Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1804: Drive straight in

"You actually captured King Ye?" Madam Ru looked at the two people who slowly landed on the ground, and was so surprised that she couldn't speak.

When the light curtain shone in the sky, not only did many great dukes and strong men scatter like birds and beasts, but all the camps of the Miracle Army were completely boiling.

Many of them may not know what happened specifically, but it is an indisputable fact that many strong men around were scared away. From this, it can be inferred that they must have the upper hand. In any case, this is something worth celebrating.

But Madam Ru still couldn't believe that this was the fact. Fu Jing was originally invited by King Ye to attend the meeting alone. She had a premonition that this meeting would not be harmonious, and even a conflict between the two sides was inevitable. However, she didn't expect that things would end in this way... The dignified King Ye, the legendary peerless strong man, was actually captured by two people?

"The people are already in front of you, how can this be false?" Lu Yu spread his hands and said.

Madam Ru looked up and down at the dead King Ye, and said uncertainly: "This is really King Ye, not your magic?"

In theory, since Lu Yu can use a leaf to transform into clothes, it doesn't seem to be difficult to understand that he can transform into a living person.

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Madam, it's okay if you don't believe me, but you should believe the young lady, right? Could she lie to you?"

Fu Jing nodded and added: "Mother, this is indeed King Ye, but now he is under the spell of Afeng. Only in this way can we control him."

Madam Ru accepted this reality with difficulty.

At this time, Fu Yusheng and other elders also gathered around and happened to hear the conversation between the three people. They were overwhelmed with admiration for Lu Yu and Fu Jing, so they knelt down to express their inner admiration.

"Congratulations to the City Lord and Master Feng for their victory in the first battle, a great victory!"

"Get up!" Lu Yu waved his hand lightly, "What do you mean by great victory? This is just the beginning... The battle has just begun. The real great victory still depends on you!"

Fu Yusheng was stunned: "Master Feng, what do you mean?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Didn't you say before that you were almost sick from staying here? Now the time for attack is ripe. Now that King Ye is in our hands, the other side has a million troops but no leader. If we don't attack now, when will we attack?"

Madam Ru was surprised and said: "We must enter the Great Evil Empire now ? Since we have the real King Ye in our hands, I think the Great Evil Empire will sooner or later surrender, so why take more risks? "

Lu Yu said: "Didn't Madam say before that the Purple White Plant was under the strict control of the Great Evil Empire? If we don't come here in person, what will they do? If possible, I hope that the place where the Purple White Plant is produced can be replaced by our people to control..."

"Besides, I don't think there will be any risks in attacking the Great Evil Empire now!"

Next, the Miracle Army crossed the border of the Great Evil Empire and launched a full-scale attack on the hinterland of the Great Evil Empire.

The Great Evil Empire's army was originally stationed inside the country. Although the morale of the army was low, it still had the strength to fight with millions of people.

But Lu Yu was completely unreasonable. Whenever he encountered fierce resistance, he would drag King Ye out and beat him up, and broadcast the battle live with the light screen emitted by the Galaxy Sword. In this way, the troops of the Great Evil Empire no longer had the heart to resist. The offensive of the Miracle Army was in full swing. Wherever they passed, the troops of the Great Evil Empire either surrendered or took the initiative to retreat.

So there were frequent reports of victory along the way. The Miracle Army marched straight into the territory of the Great Evil Empire. In just a few days, they had fought for thousands of miles and their troops were approaching the capital of the Great Evil Empire - Wangjing.

After the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

No one could have imagined that a small Xihai City had such a powerful combat power that it could beat the great Great Evil Empire without any chance to fight back.

If they were just amazed by the performance of Xihai City before, then this time they were deeply terrified. Since even the Great Evil Empire could not resist their troops, what would be their fate?

This even includes the nominal monarch of Xihai City, Emperor Qing'en. When the Miracle King won a series of victories, Emperor Qing'en immediately sent an envoy to praise the Miracle Army's achievements. Finally, he tactfully asked Lu Yu what kind of additional rewards he wanted.

In fact, Xihai City has been ranked as a Grand Duke, which is the limit of the empire's rewards. If it continues to be promoted, it is estimated that Emperor Qing'en will have to move up a position. No wonder he is so cautious.

In response, Lu Yu just smiled faintly and replied, "Your Majesty trusts Xihai City, and that's enough," and then ignored the matter.

Relatively speaking, at this time, he needs the assistance of the Ning family more. Although the Miracle Army has been unstoppable, it has limited manpower after all. Facing the thousands of miles of battle lines, it is impossible to hold the rear defense and stand firm. At this time, it is equivalent to being alone and deep in the enemy's territory. It is necessary to have the Ning family's troops follow up and replenish the defense in a large scale, so that he can completely have no worries.

However, both the sisters Ning Wanxuan and Ning Wanqing, as well as those old monsters of the Ning family, seemed to be very patient and did not send anyone to contact them immediately. This naturally did not mean that there was a problem in the relationship between the two parties. It only meant that they were already taking practical actions, so there was naturally no need to send anyone to ask about their well-being.

Therefore, Lu Yu had no choice but to be patient. He knew that this attack on the Great Evil Empire was completely unplanned. Although the Ning family controlled a large number of troops, it was not so easy to mobilize. One move could affect the whole body. , the Darui Empire's troop mobilization is not as easy as that of Xihai City, and it will inevitably take a while to get them to cooperate with the actions here.

Unexpectedly, before the Ning family could receive such news, the Great Evil Emperor's capital, Wangjing City, was the first to receive the news.

When the Miracle Army troops were still more than 300 miles away from Wangjing, the Great Evil Emperor in Wangjing City finally couldn't sit still and took the initiative to send an envoy to negotiate. And this time the envoy no longer came empty-handed, but They brought a cart full of purple and white plants.

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