Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1773 You are wrong again

After the order to prepare for war was issued, the entire Xihai City became busy, like a huge machine running at full power, and there was a sense of tension that was about to come.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed.

On this day, Lu Yu was reviewing the preparations of the Miracle Army and making final preparations for the deployment of the large army.

Suddenly, Zhong Si hurried over and reported: "Master Feng, the envoy of the Great Evil Empire has sent someone again, saying he wants to see you!"

"Are you here again?" Lu Yu smiled softly, "I'm busy here, so let them wait!"

"But..." Zhong Si hesitated: "This time, Duke Huai'an came in person!"

Justice Huai'an was the powerful Grand Duke who had talked with Mrs. Ru in the side hall before. Ever since the conversation between the two was interrupted by Lu Yu that day, the negotiations between the two parties had never made any progress.

Duke Huai'an had asked to see Mrs. Ru many times, hoping to continue to broker an agreement between the two parties. Unfortunately, the situation in Xihai City had reversed. Mrs. Ru closed the door to thank the guests and refused to meet. Duke Huai'an had no choice but to come back to Lu Yu again. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu His frame was equally big, and he was blocked by waves of visitors sent by Huai'an Duke to invite him.

In the past few days, seeing Xihai City constantly deploying troops, punishing generals, and reorganizing troops, Duke Huai'an could not sit still this time, and finally blocked it in person.

However, Lu Yu remained unmoved and said: "So what if Duke Huai'an? He is Duke Huai'an of the Great Evil Empire, not our Duke Huai'an. If our Xihai City has accepted the canonization of the Darui Empire, he is the Duke of Great Rui." Under the rule of the Rui Empire, why bother with him so much? "

Zhong Si suddenly couldn't help but choked.

Only Lu Yu dared to say this...

But then again, Lu Yu had dared not to give the Grand Duke any face at the beginning of the Xihai City uprising. Now that he is no longer what he used to be, such behavior is nothing...

With Lu Yu's return, various news has been transmitted from the Da Rui Empire in the past few days. Only then did everyone know about Lu Yu's various glorious deeds during his trip to the Da Rui Empire.

It was a thing of the past that he collapsed the small white building of Grand Duke Heng. After he entered the territory of Gyeonggi Province, he killed everyone in the area and became the most popular for a while. However, even if he made such a fuss, no matter the imperial party or the rear party, But there was still nothing they could do against him. In the end, he turned into Queen Xuan's sister-in-law and became brother-in-law with Emperor Qing'en. Even when he left, Queen Xuan drove the flying phoenix to send them off for hundreds of miles...

These deeds sounded like a dream to Zhong Si, and his admiration for Lu Yu reached a whole new level.

Therefore, based on Lu Yu's glorious resume along the way, he is indeed qualified not to give face to Duke Huai'an. Even his status as a powerful grand duke is nothing in front of him.

After half a day of this, Lu Yu finally completed his review of the entire Miracle Army.

This newly formed army was originally built by Lu Yu using the method of motivation through military exploits. Since he formed the army, Xihai City has experienced successive great victories, so this army has extremely high morale and self-confidence.

However, after all, they had just formed an army, and their combat effectiveness was still not top-notch.

But over the past few days, Lu Yu decentralized Lu Guoguang and other Feishiying soldiers, making them the backbone of the new army. The combat effectiveness of the entire army has also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. It can be seen from this that, This trip to the Imperial Capital of Rui has greatly improved the experience of Lu Guoguang and others.

Lu Yu was quite satisfied with the results of this review.

Although the Miracle Army is still not the top combat force, there is still some time before it officially enters Fenghe State. It can still continue training along the way. I believe that by the time it actually reaches Fenghe State, the Miracle Army will transform. form a troop that matches its designation.

"Master Feng, you are really rare to see!"

Suddenly, just as Lu Yu was leaving the camp, a cold voice came from outside the warning range of the Miracle Army camp.

Zhong Si and others immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Now that Lu Yu was working in the Dongcheng Military and Horse Department, and the soldiers of Feishi Camp had been disbanded below, he automatically assumed the responsibility of Lu Yu's guard.

Lu Yu, however, had a calm look on his face and waved his hand calmly: "Don't be nervous, no one will do anything against me here. Mr. Huai'an, do you agree?"

It turned out that the person who suddenly appeared was Duke Huai'an of the Great Evil Empire.

Zhong Si couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately felt that something was wrong. After all, this was a real powerful man. He quietly intercepted here suddenly. Could it be anything good?

"Master Feng, don't blame me for being abrupt. It's really hard to see you. I had no choice but to make this move. Please forgive me." Duke Huai'an walked over slowly. Although he was apologizing, he also had a point of his own. Extraordinary magnanimity.

"I know Master Feng that you are a busy man and your time is very precious. I don't want to disturb you too much. How about we walk and chat?"

Lu Yu nodded: "It's rare for Mr. Huai'an to be so elegant! Then let's go for a walk!"

Then he waved to Zhong Si and others on the side and said, "You go ahead, I'll go back by myself and wait for me at the Bingma Sifu Yamen!"

"Master Feng..." Zhong Si hesitated, looking at Duke Huai'an with eyes filled with vigilance.

Lu Yu still just smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, I have already said that no one here will do anything bad to me!"

Zhong Si had no choice but to lead a group of subordinates to leave first, leaving only Duke Huai'an and Lu Yu walking in the wilderness.

Seeing Zhong Si and others gradually walking away, Duke Huai'an suddenly smiled and said, "Master Feng is so courageous! No one else would dare to make such a decision!"

Lu Yu asked back: "What? Is this decision difficult? Could it be that Duke Huai'an is really going to be detrimental to me?"

Duke Huai'an smiled and said nothing, with an unpredictable and profound expression on his dark face: "Although the sword in the hands of City Master Fu Jing is extremely sharp and magical, if something unexpected happens at this distance, I'm afraid it will be far away." Can’t save the near fire?”

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly: "Mr. Huai'an, are you threatening me?"

"How dare you!" Mr. Huai'an laughed: "I was just joking. Speaking of which, I would like to thank Mr. Feng for trusting me."

Lu Yu shook his head and half-smiled: "Mr. Huai'an, you are wrong again! In fact, I don't trust you that much. The reason why I dare to walk alone with you is not out of confidence in you, but in myself. Have confidence! If you don’t believe it, you can try it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the air around him instantly became bone-chilling.

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