Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1772 The magnanimity of a strong man

Fu Jing briefly explained a few words to the elders, and after confirming that Lu Yu was the main decision-maker in all recent affairs, he once again used his sword to break through the air and returned to Liu Ruju.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other in silence for a while. They originally thought that a very fierce conflict would break out between the two sides. No matter what happened, Lu Yu's status would be affected to a certain extent, but they didn't expect that it would end in this way.

At present, it seems that Lu Yu's position in Fu Jing's heart is irreplaceable. Even if both mother and daughter have reached the realm of the Grand Duke, his position is still rock solid.

"Master Feng, would you like to change your clothes first..."

Zhong Si came over holding a piece of clothing. This was the uniform uniform of the Dongcheng Army and Horses Division. Although it did not match Lu Yu's identity, it was better than him always tying Fu Jing's skirt around his waist.

Lu Yu was not polite, and under the cover of a group of guards, he changed directly, finally no longer letting the cool breeze blow on his butt.

"Master Feng, you have been tired from traveling all the way, why don't you find a place to rest first!"

Zhongsi said again.

"The city lord also said just now that you will have to worry about all kinds of things in the city from now on... It's just that the city lord's mansion looks like this now. I'm afraid it's not suitable for living. Why don't you condescend to the humble Dongcheng for the time being? The Soldiers and Horses Division has settled down, what do you think?"

"I'm not busy." Lu Yu waved his hand gently, "It's rare that there are so many people here now, let's explain clearly what we need to do first!"

Therefore, Lu Yu began to inquire about various affairs of Xichenghai.

The deployment of various troops, the training and preparations of the newly established Miracle Army, the preparation of food and baggage, the adequacy of warehouse resources... All kinds of problems, big and small, were all included, and soon he took over Xihai City. Regain control of all situations inside and outside.

Immediately afterwards, orders were issued one after another.

The three armies have not moved, and the food and grass have to go first. If you want to march into Fenghe Prefecture on a large scale, there is still a lot of preparation work to be done in the early stage.

Everyone listened to Lu Yu's orders one after another, and their hearts were filled with shock. They knew that Lu Yu was going to make a big move this time, but they didn't know what kind of big move it would be.

It wasn't until all the orders were given that Fu Yusheng mustered up the courage to ask, "Master Feng, are we preparing for war? I wonder who our opponent is this time?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "This time we are going to take over a brand new territory - Fenghe State. If we want to challenge you, it is everyone!"

Liu Ru lives inside.

Fu Jing relayed the conversation between himself and Lu Yu to Mrs. Ru.

"What did you say?" Mrs. Ru's voice suddenly raised an octave, "God? He told you that he is a god? Is this the secret hidden in him?"

Fu Jing said: "This is not what he said, but my inference... To be able to cross all the stars in the sky, come here from other worlds, and create a miracle like Feng Hezhou, this is not a god or a god What?"

"This is his misleading to you!" Mrs. Ru corrected, "This Afeng is so cunning! He is very good at using the situation to his advantage!"

"I used to say that the hunter in the mountains just happened to save you, and now I say that he came according to God's will. In fact, the purpose of both statements is the same, which is to put the initiative in his hands. In fact, what he said There is no truth!"

Fu Jing said helplessly: "Mother, your prejudice against Afeng is really too deep..."

"Do you think I have no doubts about him just because of his few words? In fact, with the improvement of my cultivation level, every time I look back on the details of the past, I will have a new feeling, even from my current perspective Looking at it, many of his original methods are still incredible.”

"Especially since he casually condensed the character 'Guanlan'. This character can actually point directly to the origin of our power. Apart from divine means, I really can't find any other way to explain all this..." …”

"So, what Afeng said today may sound incredible at first, but it is in line with his usual behavior!"

Mrs. Ru was silent for a moment and asked: "Then what are you going to do? Are you really going to follow his instigation and prepare to go to war against the Temple of Hades?"

Fu Jing's clear eyes showed a hint of determination: "Why not? Over the years, the Hades Temple has never stopped hunting us. Mother, you said it yourself, the reason why we are in this situation. , have been trapped in Xihai City for decades, and they are all the work of Hades Temple. Why should I be at peace with them? "

"But..." Mrs. Ru said anxiously: "If we want to complete the final awakening, we will inevitably need to cooperate with the Temple of Hades..."

Fu Jing said: "Mother, you are wrong about this. Since the Hades Temple can attack us and win over us at the same time, why can't we do the same? Blindly avoiding compromise will only lead to the other party's advancement. You and Daxie Negotiations between empires have already proven this.”

"On the contrary, if you show your sharp fangs appropriately, it will be easier to win respect. This is what Afeng taught me."

"Now, since A Feng intends to enter Fenghe Prefecture to participate in the competition, and has opened up joint channels everywhere, why don't we take the opportunity to show off our sharp fangs?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be startled.

When she looked at Fu Jing again, she could see the sharpness in her daughter's eyes, revealing a kind of spirit that would give her to anyone else.

She suddenly realized that her daughter was no longer the rich lady she used to be. She had undergone a drastic change, not only in her cultivation strength, not only in her appearance and temperament, but also in her mentality - this was a true strong mentality.

No matter how difficult and arduous the future is, I will move forward!

Only with such a mentality can the strong always be strong.

For a moment, Madam Ru was deeply moved, and she seemed to see the shadow of the supreme strong man of the Guanlan royal family in the past.

Although she had never seen a supreme strong man, she had heard of many related heroic deeds, and the strong demeanor shown in these deeds always made her fascinated.

Unexpectedly, she saw a similar strong demeanor in her daughter again.

"Mother, I have made up my mind on this matter."

Seeing that Madam Ru had not responded for a long time, Fu Jing continued.

"In short, from now on, don't interfere with Afeng's decision-making. Prepare well. The glory of the Guanlan clan will be restored from Fenghezhou!" After saying that, he bowed slightly and took the initiative to push Mrs. Ru's room. Mrs. Ru stood there, hesitating to move. After a long time, she sighed quietly, and her eyes gradually became firm again: "God? I can not interfere with his decision-making, but he can't interfere with the final awakening of my clan."

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