Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1777 Subtle

Not long after, the Miracle Sword began to dance slowly in the night sky.

Mrs. Ru immediately understood Lu Yu's intention. It turned out that he was going to discuss sword skills with Fu Jing.

Mrs. Ru didn't know what the two discussed specifically, but soon the Miracle Sword in the night sky burst out with even brighter light.

The surrounding soldiers did not feel anything unusual, but Mrs. Ru, as a strong and powerful person, clearly felt waves of heart palpitations.

Obviously, this is the result of Lu Yu teaching Fu Jing how to use the Miracle Sword.

As the true master of the secret behind Fenghezhou's miracles, he has his own unique experience in the use of the Miracle Sword. In the past, he used the Miracle Sword to do all kinds of incredible things, including alchemy in the void, It was another time to transform the Moonstone. It seemed amazing at the time, but now that I think about it, it makes sense.

Mrs. Ru raised her head and stared at the night sky silently.

When she arrives in the Great Evil Empire and faces more than ten powerful Grand Dukes, it is still unknown whether Fu Jing can shine, but at least tonight, she is already shining.


Mrs. Ru murmured.

Even though she saw with her own eyes that Fu Jing's use of the Miracle Sword had become even better and her combat power had obviously increased a lot, she still looked worried and didn't seem very happy.

"What is your purpose... exactly?"

The night sky was as bright as day.

The light that burst out from the Galaxy Sword in Fu Jing's hand was like a star slowly falling.

Seeing this scene, the morale of the Miracle Army on the ground became even more inspiring. There is nothing more secure than being protected by the gods. At this time, they firmly believed that they were an invincible and invincible army. The word is worthy of its name.

"What was the original name of this sword?"

Fu Jing slowly withdrew her sword and asked Lu Yu with infinite emotion.

After awakening her bloodline power, she has a higher upper limit and can have a deeper connection with the Galaxy Sword. This gives her a deeper understanding of the power of the Galaxy Sword, and her heart can't help but be filled with shock.

"Galaxy Sword." Lu Yu replied.

"Galaxy Sword..." Fu Jing repeated, "What a name. The sword is indeed as its name suggests!"

She stretched out her long white fingers and gently touched the cold edge of the sword. Her movements were gentle and delicate, as if she were touching the most precious treasure in the world.

"It was originally supposed to be your sword, right?"

"Yes." Lu Yu nodded. Now, there is nothing to hide. "I came here from the original world. Everything has been lost. The only thing left is this sword."

"No wonder……"

Fu Jing seemed to think of all the unreasonable things in the past, and couldn't help but shook his head gently, and said: "Then what do you mean now? You have taught me the skills of using these divine swords. Are you planning to Do you want to continue giving this sword to me?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "At the beginning, my body was too weak to protect the sword. In addition, in order to hide my identity, I called the Galaxy Sword a miraculous sword. In your hands..."

"Now that the name of the Miracle Sword has been widely recognized, and you have awakened the power of your bloodline, it will indeed be more effective if it remains in your hand. This is also a good choice... "

"So, let's keep it in your hands for now!"

Fu Jing was silent for a moment and suddenly said softly: "Thank you..."

"Thank you for what?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

Fu Jing glanced at him and said, "Actually, you should have noticed it, right? You have such a profound understanding of the power of Guanlan, and you can easily condense the character 'Guanlan'. It's impossible not to see the clues..."

"I was able to successfully complete the first stage of awakening this time, and the effect was far beyond ordinary. My mother only thought it was because of my outstanding talent, and I was able to accumulate it over time. In fact, I knew that during this process, the Galaxy Sword It had a great impact on me. It was precisely because of its stimulation that I burst out with greater potential, although so far, I still don’t know what this is all about..."

"Perhaps you can tell me what this is all about?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled, and then showed a helpless smile: "Don't overestimate me... Indeed, I have seen some clues, but it is just some suspicion, if you hadn't said it directly now , I don’t dare to finalize it.”

"Then just talk about your suspicions..." Fu Jing said, "With your knowledge of the Galaxy Sword, you will always have a better idea than me..."

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said: "Actually, the Galaxy Sword was originally called 'Shen Shang'. It has a great history and has a very famous reputation in the world. Although I re-sacrifice it and become its The new owner doesn’t dare to say that he has 100% understanding of its power and characteristics…”

"If it has some stimulating effect on you, all I can think of is that a certain power quality on the sword will stimulate the blood power hidden in your body to a certain extent, thus stimulating you more thoroughly. The awakening..."

"It's like a fish jumping out of the water and seeing a different scenery; like an ant climbing up a towering tree and seeing the vastness of the earth... Although a fish is still a fish, an ant is still a fish. Still an ant, but this influence is subtle, and one day it will explode completely, just like the situation you are experiencing now..."

Fu Jing said in astonishment: "You mean that this Galaxy Sword is actually a channel that allows me to peek into a wider world, thereby subtly affecting my awakening?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "That's all I can think of. In fact, not long ago, I used a similar method to help a powerful archduke improve his cultivation, but that was because I had already mastered her power. Based on a certain degree of understanding, as for you..."

"Frankly speaking, although I can deduce the starry sky character of 'Guanlan', I still can't fully understand the secret hidden in your bloodline, and I don't even know which power trait on the Galaxy Sword is important to you. It has had such a profound impact, so I don’t know how to further add to its application..."

"However, since it has been confirmed that the Galaxy Sword has a positive impact on you, then you can continue to keep it. Anyway, I won't be able to use it for a while. If possible, I also hope to find out. The secret of your body!"

Fu Jing fell silent again, and after a moment, he suddenly asked: "Is the powerful Grand Duke you helped not long ago the Empress Xuan of the Da Rui Empire?"

Lu Yu was caught off guard and never expected that she would suddenly change the topic to this. Wasn't she originally talking about her own problems? How could she have time to think about this?

Without waiting for Lu Yu to answer, Fu Jing continued: "It is said that during your mission to the Darui Empire, Queen Xuan's cultivation suddenly improved by leaps and bounds, even surpassing the level of many ancestors of the Jin and Ning families. She is now a member of the Darui Empire. A veritable first person... If I didn't have my own experience to compare, I wouldn't have thought of this. Now combined with my own experience, I think it must have played a big role in you..."

She looked into Lu Yu's eyes, which were as clear as water and unblinking:

"Is it because of this reason that Xuancai gave her sister to you in marriage?"

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