Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1805 Testing the medicine on one’s own body

"Is this the purple and white strain?"

Lu Yu looked at the strangely shaped giant plants in front of him and said in disbelief.

This is a very huge plant. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a towering tree. Although it has the shape of a giant tree, it is not in the shape of a tree. Instead, it looks like the antlers of a male sika deer, made up of countless branches. Made, very unique.

The overall shape looks like a huge coral, but it is not the texture of coral, but an unknown purple and white substance that exudes fragrance. This may be why the name Purple and White Strain comes from.

In order to transport this purple-white plant to the front of the Miracle Army, the envoys of the Great Evil Empire spent a lot of effort. Ten sets of pulleys were used at the bottom of the plant, and dozens of horses were used. Ma, this purple and white plant was transported over. The whole process can be said to be quite labor-intensive.

"You have never said before that Zibaizhu is such a big guy..." Lu Yu turned to the mother and daughter beside him and said.

Needless to say, Fu Jing had never had the opportunity to see a purple and white plant. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Ru also looked surprised and said, "I didn't know that the purple and white plant was so huge. I have never seen this thing before..." "

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "You haven't even seen it? So you don't know whether this thing is real or fake?"

Mrs. Ru nodded hesitantly.

Unless Fu Jing goes through the second stage of awakening on the spot, she really has no way to tell whether this purple and white plant is genuine or not.

Lu Yu looked at the huge plant in front of him again and said: "This thing is big enough, but why do I feel that it is not as rich in spiritual energy as the Linghui grass you took out last time? Could this really be a lie? Goods?"

The envoy from the Great Evil Empire on the side suddenly broke into sweat when he heard the exchange between the two, and said quickly: "General Lu is joking, this purple and white plant has been cultivated in Suyu Yunchi for nearly a hundred years. It is I saw it being dragged up from the Suyu Cloud Pond with my own eyes. There is absolutely no way it is fake. Cheng is willing to use his life as a guarantee!"

This envoy's surname was Cheng, and he was also a powerful Grand Duke. Lu Yu could not figure out his specific name, but he only knew that his title was Duke Yunyang, and his status in the Great Evil Empire was no worse than that of Duke Huai'an.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Mr. Yunyang, it's not that I don't believe it, it's just that these days people are far apart from each other, so it's better to be careful... You don't have to worry, I will naturally have a way to verify its authenticity, if it's okay If so, I won’t embarrass you, but if you have any questions, haha, you know!”

After saying that, Lu Yu patted him on the shoulder and gave him a meaningful look.

Duke Yunyang was so shocked that he spoke for a moment. After only a short moment of contact, he immediately realized the moodiness of this rising star.

He couldn't help but think of Duke Huai'an and King Ye again. He had to say that the envoy responsible for dealing with Xihai City was a high-risk profession. The experiences of his two predecessors undoubtedly fully demonstrated this, and he didn't know whether he could survive this time. Yu Difficulty.

Fortunately, Lu Yu didn't put too much energy on him and immediately started "inspecting the goods."

He walked up to the purple and white plant, suddenly broke off a section, and then quickly took the plant section into his mouth amidst everyone's exclamations.

The crowd's exclamations suddenly became louder.

In particular, Duke Yunyang, as one of the few strong men in the Great Evil Empire, has been responsible for managing the Purple White Plant for many years. He clearly knows how overbearing the medicinal power of the Purple White Plant is. Although this plant is a great tonic, it is also very powerful. Not everyone can take advantage of it. Lu Yu actually swallowed a piece of the purple and white plant directly into his stomach. This was simply asking for death.

However, a scene that surprised Mr. Yunyang even more appeared. Lu Yu was seen chewing on the purple and white plant, as if he was eating something delicious, without being affected at all.

Mr. Yunyang was about to petrify on the spot. He had never thought that Zibai Zhu could be tested in this way...

Little did he know that Lu Yu's body was already immune to all poisons.

It is true that Lu Yu did have other methods to isolate the specific attributes of the purple and white strains, but undoubtedly this method of Shen Nong tasting hundreds of herbs was the most convenient and trouble-free, allowing him to obtain the most accurate results in the shortest time.

While doing all this, Lu Yu was thinking about the sacred tree king tripod in another world. That man likes to devour all kinds of rare materials. Such a job should be the most suitable for him!

However, he soon had no time to think about this anymore, and finally the medicinal properties of the purple and white strain were separated between his lips and teeth.

Lu Yu became excited in an instant. He felt a burst of pleasure rushing towards Tianling Gai. He couldn't help but want to open his mouth and shout. But when he opened his mouth, he immediately spurted out a stream of flames, which shocked himself.

Then, Lu Yu finally managed to control the power of the medicine and turned it into alchemy energy. Just when he couldn't help but want to spit out the alchemy energy, he opened his mouth and immediately sprayed out a series of ice cubes.

At this time, it was Lu Yu's turn to be shocked. The medicinal properties of this purple and white strain were so complex and powerful that he had never seen before in his life.

However, this was not the end yet. Just when Lu Yu finally survived two days of ice and fire and thought he had finally refined all the medicinal power, unexpectedly, two more rays of light shot out from Lu Yu's mouth. The purple and white creature looked like a swimming dragon. After jumping around for a while, it jumped back onto the huge plant, submerged into the purple and white branches, and then became completely silent.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look shocked.

Then he burst out laughing again.

The act of testing the medicine just now undoubtedly shows that this purple and white strain has extremely strong plasticity. It can not only be used to assist Fu Jing in completing the second stage of awakening, but can also be used in many prescriptions. Come in handy.

Now you can say you have found a treasure!

This trip to the Great Evil Empire was indeed not in vain!

"Mr. Yunyang, you are indeed a real person! Now I can confirm that you did not mess up this purple and white tree..." Lu Yu said with a smile.

"But, what do you mean by sending this purple and white plant here? You don't think you can get rid of us just like this, do you?"

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