Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1776 Night March

Night marches were a huge test for the troops.

However, after this period of training, the Miracle Army has become very disciplined, and marching at night is just a common thing.

What's more, with the Miracle Sword as a guide, the Galaxy Sword hangs high in the sky, and its light shines in the night sky, making it easier for the large troops to advance.

"what do you mean?"

In the army formation, Mrs. Ru looked at the Galaxy Sword hanging high in the night sky and couldn't help but frowned at Lu Yu who was standing beside her.

"What do you mean?" Lu Yu asked confused.

Mrs. Ru said: "Although I don't know anything about military affairs, I also know that the purpose of marching at night is often to hide. By the time the opponent discovers it, the troops who marched all night may have already arrived under their noses... But it would be better for you to let Jing directly Er Yujian flew to guide the way, as if he was afraid that others would not know that our large army was setting off. Are you deliberately trying to remind the Great Evil Empire? "

Lu Yu smiled and said: "My dear Madam, I really want to remind the Great Evil Empire! If we don't let them prepare in advance, how can we defeat them completely in one go? If we can't defeat them in one go, we will go back and forth like this. , How can we spend so much time with them?”

"What?" Mrs. Ru was shocked: "Do you want to finish the war with the Great Evil Empire in one battle?"

"Why not?" Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Our ultimate goal is to go to Fenghe State to establish a foothold. If a small evil empire can't handle it, how can we go to Fenghe State to face all parties? Pressure from power?”

"Little big evil empire?"

Mrs. Ru was very angry when she heard this.

"A Feng, you are so arrogant! I know you have been hiding it all, and this trip to the Da Rui Empire went very smoothly, but the Great Evil Empire is not comparable to the Da Rui Empire!"

"The Great Rui Empire has been fighting internally for many years, but the Great Evil Empire is highly centralized. As long as the Great Evil Emperor gives an order, the powerful princes from all over the country will surely follow. If you regard the Great Evil Empire as the Great Rui Empire, It’s a big mistake to be a soft persimmon!”

Lu Yu calmed down and asked with a faint smile: "I wonder how many powerful princes there are in the Great Evil Empire?"

Mrs. Ru was startled. This question really stopped her for a moment. It wasn't that the question was difficult to answer, but she couldn't follow Lu Yu's thinking and didn't know what Lu Yu meant by asking.

"According to the existing intelligence, there are more than twenty powerful men in the Great Evil Empire, large and small. From this point of view, the Great Evil Empire is indeed more powerful than the Great Rui Empire, but the Great Evil Empire The territory is vast, and it is impossible for twenty powerful archdukes to gather together at once. Even if we give them enough time this time, I guess they can only summon ten at most..."

As Lu Yu spoke, he raised a palm and shook it front and back.

"Ten!" Mrs. Ru couldn't help but stare.

She originally thought that Lu Yu's plan was to attack the Great Evil Empire by surprise and use some kind of strange move to make the final decision, just like the surprise attack on Grand Duke Nanlu in Luzhou City last time. She didn't expect that he actually planned to attack the ten powerful Grand Dukes head-on.

"Ten Grand Dukes are nothing, right?" Lu Yuyun said calmly: "When Miss just took over the position of City Lord, we had already fought three Grand Dukes at the same time. Now our strength is extremely high compared to that time. Regardless of location, I think it will be no problem for the young lady to handle the five princes alone!"

Mrs. Ru couldn't laugh or cry: "You are really optimistic... Even if, as you said, Jing'er can deal with five powerful Grand Dukes by herself, what about the rest?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Isn't there still Madam you left?"

Mrs. Ru's mouth twitched: "I don't have that much ability to deal with five Grand Dukes at the same time. I can handle two at most, which is my limit!"

"With Madam's words, that's enough!" Lu Yu patted his chest, "I'm still here! Madam, you will choose first, and leave the rest to me!"

The corners of Mrs. Ru's mouth twitched again, and this time she was completely speechless.


Do you think you are buying food from the wet market? Can you pick and choose at will?

"Don't worry, madam!" Lu Yu corrected his attitude and stopped joking, "In the past month or so, it's not just you and the lady who have made progress, I have also made considerable progress..."

"Perhaps you have also heard that during this trip to Da Rui Imperial Capital, I entered the cemetery of the Ning family and interacted with several of their ancestors. It can be said that I have met these elders. At the top level of these guys, even if there are more powerful archdukes in the Great Evil Empire, they cannot surpass the ancestors of the Ning family. Otherwise, they will not be just the Great Evil Empire!"

"So, a month ago, I wouldn't have been so sure, but now I have full confidence. No matter who the Great Evil Empire sends, they will be defeated by us in one fell swoop!"

Mrs. Ru was shocked and opened her mouth wide. After a while, she said: "I hope you are not bragging! Jing'er insists that you are a god. I want to see what kind of methods you have!"

Lu Yu laughed: "Madam, I'm afraid she will be disappointed again this time. Since I am a god, how can the god take action so easily? Besides, didn't we all agree before we set off? This time we are going to let the lady show off. Brilliant!”

Mrs. Ru was startled: "What do you mean by this?"

Lu Yu smiled but did not answer. He suddenly waved his long sleeves and rose into the air, flying towards the dazzling Galaxy Sword in the night sky, leaving only one sentence for Mrs. Ru on the ground:

"Madam, please be patient. You can continue to hold the battle here. I'll be back as soon as I can!"

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