Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1803 Birds and beasts disperse

Next, Lu Yu directly dragged King Ye up like a dead dog. His movements were so unceremonious that King Ye's face even hit the ground several times, causing his skin to become bruised and swollen in an instant.

" careful!" Fu Jing couldn't help but remind him.

Lu Yu said carelessly: "It's okay. Even though he is young, he is very thick-skinned and not easily bruised... Besides, he himself said that the winner is the winner and the loser is the loser. Since he loses, he has to fight." If you have the consciousness of losing, what’s the point of not suffering a little bit?”

Fu Jing was speechless.

However, the two still ran into some trouble when they left.

When the two sides fought before, they were surrounded by the Great Evil Empire's army array. Unexpectedly, after such a violent turmoil, these troops still did not lose the ability to fight. I don't know if it was because King Ye had given them special protection or because they He has a special way to save his life.

"Hurry up and let His Highness go! Otherwise, we will all perish together!"

These troops are fierce and murderous, with millions of lions wielding their swords at the same time, creating quite a momentum.

Although Lu Yu and Fu Jing could leave by flying into the sky, there were also some masters of crossbows among this army of millions of lions. They directly locked the two figures with sharp arrowheads, although there was a high probability that they would not be able to leave. It may cause fatal harm to the two of them, but it also requires them to spend a lot of energy to resolve it. This is a troublesome matter after all.

Faced with this situation, Lu Yu was a bachelor and broke King Ye's leg directly, then dragged his broken leg and lifted him up, his whole body showing a strange twist.

"Everyone, stand down!" A cruel smile appeared on Lu Yu's face: "If anyone dares to act rashly, I guarantee that the one who will die first will definitely be your Royal Highness!"

The general opposite didn't know who he was. Seeing Lu Yu's attitude, his eyebrows jumped involuntarily. Finally, he waved his hand to signal his subordinates not to act rashly.

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Very good...I won't embarrass you. I don't need you to put down your weapons and surrender on the spot for the time being. However, this matter today is not something you can handle. Please spread the news quickly." Let’s go back to the capital of the Great Evil Emperor. As long as the Great Evil Emperor hands over what we want, we will naturally let King Ye go. Otherwise, you just have to deal with his funeral arrangements!”

After saying that, he directly dragged King Ye up into the sky, ignoring the sharp arrow clusters with cold light.

Facing King Ye who was swaying in Lu Yu's hands, the general did not dare to order an attack in the end, and had to watch Lu Yu walk away.

Next, they encountered several waves of powerful Grand Dukes intercepting them along the way. Lu Yu followed suit. No one was so tough that they dared to ignore the safety of King Ye. In the end, they all had no choice but to avoid it, watching helplessly as Lu Yu and Fu Jing watched. leave.

Soon after, the two returned to the camp in Xihai City. The place still looked as it did when they left, with clouds and mist rolling in all directions, and the dazzling Galaxy Sword in the center hanging high in the air, maintaining a deterrent to the many powerful men around. .

"Why are these guys still hanging around here? Haven't they received the news yet?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

Fu Jing said: "Although you didn't use your Five Elements of Heaven and Earth escape all the way back, your escape speed and mine are already extremely fast. We have only just returned here. How could they receive the news from there so quickly?"

Lu Yu suddenly slapped his forehead: "That's right!"

He always subconsciously believed that this world also had such things as communication talismans, but in fact the level of communication in this world had always been very low. Even the top experts could not achieve instant communication across the shackles of time and space.

Lu Yu also tried to apply prisoner communication in this world, but in the end it ended in failure. Because the laws of heaven and earth are completely different, precise positioning cannot be achieved in this world. In other words, when a message is sent, it is impossible to find the receiving location, so long-distance communication can only be a fantasy.

Unless Lu Yu could find a treasure like the Star-Gathering Bead and be able to use starlight to assist positioning, then long-distance communication would be possible, and even inter-galactic communication might not be impossible.

"In this case, let me inform them!"

After speaking, Lu Yu handed King Ye into Fu Jing's hands.

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned: "What are you going to do?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Since King Ye was defeated by you, it would be better for you to take the lead in this kind of appearance. Besides, it would be more convincing for you to capture the legendary powerful man alive! "

Fu Jing was confused when he heard this, but he still followed the instructions and took King Ye over and held him tightly in his hand.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand to grab it again, and suddenly the Galaxy Sword flew straight over.

This move naturally attracted the attention of many powerful men around them. However, from such a long distance, they could not see clearly what happened and could only make wild guesses in their hearts.

What Lu Yu wants to do is to help them see everything happening here clearly and clearly.

I saw Lu Yu's curved fingers flick lightly on the Galaxy Sword. Suddenly there was a clear "buzzing" sound from the sword, and a curtain of light swept out and spread continuously, covering a radius of nearly a hundred miles. It was as if a huge curtain had been erected between heaven and earth.

What is displayed on the light screen is the real-time dynamics of Fu Jing capturing King Ye in his hands. All the details are revealed. Now the many powerful men around him should know what the situation is now...

"Everyone, are you still waiting for King Ye's next instructions? With all due respect, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait any longer!"

Lu Yu raised his voice and spoke loudly, and his voice echoed all over the world.

"If you want further instructions, I suggest you go back to the capital of the Great Evil Emperor!"

Before he finished speaking, the clouds and mist were already billowing in all directions.

Although Lu Yu could not see the specific appearance of those strong men, the expressions on their faces must be very exciting at this time.

After a while, the sky and the earth became clear.

The many strong men who originally surrounded the Miracle Army troops have dispersed.

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