longer hesitated and immediately manipulated various toxins to rush into Zhang Hu's body, continuing the "trial" that had not been completed just now.


Zhang Hu's screams followed, and they were even more miserable than before.

Everyone's faces suddenly changed.

Since Zhang Hu was poisoned and thus ended up in such a situation, judging from his current performance, he obviously could not get rid of the opponent's toxin attack. Doesn't this mean that they might also end up in the same situation?

Mr. Kou's face also changed.

Xianyuan Shen Gong has the effect of anticipating the enemy's moves and seeing through everything. That's why he saw through Lu Yu's various arrangements and destroyed them in advance.

Originally, he thought everything was under his control, but the method Lu Yu just used was completely beyond his expectations, making him unable to see through it at all.

At this time, he had already activated all the power of the primordial energy in his body, but he still could not effectively analyze and investigate the red lotus thrown by Lu Yu. All he saw was a void, a vast, endless red...

"Bitch! What are you doing!"

Zhang Ju rushed out of the crowd and yelled again at the top of her lungs.

"Stop it now!"

"If you dare to touch my tiger, I will never forgive you!"

However, how could Cui Zhenzhen pay attention to her shouting? She was seen moving her fingers like flying, and kept striking. Zhang Hu, who was lying on the ground, not only showed no signs of relief, but became more and more painful.

Zhang Ju had no choice but to turn to Mr. Kou and burst into tears, crying bitterly:

"Master Kou, please tell them to stop!"

"I beg you, please save Hu'er!"

"I know, you must have a way!"

"Don't forget, you two are brothers!"

This last sentence couldn't help but attract everyone's attention.

Everyone knew that Zhang Ju had a strong backing, and they had already secretly speculated about her relationship with the senior executive named Kou, but after all, there was no real evidence. These words completely confirmed the matter.

Lu Yu couldn't help but take a deep look at Zhang Ju, and saw that she was plump, with big shoulders and a round waist, and weighed at least two hundred kilograms. It seemed that this high-ranking figure named Kou was a heavy drinker, and could even swallow such things.

"Shut up!"

Mr. Kou angrily scolded Zhang Ju, but ignored Zhang Hu over there, and looked at Lu Yu warily.

It's not that he hasn't tried to rescue Zhang Hu, but Lu Yu is standing between him and Cui Zhenzhen at this time, as if a mountain has blocked all means that may interfere with Cui Zhenzhen. If he can't push away the mountain in front of him, he wants to It is simply impossible to rescue Zhang Hu.

The secret contest had gone on quietly for several rounds, but Lu Yu remained motionless.

After a while, the screams stopped.

It's not because Zhang Hu has successfully escaped, but because he has completely lost his breath.

"Hu'er! My Hu'er..." Zhang Ju cried out sadly. She was so angry that she also fainted.

Cui Zhenzhen turned around and said with relief: "Sir, Zhenzhen is lucky to live up to her mission. I finally did it!"

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction and said happily: "Yes, in this way, I can feel completely relieved to leave this place to you!"

He paused for a moment, then turned to look at Master Kou who was looking in disbelief, and said with a faint smile: "Master Kou, do you still want to stick to your previous idea? Do you still feel that everything is under your control? "

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