Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1758 A big gift

Not long after, Mr. Kou was dragged back like a dead dog.

Seeing this scene, everyone no longer took any chances. At this moment, they finally understood that the strength of Special Envoy Lu in front of them not only far exceeded their expectations, but also far exceeded the expectations of the general forum.

Today's gathering, even the Hongmen Banquet, is simply not something they can compete with.

"Special envoy, what are your orders for summoning us here?"

Even Elder Qian recognized the reality and took the initiative to bow his head to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu said: "Actually, there is nothing special. You all know very well that I have just accepted the canonization of Emperor Qing'en on behalf of Xihai City. The relationship between the Darui Empire and Xihai City will be very close in the future. There will be many of our significant associated interests here over a long period of time..."

"However, the Green Lion Temple is responsible for the affairs within the Darui Empire. In order to avoid disagreements and conflicts between the two parties in the future, I think it is necessary for us to get in touch in advance. By the way, I also have some immature suggestions. , I want to mention it to you..."

"Immature suggestion?" Elder Qian said in astonishment.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and continued: "In order to adapt to the current changing situation in the Da Rui Empire, I think it is necessary to adjust the current power structure of the Green Lion Temple and transfer it to Elder Bai Zimei. From now on, she will be the leader of the Blue Lion Temple. Lord, this will make it easier for us to communicate and cooperate with each other, what do you think?”

Everyone was stunned.

Although his words were polite, he actually intended to annex the entire Blue Lion Altar and achieve his goal of controlling the entire Green Lion Altar by supporting Bai Zimei as the puppet leader.

The power of Yunyan Pavilion is spread all over the mainland. There are dozens of branches like Qingshitan, large and small. It has never happened before that the whole branch can be annexed at once.

Even the lord of a country did not dare to make such a noise against Yunyan Pavilion. No one expected that Lu Afeng had such a big appetite!

For a moment, all the elders of the Blue Lion Altar could not help but look at each other in silence.

Lu Yu continued: "Elder Kong has already recognized this point. If everyone has objections to this..."

In the middle of speaking, he paused deliberately and looked around, "Don't blame me for saying ugly things in front of you, you all just deliberately want to be my enemy!"

Everyone suddenly felt their chests stagnate.

It is self-evident what the result of being an enemy of him means. The fate of Mr. Kou and Zhang Ju and his son have fully demonstrated this point.

At this moment, everyone had a deeper understanding of Lu Yu's arrogant style.

However, there is no good way for them to fight against others, not to mention that they have all been poisoned without knowing it.

"Of course we don't want to be enemies with the special envoy..." Elder Qian said hesitantly: "It's just that the main altar will not agree to this matter, and it will be difficult to do so..."

Lu Yu sneered: "Elder Qian, if I were you, I wouldn't worry so much. You only need to worry about the first half of the sentence - if you don't become my enemy, as for the second half, there will naturally be people who should worry about it. !”

Elder Qian felt the tremendous pressure, and his face suddenly became stern, and he quickly bowed and said: "Yes! I was worrying too much, thank you for reminding me...Qian is willing to accept your proposal like Elder Kong!"

Seeing this, the rest of the people followed suit and said together: "We are also willing to accept your Lord's proposal!"

Then everything fell into place.

What was originally a tense meeting instantly turned into a meeting about mergers and integration within the Blue Lions Circle.

No matter what, at least in name, Bai Zimei became the leader of the Blue Lion Circle, and everything was the same as Lu Yu's original idea.

When Bai Zimei faced the worship ceremony of everyone, his whole person still had an unreal feeling like being in a dream.

When she first chose to stay with Lu Yu, it was just to save her life. She didn't expect that a day would develop like this, and that day would come so quickly.

A few hours later.

The annexation process was finally over, and Bai Zimei came back to Lu Yu again.

At this time, Lu Yu had returned to the previous room and was discussing something with Cui Zhenzhen.

Bai Zimei tried hard to hear clearly the content of the conversation between the two, but she could hear every word of what the two said clearly, but when combined, it was completely confused. She couldn't understand it at all, and in the end she had no choice but to give up.

"Sir, everything has been done. Now the entire Blue Lion Temple is under our control and is ready for your orders at any time!" Bai Zimei carefully reported the report.

Although she has now become the leader of the Blue Lion Circle, she does not dare to feel complacent because she clearly knows where the power in her hands comes from.

"So fast?" Lu Yu was slightly surprised. "Is everything going well?"

"Yes." Bai Zimei nodded and said: "Originally, it would not have been so smooth. After you left, there were a few elders who wanted to play tricks. However, according to your instructions, I directly poisoned a group of people to scare the monkeys. Then they all became honest..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Elder Bai is indeed a person who does great things... However, you should not come to report to me. I have already said that Miss Cui is your direct leader. From now on, you only need to be responsible to her!"

Bai Zimei looked at Cui Zhenzhen and said: "Miss Zhenzhen has obtained the true inheritance from your Lord. Naturally, I know that she is the real leader of the Blue Lion Circle... However, I am afraid that there is one thing that Miss Zhenzhen cannot handle for the time being, and I still need your Lord." You decide..."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

Bai Zimei said: "That's Mr. Kou, how should this person be dealt with... If he is executed directly, it will definitely arouse the thunderous anger of the general altar, but the Lord is about to leave. If there is no Lord here to take charge, even though we We have integrated the entire Blue Lions League, but it is still not enough to directly confront the General League..."

"But if we don't kill this person, many troubles will arise, and it will even directly affect the mentality within the Blue Lion Circle..."

"This is indeed a problem..." Lu Yu thought for a moment, and then quickly opened his brows again, "But there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Leaving him in your hands is indeed a hot potato. In this case, then just let him Send it out!"

"Send it off?" Bai Zimei said in shock.

Lu Yu smiled softly: "Don't forget the friend we just made. Since we are friends, we must help each other... You can send someone to take him directly to the Ning Cemetery! Just say it is my last farewell before leaving. A great gift for them!”

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