Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1759 Set off on the road

For everyone in the Ning family, Mr. Kou is by no means a great gift, but a huge trouble.

When Bai Zimei sent someone to the Ning family, everyone in the Ning family was still confused at first. They didn't know why Lu Yu wanted to send someone over. But when they heard about Master Kou's identity, they were shocked and said Nothing will leave anyone behind.

Until the entire cause and effect of the whole incident were understood, the entire Ning family fell silent again.

This special envoy Lu is really a master who refuses to settle down. He doesn't even pay attention to Yunyan Pavilion.

However, since he has completely offended Yunyan Pavilion, even if everything has nothing to do with the Ning family, will Yunyan Pavilion believe it?

After all, the incident happened within the Darui Empire, and as the Ning clan was the local leader here, it was impossible to explain such a thing clearly, and Yunyan Pavilion would definitely be angry with her.

In short, the deal is done, and it is absolutely impossible for them to distance themselves from each other.

Therefore, in the end, the Ning family kept Mr. Kou in order to use it as a bargaining chip when Yunyan Pavilion came to visit him in the future.

This was exactly Lu Yu's original intention. He just wanted the Ning family to help share Yunyan Pavilion's anger and delay the time, so that during his return to Xihai City, the main altar of Yunyan Pavilion would catch the Green Lion Altar by surprise. .

And as long as this period of time passes, when he settles in Fenghe State, he believes that Yunyan Pavilion will no longer have the time and energy to focus on this place.

Although everyone in the Ning family was in a state of panic, Lu Yu paid no attention to this matter. After he handed over the matter to Bai Zimei, he turned to Cui Zhenzhen and taught Cui Zhenzhen the technique of cultivating the cauldron body.

By the time Bai Zimei turned around and reported the matter to him and talked about the various performances of the Ning family, his teachings had begun to bear fruit, and Cui Zhenzhen's cultivation had begun to get on the right track.

"Okay, you can report these things to Zhenzhen from now on!" Lu Yu stood up and said.

Bai Zimei was stunned and said, "Sir, are you leaving now?"

"Yes!" Lu Yu said, "I had decided to go back to Xihai City a long time ago. It was all because of your Blue Lion Temple that I stayed until now. Now that everything is over, it's time to leave! "

Bai Zimei suddenly felt an indescribable emotion, with mixed feelings in his heart.

At first, she was wary of Lu Yu and wished she could escape from his clutches as soon as possible. But after getting along with him all the way, she didn't know when the hostility towards Lu Yu disappeared in her heart. Now that they were really separated, she felt a little uncomfortable. Give it up.

"Sir, although things here have come to an end for the time being, the situation is still very complicated. Without you here to take charge, we would probably be unsustainable..." Bai Zimei lowered his head and said gloomily.

Lu Yu patted her lightly on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just a blue lion altar, you can handle it!"

Bai Zimei smiled bitterly: "I'm just afraid that Zimei will betray your trust!"

Lu Yu shook his head and said with a straight face: "You misunderstood, I don't have confidence in you, I have confidence in myself. Don't forget, the person standing behind you is me. If this is all messed up, If so, it’s not your dereliction of duty, but my incompetence.”

Bai Zimei was speechless for a moment and could only roll her eyes at him.

Lu Yu laughed, and then his expression relaxed, and he said: "Just kidding... Don't worry, there will be no problem. If there is an emergency, Zhenzhen will contact me in time!"

Bai Zimei said: "I am afraid that things will happen suddenly. After all, Xihai City is thousands of miles away. It will take at least several days for the message to be transmitted back and forth. Even if I contact you by then, it will be too late..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "That's not necessarily true. Who said it takes several days to send messages?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Cui Zhenzhen, who was practicing meditation.

Bai Zimei was slightly startled and looked in the direction of Cui Zhenzhen.

Only a few feet away, Cui Zhenzhen was sitting cross-legged, surrounded by circles of clouds, showing brilliant colors and flames, even covering up her own appearance, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

Needless to say, this is naturally practicing some kind of strange skill. Just looking at the aura around you can tell how mysterious it is.

Bai Zimei could not help but feel a twinge of jealousy in her heart. She would be lying if she said she was not envious, but she also knew that there was a gap between her talent and Cui Zhenzhen's, and she could not be envious.

"Sir, are you saying that the skills Miss Zhenzhen is practicing can shorten the time for sending messages to you?"

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "The secret must not be leaked. In short, if there is any unexpected situation, I will take action as soon as possible and will never let you fall into an isolated situation."

Bai Zimei was shocked and speechless for a long time. He couldn't figure out what kind of method could make him so confident that he didn't care about a distance of thousands of miles.

At this time, there was another strange noise coming from outside. Bai Zimei turned around and saw that it was the soldiers of Feishiying led by the Lu brothers who were looking for him.

"Okay, they've arrived, it's time to hit the road!" Lu Yu turned around and greeted them.

Bai Zimei was startled: "Sir, are you going to set off immediately? In such a hurry?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Yu squinted and said, "Are you still waiting for Emperor Qing'en to come and escort me to see me off? I told you that there is something urgent, so we can avoid all the red tape!"

Bai Zimei was speechless again. This was indeed what she was thinking. In her opinion, with Lu Yu's current status, there was no way he should leave in such obscurity. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu said it out loud.

"Then... Sir, let me see you off! I am the only one who will never waste your time!" Bai Zimei said.

Lu Yu glanced at her and said, "Elder Bai is interested... Oh, no, I should call you Altar Master Bai now!"

Soon, the Feishi camp soldiers brought the horses over.

In order to save time, they no longer took the carriage this time and went into battle lightly.

The group of people got on their horses and galloped all the way. Under Bai Zimei's control, the journey was smooth.

Not long after, the group had left the Imperial City and arrived at a pavilion ten miles outside the city.

After seeing each other for ten miles, Bai Zimei had made his stance clear and was about to say his final goodbyes to Lu Yu. Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a rumble in the air.

Everyone looked up and saw a huge chariot descending from the sky, gorgeous and coquettish, with pavilions and canopies like a canopy, like a colorful cloud.

It’s Queen Xuan’s Phoenix!

Not long ago, Lu Yu just rode on it, but he didn't expect that it now has the ability to fly. This is obviously the result of Ning Wanxuan's improved strength.

"Sir, it seems that your idea of ​​keeping a low profile is in vain!" Bai Zimei said.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

Looking at the slender figure standing on Fenghu, shrouded by the gauze curtain, the energy and blood in the body couldn't help but become a little restless.

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