Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1768 Secret Exchange

When Fu Jing asked about the secret of Lu Yu's life experience before, Lu Yu once said that it was a very long story and he would tell her when he was free.

Under the circumstances, this was of course just an excuse, but at this moment, facing Fu Jing's clear eyes, Lu Yu knew that he could no longer fool him.

As her realm improved, her eyesight also improved, and she was no longer the rich girl she was before.

However, the situation at this time has completely changed. The reason why I concealed my origin at the beginning was to hide my identity and avoid unnecessary trouble. Now these problems already exist.

Anyway, everyone in Bixiao Shrine already knows that he is here, so there is no need to hide it or not.

Lu Yu lamented: "This is indeed a very long story..."

Fu Jing said: "Anyway, we have plenty of time now, don't we?"

Lu Yu looked up at the sky, silent, with melancholy in his eyes.

Fu Jing frowned slightly: "What? Can't you still tell me? Is the secret about you really so important? At worst, let's exchange it. You tell me your secret, and I will tell you my secret. , I think you should also be curious about my secrets, right?"

Lu Yu said: "Actually, there is nothing that can't be said now, but I haven't figured out where to start... If I say that I am not from this world, would you believe it?"

Fu Jing couldn't help but widen her eyes and looked Lu Yu up and down: "Could it be are the incarnation of demons and ghosts? I really didn't see that..."

Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry and said: "What kind of incarnation of demons and ghosts? I mean I was not born and raised in this world. There are many other worlds outside this world and above our heads in the starry sky, which is what people often say. All the worlds...I come from such a place!"

Fu Jing's eyes widened: "You mean you are a god?"

"God?" Lu Yu smiled softly, "God is not so easy to achieve. I should still be quite far away from such a state..."

"If you weren't a god, how could you cross the distance between the heavens and the world and come here?" Fu Jing said with difficulty.

"I didn't come here out of my own will. In fact, the whole process was quite difficult... Forget it, I don't know where to start with all this. Just treat me as a god according to your understanding. But I must be the most destitute among all the gods..." Lu Yu gave up explaining and said with a helpless expression.

For someone who has never really seen the starry sky in the universe, just explaining the legal relationship between the two big worlds is an extremely complicated matter. If you just rely on words, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to do it even for a few days and nights. Explain clearly to Fu Jing.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jing nodded solemnly: "I understand!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned: "What do you understand?"

Fu Jing said: "You once told me that you have a group of very powerful enemies. The strength of those enemies is far beyond my imagination... I think that even in the world of gods, it is not a pure land. You should be one A god who is exiled in the world of gods?"

"The banished god..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the scenes in the original world. His hasty escape was like a lost dog. In fact, it was very similar to being exiled.

"To a certain extent, you can understand it this way..." Lu Yu said helplessly.

Fu Jing breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that such an answer made her somewhat relieved.

"So, who are your enemies?" Fu Jing asked again.

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said: "You may have never heard of their names, but in fact, maybe they are the real gods. With their power, even if they want to destroy the entire world we live in now, they will not be able to do it." impossible……"

"However, it is not easy to use such power. This should be a very distant thing. I hope things will not happen to this point. As far as the current situation is concerned, my most imminent enemy should be the Temple of Hades..."

"The Temple of Hades?" Fu Jing couldn't help showing a strange expression: "Did you just mention to your mother that you were going to deal with the Temple of Hades next, and that made her so angry?"

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned: "You mean, there is a connection between Madam and Hades Temple..."

Fu Jing said: "Of course, otherwise how do you think my mother got in touch with the Great Evil Empire?"

Now it was Lu Yu's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that Mrs. Ru got in touch with the Great Evil Empire through the relationship with the Hades Temple. The acquaintances she knew were not dignitaries of the Great Evil Empire, but high-level officials of the Hades Temple.

"Madam, what is the relationship between her and Hades Temple?" Lu Yu asked with a frown.

Fu Jing looked at Lu Yu calmly and did not answer. After a moment, she took a deep breath: "A Feng, you have told me your secrets. Now, you want to hear my secrets." ?"

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