Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1774 I am the Big Tree

Duke Huai'an couldn't help but stare.

For a moment, he only felt that the aura of Lu Yu next to him was as vast as the sea, which made him feel uncontrollable. It was really hard for him to imagine that the other party was a person who didn't even have a golden elixir. Why would he let himself have such a condition? a feeling of.

In the end, he had to give up the last vestige of fantasy in his heart.

Suddenly intercepting Lu Yu here, he had not thought of using coercive means to force the opponent to commit the crime. However, Lu Yu's performance at this time completely extinguished this tempting idea.

It is true that if he chooses to attack with all his strength, he feels that he still has a chance to subdue Lu Yu, but that will definitely alarm Fu Jing in the city. The miraculous sword will kill in the blink of an eye, and its edge is such that he has to stay away. .

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being Master Feng! No wonder he was able to walk out of the Dragon Pond and Tiger's Den of the Darui Empire unharmed. He really has real abilities!"

Duke Huai'an laughed and cleverly concealed the tense atmosphere between them.

"Master Feng, don't get me wrong. I have no intention of fighting with you. The Hengyue Principality and the Darui Imperial Capital are full of dangers and obstacles that can't stop you. Besides, Madam Ru has also tried to use force against you, but in the end it still failed. But I will never do such useless work again!”

"If my words and actions just now showed some hostility, it is also the result of my status as an envoy of the Great Evil Empire. I am in my position and seeking my own government. Please don't take it personally, Lord Feng!"

Lu Yu just smiled faintly. He clearly knew how insincere the other party's remarks were, but he did not expose him.

"Mr. Huai'an, don't blame me for not seeing you. Firstly, I've been really busy these days. Secondly, even if you and I meet, there won't be anything to say!" Lu Yu said unceremoniously.

Duke Huai'an's eyes sank slightly: "Master Feng, what do you mean by this? I know that City Lord Fu Jing has handed over all the decision-making power of Xihai City to you, but we have reached many cooperation intentions before, and A marriage has also been confirmed, do you want the new official to ignore the old score as soon as you take office? "

"Of course I won't let a new official ignore old scores." Lu Yu said with a smile: "But the situation has changed now. Your Excellency has been staying in the city these past few days. You should have seen that Xihai City is changing day by day. So we need to rethink a lot of things!”

"But please rest assured, even if you reconsider, the free trade agreements you and our wives have reached will not be overturned. What we have to consider is the future..."

Duke Huai'an couldn't help but frown.

The free trade zones now established in various parts of Xihai City are just the first step in their attempt to open the gate of Xihai City. In this way, they want to comprehensively kidnap the economic and trade of Xihai City and the supply of various raw materials. Import and export, so as to achieve his real demand-to control the entire Xihai City in all directions!

It’s true that Mrs. Ru is thinking about their purple and white plants, but they are also not fuel-efficient lamps. What they want is to take away the resources of the entire Xihai City, especially when it was just a short-lived flash in the pan recently, but it made the whole world... The shocking transformation pill!

If not, he would not have come to Xihai City to negotiate with Mrs. Ru in person.

Although Mrs. Ru is also a powerful character, she lacks the sensitivity of political strategy. What she wants most is the purple and white plant of the Great Evil Empire. Originally, under the confusion of Duke Huai'an, she was almost convinced, and she was not convinced at all. Without realizing that the various conditions proposed by the Great Evil Empire are a kind of political strategy that boils frogs in lukewarm water but drains the fuel from the bottom of the cauldron.

However, what he didn't expect was that at this time, Lu Yu came out halfway, causing all Huai'an Gong's previous carefully planned plans to go to waste.

"Master Feng, I know that you have made great achievements during your trip to the Darui Empire. Now the entire Xihai City is full of strong soldiers. It is said that there are also similar changes in the Darui Empire. It seems that there will be a fight between you two soon. Joint action..."

Duke Huai'an spoke again.

"But I hope you can understand one thing. In terms of pure national strength, our Great Evil Empire has an even greater advantage than the Darui Empire. If you think that with your back against the Darui Empire, you have found a big tree where you can enjoy the shade. That would be a big mistake!”

Lu Yu said: "Mr. Huai'an, if I heard correctly, are you threatening me again?"

Duke Huai'an sneered: "It's not a threat, it's just a simple statement of a fact."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly again and looked directly at the other person.

Duke Huai'an also showed no signs of weakness and responded with a tit-for-tat sharp look.

The atmosphere at the scene became tense again, but this time Duke Huai'an seemed more confident, because behind him was a huge empire with rich resources and strong soldiers.

"Master Feng, it seems that we really have nothing to talk about today, so I won't disturb you too much here!"

Duke Huai'an suddenly took a step back and bowed slightly.

"Before we say goodbye, I hope you can seriously consider what I just said. Who is the real big tree in Xihai City that you can rely on!"

After saying that, he flicked his long sleeves and turned around to leave.

Lu Yu stopped where he was, silently watching his leaving figure.

When he saw that the other party's figure was almost gone, he burst out laughing.

"What a big tree, what a strong self-confidence... It's a pity that I never thought about which big tree to rely on, because I am a big tree myself!"

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