Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1769 Blood Origin

Next, Fu Jing told Lu Yu the mystery of his life experience.

Mrs. Ru had told her the secret about the royal blood of the Central Dynasty flowing between them, and she told Lu Yu without reservation.

"Guanlan Empire..."

After listening to Fu Jing's story, Lu Yu couldn't help but whisper the name softly.

"What? Have you never heard of the Guanlan Empire?" Fu Jing said, "This is indeed a past event that has been sealed for a long time..."

Lu Yu shook his head: "What a coincidence, I just heard this name not long ago. Although it was not many times, this name left a deep impression on me. I have always felt that this name is very special. Now Finally we have the answer!”

"Special?" Fu Jing couldn't help but be confused, "What's so special about the name?"

Lu Yu didn't answer, and turned to look left and right, as if he was looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Fu Jing was even more confused.

Lu Yu raised his head again and stretched out his hand towards him: "Do you still have the moon stone on you? Give me one!"

He originally wanted to find the Moon Moon Stone, but due to the confrontation with Mrs. Ru just now, he couldn't even save his clothes. His whole body was clean and smooth, and naturally he had no spare Moon Moon Stone.

Fu Jing was full of doubts, but still reached into her arms, took out a closed moon stone and handed it to Lu Yu's hand.

Although her strength at this time is no longer what it used to be, Lu Yu left a very deep impression on her with the Moon Stone, so she still carries some Moon Stones with her as a backup.

Lu Yu took it without hesitation, and didn't see how he moved. He just raised his hand gently. Suddenly, the moon stone in his hand emitted a milky white halo, and a strange character clearly appeared in the halo.

"This is……"

The expression on Fu Jing's face turned into one full of surprise. For some reason, this strange character displayed in the halo gave her a very indescribable feeling.

It was as if the power hidden in the bloodline had become restless, and it was responding to it from afar.

Lu Yu said: "The meaning of this character is 'watching the sky', which is a language of the stars. It is the true name of this world among all the worlds. Do you feel very familiar with it..."

Fu Jing nodded gently.

"This is because the power hidden in your Guanlan clan's bloodline is based on the variation of this character..."

While talking to Lu Yu, he gently changed his gestures. Suddenly, the strange character in the halo began to twist, gradually reversed, and turned into a brand new character in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the restlessness in Fu Jingjing became more intense, almost reaching a level that made it difficult for her to reach this point.

"This is 'Guanlan'!"

Lu Yu finally read out the name of the new character.

At first glance, it all sounded like Lu Yu was talking nonsense, but Fu Jing knew the reaction in her body, and she knew that everything Lu Yu said was true.

It turns out that the real name of this world is "Guan Tian"!

It turns out that the word "Guanlan" actually has such a meaning!

"How do you know all this?" Fu Jing said with astonishment on his face.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't you think I am a god? Let's think of this as one of the abilities of gods! But even gods are not omniscient and omnipotent. In fact, these are just what I realized when I fought with my wife. Of course, part of it is the inspiration provided by you, Miss. Without you allowing me to observe at such a close distance, I would not have enough basis to make such an inference..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned. For a moment, she felt that Lu Yu's eyes were extremely sharp, as if he could see through her whole body. Even though there was a huge gap in cultivation level between the two, they still could not isolate this strange penetration. feel.

"Now I really don't have any secrets in front of you..." Fu Jing said mockingly.

"That's not the case, that's not the case..."

Lu Yu shook his hand, and at the same time he understood in his heart why Mrs. Ru's burst of power just now could easily break the true name barrier of the moon stone amulet. It turns out that the power between the two comes from the same source, so naturally it can The true name barrier that shakes this world.

"Being able to hide such a power in your bloodline does show that your life experiences are closely related, but how does all this have anything to do with the Temple of Hades?" Lu Yu asked again, " As far as I know, wasn’t the Guanlan Empire destroyed by the Temple of Hades?”

"You actually know this..." Fu Jing said in surprise.

"So all this is true?" Lu Yu said, "I just heard about this when I was in Da Rui Imperial Capital this time..."

"Since the Guanlan Empire was indeed destroyed by the Temple of Hades, it stands to reason that you should be sworn enemies of life and death. Why did Madam have such an attitude when she heard that I mentioned the Temple of Hades?"

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