Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1775 Depart tonight

Soon, the news of Duke Huai'an's departure spread throughout Xihai City.

In addition to Duke Huai'an himself, the entire Great Evil Empire's envoys and the free trade zones of the subordinate countries all evacuated Xihai City overnight.

Now everyone knows that there is a complete quarrel between Xihai City and the Great Evil Empire, and the Great Evil Empire's revenge is likely to follow.

Suddenly, there was some commotion in the city.

Affected by this, Lu Yu was immediately summoned to Liu Ru's center.

"Look at all the good things you've done!"

As soon as Lu Yu walked into Liu Ru's house, Mrs. Ru's reproachful voice came over her.

"I know you have the ability, skill, and temper...but can you stop making such a big deal and control your temper a little? Now that you've ended up like this, how are you going to end up?" Mrs. Ru His chest was heaving, looking like he was heartbroken.

"The end?" Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "What end?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but choked, her chest trembled and rose sharply for a while, and then she said: "Have you forgotten what you said? Didn't you yourself also promise to Jing'er that you will return from the Great Evil Empire next? Get the Purple White Strain to assist her in the second stage of bloodline awakening?"

Lu Yu looked at Fu Jing and said, "Miss, didn't you say this matter is not urgent?"

Fu Jing said: "I'm not in a hurry..."

Before she could finish speaking, Mrs. Ru interrupted: "If you're not in a hurry, I can't let you do whatever you want!"

"Do you know how much effort I put into trying to contact this line? The purple and white plants are so precious. Even if there is pressure from the Hades Temple, it is not easy to get them to take them out!"

"But it's better for you to just force away the guests I worked so hard to invite. All my hard work has been wasted by you... It's in vain that I really believed Jing'er's words. What kind of god do you think you are? What a shocking trick! I didn’t expect this to happen?”

Mrs. Ru was very angry and said as if she hated iron.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "Madam, it seems you are very anxious..."

Mrs. Ru said: "How can I not be anxious? So now Jing'er and I have completed the first step of awakening, and we are barely able to protect ourselves, but this strength is still not enough in front of the Hades Temple. look……"

"It just so happens that Jing'er is still being encouraged by you at this time to show off your sharp fangs to the Hades Temple. Maybe you can succeed in Fenghe Province this time. After all, it's all done with calculation but no intention... But what happens after you succeed? Have you ever thought about the consequences of provoking the Temple of Hades like this?"

"At that time, Jing'er's successfully awakened strength will be exposed in front of the entire Hades Temple, and will even lead to crazy revenge from the factions that have long wanted to kill us. If there were no Zibai Zhu to assist her in completing the second Stage awakening, then we will definitely die! No matter what kind of plan you have behind this, it will be completely defeated by then!"

Lu Yu smiled: "It seems that Madam is really not optimistic..."

Mrs. Ru snorted coldly: "You think I don't know how harsh Duke Huai'an's conditions are? Don't you know that his strategies will bring very serious consequences to Xihai City? But these are things that can't be helped..."

"Because only in this way can we get the Purple and White Strain. Although this will cause some follow-up problems, as long as we get the Purple and White Strain and let Jing'er complete the second stage of awakening, no matter what kind of All problems will be solved soon..."

"But you're good..."

"Forget it, there is no use talking about this now, just tell me how you are going to solve it next!"

Lu Yu said in surprise: "I didn't expect Madam to think so deeply. It seems that I am superficial... In this case, I will use all my troops to break into the lair of the Great Evil Empire, and first take a batch of purple and white plants. Let’s get it in hand!”

Mrs. Ru was suddenly stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

Fu Jing couldn't help but be startled, glanced at him silently, and said, "Are you serious?"

Lu Yu replied: "Of course! I came here this time just to tell the young lady and madam that Xihai City is now ready and the army can start!"

Fu Jing said: "But... didn't you say that our goal is to enter Fenghe Prefecture?"

Lu Yu blinked: "It is true that we are going to enter Fenghe State, but this does not prevent us from going to the Great Evil Empire to rob us... Besides, when Duke Huai'an left, he had already spoken harsh words to me. Even if If we don’t go to them for trouble, they will probably come for us!”

Fu Jing thoughtfully said: "It seems that you have already made up your mind..."

Lu Yu laughed loudly: "Isn't my confidence all given by Miss and Madam? I know that Miss you have already made preparations to let all the forces in Fenghe Province see the power of Guanlan reappear in time. , but I think the progress of this matter can be advanced a little, and placing him in the Great Evil Empire is also a good choice!"

Fu Jing's eyes suddenly lit up: "Since you have already made a plan, then I will cooperate with your arrangement!"

Mrs. Ru said in disbelief: "Crazy... You two are crazy... Do you know what you are talking about?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Madam, if you want to get the Purple and White Strain as soon as possible, isn't this exactly what you want? No matter how we negotiate, they will never give the Purple and White Strain willingly. I think there is no better way than This way we can get the purple and white strains faster!”

The smile on his face became a little more evil, like a devil smiling: "Don't you mean that even with the pressure from the Hades Temple, it would be difficult for them to hand over the purple and white strains? Then let's try to compare with the Hades Temple. The temple needs even greater pressure!”

"We'll set off tonight!"

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